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Sewing 101: zippered throw pillows

Sewing 101: zippered throw pillows
Next up in our learn-to-sew series: throw pillows! Throw pillows are another fantastic way to incorporate cute textiles and DIY flair into your home without a great investment of time or money. If you’ve ever gone into a fabric store and wanted to buy everything because it’s just all so gorgeous, then pillows are a great way to put those fabrics to work in your decor. Bold or loud prints that would be too much used in large scale (like in curtains) can be just right for a little pillow pop on a sofa or bed. I’m going to show you how to make a zippered pillow cover, which is easier than it sounds, I promise. The best part? CLICK HERE for the full zippered throw pillow how-to after the jump! A Word on Zippers Ok, I know you’re not going to believe me when I say this, but installing a zipper is REALLY EASY. What You’ll Need ½ yard fabric (if your pillow is larger than 16”, you’ll need more fabric) 1 pillow form (buy this at a craft store or upholstery shop) Thread to match your fabric Seam ripper

Patrons Gratuits width: 164px" class="wp-caption alignright"> La couture gratuite ! dernière mise à jour avril 2012 Voici les 100 meilleurs tutos sélectionnés par pour chaque année vous side-info-column"> trouverez des catégories Déco, accessoires, enfants, fringues,… en anglais Les 100 meilleurs tutos couture 2011 Les 100 meilleurs tutos couture 2010 Les 100 meilleurs tutos couture 2009 Les 100 meilleurs tutos couture 2008 Sur ces sites vous pourrez trouver des patrons gratuits pour tous types d’ouvrages : hommes, femmes, enfants, accessoires, déco. Share size:0px;height:0px;line-height:0px;margin:0;padding:0;clear:both">

sewing 101: making a duvet cover I don’t know about you, but I never cease to be shocked at the price of bedding. And nothing sets off my “I could make that myself so much cheaper and better” instincts like duvet covers. It’s just a big flat case of fabric, yet even the simplest options easily soar into the three digits—but all it takes to make your own is a bunch of fabric, a few straight seams, and a spare afternoon. Not only will going DIY with your duvet cover save you some cash, it’ll also allow you to custom-make exactly what you are looking for. *if you missed any of brett’s sewing 101 columns this month, check out her archives: curtains, zippered throw pillows, ottoman slip cover CLICK HERE for the full how-to after the jump! What You’ll Need Approximately 10 yards fabric (see below to calculate exact amount; I suggest buying extra just in case) Yard stick, long quilter’s ruler or tape measure Sharp scissors Straight pins Sewing machine Iron and ironing board Selecting and Preparing Fabric Fabric Tips Planning and Cutting

Tutos vêtements Femme - toujoursplushaut Vêtements Grossesses: Bandeau de grossesse: de grossesse (T38 40): et jupe femme enceinte (tailles 40 à 48): femme enceinte (42-60): de grossesse (36-42): de grossesse (T38): de grossesse: des patrons en vêtements de grossesse: with Hook-and-Eye Closure: 2 en 1 d'allaitement: Tee-Shirt + Pantalon de grossesse: Salopettes + Robe style Renaissance: de grossesse et de portage (T38 40): de Portage: Jupes, Jupons, ... Robes, ... Tuniques, Blouses, Bustiers ... Manteaux, Vestes, Gilet ... Tips for Buying & Using Your First Sewing Machine | Apartment Therapy DC If you've never owned one, sewing machines can seem daunting. Here are a few suggestions for finding one suitable to a beginner skill level and for getting comfortable with how it works.Don't let uncertainty keep you from getting started on all those sewing projects you've thought about. These days, you can easily find a user-friendly machine in a reasonable price range. Using it is a matter of pacing yourself, reading directions, and knowing when to get help. Consult a reputable source — be it your sewing-savvy mom or a community-driven site such as BurdaStyle — to learn terminology, have support, and get reviews. Amazon can give you good prices and a lot of user feedback on new machines — Brother brand is popular, and sew/vac shops can give you expertise and a deal on a refurbished machine. Keep it simple. Use your machine as soon as you get it. Go slowly. A few online resources:Burda StyleThreads magazineSew, Mama, Sew! Image: Kristin Lubbe for Apartment Therapy

Des patrons de couture gratuits - Des patrons expliqués pas-à-pas Des patrons de couture faciles Qui n'a pas souhaité se coudre un vêtement ? Du patron, à la confection, en passant par la customisation, il est possible aujourd'hui plus que jamais grâce à internet de trouver des patrons gratuits pour coudre ses habits ou les transformer. Grâce à des patrons faciles et gratuits à télécharger ou à reproduire, chacune, débutante ou plus expérimentée, peut se constituer une garde-robe à l'image de son tempérament. Ne résistons plus à l'envie de nous faire une robe ou une jupe, pionchons dans les patrons de couture ou les modèles de tricot pour nous offrir la garde-robe de nos rêves. Le best off des patrons de couture Fashion Meets Decor: Outfits to Rooms | Apartment Therapy DC Previous image Next image It's all about fashion today, which makes it the perfect time to revisit one of my favorite columns, from one of my most beloved reads, of the past. Yes, the magazine I'm speaking of would be Domino and the regular column was, “Turn This Outfit into a Room”. This outfit from Anthropologie inspired Momtastic blogger, Liz Stanley to create the room below. A bedroom combining stripes, metallics, florals and neutrals that's neither overly feminine or trendy. This gorgeous and bold outfit from fashion blog, Atlantic-Pacific, was the inspiration for the living room below. Elements of Style blogger, Erin Gates, is continually inspired by the fashion from Atlantic-Pacific. If, like me, you miss your monthly fix of this column, Caroline at Looks Good To Me, has a similar feature called Object/Outfit. Images: 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, Looks Good To Me; 2, 3, The City Sage; 4, 5, Design*Sponge; 10, Sketch 42; 11, 12, Momtastic; 13, 14, Elements of Style

patrons Archives Difficile car il faut être très précis dans les mesures. La méthode pour créer un patron ex nihilo est expliquée ici. Un patron de pantalon classique comporte 3 pièces : - le dos - le devant - la ceinture Pour créer votre patron de base, il faut partir d'un pantalon qui vous va bien. Matériel nécessaire : - une grande feuille de papier souple : du papier de soie ou, à défaut, du papier journal Le dos 1/ placer les axes vertical et horizontal Mettre le pantalon à l'envers. - Sur le papier, tracer les deux axes DM et NO en les faisant se couper en P. Il s'agit maintenant de mesurer la distance à ces deux axes de plusieurs points situées sur les coutures et sur les pinces (autrement dit : leurs coordonnées). 2/ la pince du dos - Sur le pantalon : mesurer la distance aux deux axes de la pointe (Q) et du haut de la pince (R). 4/ couture du dos Pour l'arrondi de la couture du dos, on peut procéder de la même façon que précédemment. Découper le patron sans déplier la pince.

The City Sage: Outfit to Room 'Round about this time of year I start to long for an escape, and my daydreams inevitably lead me to the beach. I don't care where in the world I land, so long as there is surf, sun and sand. Give me a gauzy sundress, a skimpy bikini, and some SPF 500, and I am golden (well, pasty white, but you get the idea). Bonus points if there's an airy beach house for midday naps. Seaside stripes get a girly tweak with a ruffled tank. Blue and white are not the only maritime colors this girl can get behind. Another unexpected twist! Turquoise and coral versus periwinkle and peach. One of my favorite summers was spent in Nice before my final year of high school. Image Credits: 1, 9.

Pop Couture | La couture gratuite ! Set Pieces: Kate Beckett's new loft look in 'Castle' Season 4 Fans of "Castle" will have something new to explore on Monday: New York police Det. Kate Beckett's reimagined loft. When the ABC drama kicked off Season 4 on Monday, Beckett was near death from a gunshot wound and it was to this loft that she retreated after her apartment had been blown up at the end of Season 2. The gung-ho cop returns this season a changed woman -- and the vibe of her newly redecorated 1,200-square-foot home reflects that. "There’s a lot about the space that I think indicates a shift in the character," said actress Stana Katic, who plays Beckett. "Castle" production designer Alfred Sole said Beckett’s new loft had been constructed to reflect that she was in a bad place emotionally. Sole has painted the brick walls and exposed beams with putty-colored Benjamin Moore paint, a color called Indian River, and added faux metal door and window trims in Steel Gray paint from Modern Masters. "I really enjoy the industrial feel," Katic said. "I love the painting," Katic said.

Psychose Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. La psychose (du mot grec ψυχή, psyche, « esprit, âme », et -ωσις, -osis, « anomalie ») est un terme générique psychiatrique désignant un trouble, ou une condition anormale, de l'esprit évoquant le plus souvent une « perte de contact avec la réalité. » Les individus souffrant de psychose sont nommés des « psychotiques ». La psychose qualifie les formes sévères d'un trouble psychiatrique durant lesquelles peuvent survenir délires, hallucinations, violences irrépressibles ou encore une perception distordue de la réalité.[2]. Le terme de « psychose » a une utilisation très variée et peut désigner toute expérience délirante ou aberrante exprimée dans les mécanismes complexes et catatoniques de la schizophrénie et du trouble bipolaire de type I[3],[4]. En outre, une grande variété de maladies liées au système nerveux central, causées par des substances étrangères ou des problèmes physiologiques, peuvent produire des symptômes de psychose.

Typographic Maps: Sleek, Stylish & Sentimental | Apartment Therapy San Francisco Previous image Next image I think I might be developing a map obsession. Maps are such an elegant way to display affection for your hometown, the city where you fell in love, or an unforgettable trip. These unique word weavings seem to convey so much through an exquisite display of the power of type. Top Row:1. Bottom Row:6. Images: As linked above. modèles de couture Signature Style of Great Cities: New YorkAmerican Style | Apartment Therapy New York Every block in New York displays a wild jumble of styles, a melding of past and present Alistair Cooke once described New York City as "the biggest collection of villages in the world." There are so many New Yorks contained within this one metropolis — millions of points of view and places of origin. But most New Yorkers are united by the same common elements that bind most Apartment Therapy readers: small spaces, street-smarts, and a passion for being ahead of the curve. Mulberry Street, c. 1900 Manhattan's building styles have changed with the eras, and though the city is constantly being reinvented, you can still see evidence of all these bygone styles, sitting side-by-side on nearly every block. The grand Beaux-Arts facade of the Metropolitan Museum of Art was completed in 1902, a far cry from the bustling tenements of Mulberry Street in the same era Within all this diversity, New York style does have some identifiable characteristics, beyond merely "eclectic." Previous image
