Paperpino Paper Automata & More… PaperCraft Art Creative - Free paper model toy doll card origami 10 sehr coole Papercraft-Download-Seiten 10 sehr coole Papercraft-Download-Seiten Papercraft, also das Zusammenbasteln von aus Papier ausgeschnittenen Figuren, übt eine seltsame Faszination auf mich aus. Ich habe eigentlich seit meiner Kindheit nichts mehr gebastelt, wahrscheinlich, weil mir zum einen die Zeit fehlt und ich zum anderen einfach viel zu faul und ungeschickt bin. Dennoch mag ich diese coolen Superhelden-Nintendo-Games-Zombies-Monster-Bastelbögen sehr. Hier eine kleine Sammlung der schönsten Papercraft-Downloads, die ich im Interweb gefunden habe. Viel Spass beim Basteln! Salt’n'Paper Shunichi Makino Corbis (tatsächlich funktionierende Kameras zum selbst basteln) RedBubble Macula NiceBunny NaniBird Cubeecraft Marshall Alexander Vincent Wilkie hat diesen tollen Beitrag verfasst.
Cute and Unique Handmade Scented Jewelry by Mei Pak - Tiny Hands Jewelry 40 Amazing Papercraft Templates for the Geek Inside You When considering papercraft, your first thought will most likely be of all that boring stuff you made in school, like paper flowers, printable seasonal cards or even scrap-booking. It doesn’t exactly sound like a hobby that stimulates much excitement, for the most of us anyway. How wrong you are. In actual fact, papercraft can be really cool and loads of fun, especially when you build one of the geeky printable templates we have for you in this post. All of the papercraft templates below, which may at first appear to be quite elaborate, are very easy to build. Gaming Console Papercraft Templates Classic Miniature Pinball Machine These fabulous all classic mini pinball tables, available in many different designs (Terminator 2, Medieval Madness, Indiana Jones…), are very easy to build. Template Download Page → Vintage Arcade Cabinet You could have your own Desktop Arcade Machine model in under an hour. Template Download Page → Snes Papercraft Template Download Page → Simple Black Wii
Design Tutorial: Creating a Propaganda Poster Posted Wednesday, 10 December 2008 by David Sykes in Photoshop, Design In the second installment of our "how to" series, based on entries to the Crestock Photoshop Contest 2008, David Sykes shows us how he brought together the photographic source materials provided in Adobe Illustrator to create his winning design for Round 1. The same end result could undoubtedly have been achieved using Photoshop alone, but Illustrator offers greater speed and precision for this particular style of design. Step 1 Research, Research, Research. In this case the topic was propaganda and our assignment (as I understood it) was to aesthetically replicate the propaganda posters or their style and put our unique twist to the work. has a wealth of information on this topic right there on the site - you can find links to this at the bottom of this post. Step 2 Find some kind of textured background. Step 2.5 Step 3 I then work out my layout. Step 4 I cut out the pics in Photoshop using the pen tool. Step 5 - &The AntiCraft! - StumbleUpon Christopher Lansdown (photo) Beth Skwareck (model) click image to enlarge A Petticoat for the Ages Although you can make this petticoat as a skirt to wear to work or school, its main utility is in its usefulness for the time-traveler. Say your future self invents a time machine, and comes back to offer you a ride in it, say next week. Maybe the two of you want to visit the Renaissance, or maybe you're thinking Victorian. Just as a space traveler's best friend is his towel, a time traveler's best friend is her petticoat. Here I'll give you a recipe for a basic petticoat, not too fluffy, suitable for everyday wear as a modern 2000s woman. by Beth Skwarecki Suggested Watching Doctor Who (New or Classic) on the BBC Difficulty Boy Scout Burnout Click here for definitions of difficulty levels. Finished Measurements Tailored to fit, but ~39" long if not shortened before making a casing for the elastic in the last step. Download Petticoat pattern with full-sized illustrations (pdf format) Materials