Saouls plus vite et plus tôt La première ivresse survient en moyenne à l'âge de 14 ans, et la manière de boire des adolescents a changé : il faut être ivre immédiatement. LE MONDE | • Mis à jour le | Par Catherine Vincent Chaque année, en octobre, sur le campus de Châtenay-Malabry, dans les Hauts-de-Seine, les élèves ingénieurs de l'Ecole centrale tiennent leur "Quadra Bang". La deuxième plus grosse soirée de l'école, organisée par l'Association des résidents (ADR), un rituel immuable. Mais, en 2006, la fête ne ressemblait pas aux précédentes. Pour la première fois depuis longtemps, l'alcool ne coulait pas à flots, et la Croix-Rouge n'eut pas à intervenir. Que n'a-t-on entendu, pourtant, sur ces soirées mythiques durant lesquelles la future élite du pays s'enivre ! Concept fondateur de ces rendez-vous : "l'open bar". "Cela faisait déjà plusieurs années que les mentalités commençaient à bouger. Le cahier des charges ? La modération imposée par Centrale sera-t-elle suivie ?
Confirmation Bias: Your Brain is So Judgmental - Video Heidi Grant Halvorson: So there are lots of biases that you can basically count on your perceiver being subject to. They’re going to interfere with the way this person sees you. The first and probably the most common is the confirmation bias. So confirmation bias is the brain’s tendency to once you start to kind of go get a sense of what someone is like, so you show in an initial interaction you start to feel like this is a funny person or this is a smart person or this is someone I can trust. So, for example, if in your initial encounter with someone you come across as kind of a jerk and you know it. What I thought of them originally that’s not true.
Kundalini Experiences, Kundalini Awakening, Kundalini Raising, Yoga, Brahmajnana: Medha Nadi, Medha Nadi Activation, Medha Nadi Awakening, Meditation, Meditation Experience, Medhita, Spirituality, Sphurita, English/Other Language Words Dervied From Sanskr A word has many meanings. It can be used in various contexts to mean many different things. In this post, I have chosen some important Sanskrit words which may help you understand the origin of meditation and spirituality.Believe it or not: More than 60% of word roots of English are from Greek and Latin and 90% of English scientific terms are from Greek. You need to Google and find out. Meditation and SPIRITuality terms of Greek and Latin are derived from the Indian language Sanskrit including the words 'meditation' and 'spirit/spirituality.' People who read meditation and spiritual books written in English or written by foreign authors are bound to misunderstand not only the terms "meditation & spirituality" but also many or all other terms associated with them due to wrong translation, misinterpretation, or misunderstanding by the writers/authors/translators. Meditation: Meditation is an Indian spiritual practice, which is being practiced in India since time immemorial. Dhyan/Dhyana:
Champ récepteur Une cellule ganglionnaire de la rétine à centre ON et à pourtour OFF répond de manière opposée à la lumière au centre et au pourtour de leurs champs récepteurs. Une réponse forte se déclenche à haute fréquence, une réponse faible se déclenche à faible fréquence, et aucune réponse signifie qu'aucun potentiel d'action ne s'est déclenché. Simulation par ordinateur utilisant les champs récepteurs rétiniens. Le champ récepteur d'un neurone sensoriel ou d'un neurone sensitif est le volume de l'espace qui modifie la réponse de ce neurone, quand un stimulus suffisamment puissant et rapide survient en son sein. Le concept de champ récepteur a été étendu au système nerveux central : lorsque plusieurs récepteurs sensoriels transmettent leurs signaux à une cellule centrale, ils forment le champ récepteur de cette dernière. Plus les champs récepteurs sont petits et plus ils se recouvrent, plus la capacité de discrimination résultante est grande. Système auditif[modifier | modifier le code]
Notre cerveau est-il fragilisé par Internet ? Omniprésent, le numérique amplifie nos mémoires externes, au risque d’amenuiser nos mémoires biologiques. LE MONDE SCIENCE ET TECHNO | • Mis à jour le | Par Florence Rosier Comment pallier les carences de notre mémoire biologique limitée, oublieuse, aussi labile et périssable que le tissu cérébral qui l’héberge ? La question taraudait déjà nos ancêtres. Face à la matière molle du cerveau, les disques durs des ordinateurs et le cloud offrent désormais une capacité de stockage quasi illimitée. Substitution des ressources Comment nos sociétés vont-elles s’adapter à ce bouleversement numérique ? L’inquiétude est loin d’être neuve. De plus, sa diffusion sociale a été très progressive, au contraire de l’irruption soudaine d’Internet. « Avec Internet, le danger est...
A neuroscientist who studies decision-making reveals the most important choice you can make The company you keep has an enormous effect on your happiness for surprising reasons, a neuroscientist claims. Alexey Ponomarchuk/Strelka Institute/Flickr According to Moran Cerf, a neuroscientist at Northwestern University who has been studying decision-making for over a decade, the surest way to maximize happiness has nothing to do with experiences, material goods, or personal philosophy. It's all about who you decide to spend time with. But "it's not just advice to choose your friends carefully," Cerf told Business Insider. There are two premises that lead Cerf to believe personal company is the most important factor for long-term satisfaction. The first is that decision-making is tiring. (Cerf has actually made it a personal policy to always pick the second menu item on the list of specials when he's out to eat, for just that reason.) The second premise is that humans falsely believe they are in full control of their happiness by making those choices. Cerf rejects that idea.
What is Theravada Buddhism? Theravada (pronounced — more or less — "terra-VAH-dah"), the "Doctrine of the Elders," is the school of Buddhism that draws its scriptural inspiration from the Tipitaka, or Pali canon, which scholars generally agree contains the earliest surviving record of the Buddha's teachings.[1] For many centuries, Theravada has been the predominant religion of continental Southeast Asia (Thailand, Myanmar/Burma, Cambodia, and Laos) and Sri Lanka. Today Theravada Buddhists number well over 100 million worldwide.[2] In recent decades Theravada has begun to take root in the West. Many Buddhisms, One Dhamma-vinaya The Buddha — the "Awakened One" — called the religion he founded Dhamma-vinaya — "the doctrine and discipline." Pali: The Language of Theravada Buddhism The language of the Theravada canonical texts is Pali (lit., "text"), which is based on a dialect of Middle Indo-Aryan that was probably spoken in central India during the Buddha's time.[7] Ven. A Brief Summary of the Buddha's Teachings
Réseau neuronal convolutif En apprentissage automatique, un réseau de neurones convolutifs ou réseau de neurones à convolution (en anglais CNN ou ConvNet pour convolutional neural networks) est un type de réseau de neurones artificiels acycliques (feed-forward), dans lequel le motif de connexion entre les neurones est inspiré par le cortex visuel des animaux. Les neurones de cette région du cerveau sont arrangés de sorte qu'ils correspondent à des régions qui se chevauchent lors du pavage du champ visuel[1]. Leur fonctionnement est inspiré par les processus biologiques[2], ils consistent en un empilage multicouche de perceptrons, dont le but est de prétraiter[3] de petites quantités d'informations. Les réseaux neuronaux convolutifs ont de larges applications dans la reconnaissance d'image et vidéo, les systèmes de recommandation[4] et le traitement du langage naturel[5]. Présentation[modifier | modifier le code] Traitement convolutif[modifier | modifier le code] Les pixels d'une tuile sont analysés globalement. .
Everybody lies: how Google search reveals our darkest secrets | Technology Everybody lies. People lie about how many drinks they had on the way home. They lie about how often they go to the gym, how much those new shoes cost, whether they read that book. They call in sick when they’re not. They say they’ll be in touch when they won’t. They say it’s not about you when it is. Have you ever cheated in an exam? Have you ever fantasised about killing someone? Were you tempted to lie? Many people underreport embarrassing behaviours and thoughts on surveys. Has anything changed in 65 years? Then there’s that odd habit we sometimes have of lying to ourselves. The more impersonal the conditions, the more honest people will be. How, therefore, can we learn what our fellow humans are really thinking and doing? The power in Google data is that people tell the giant search engine things they might not tell anyone else. I have spent the past four years analysing anonymous Google data. The Truth About Sex How many American men are gay? First, more on that survey data.
Negative, Gloomy Teens Can Reframe Their Thoughts For The Better "Why didn't she text me back yet? She doesn't like me anymore!" "There's no way I'm trying out for the team. I suck at basketball" "It's not fair that I have a curfew!" Sound familiar? Psychological research shows that what we think can have a powerful influence on how we feel emotionally and physically, and on how we behave. You may not be of much help when it comes to sharpening your son's calculus skills. Taking heed of an alarmist or pessimistic inner voice is a universal experience. Still, the insecurities that adolescents feel as they undergo the multiple transitions necessary in growing up make them especially vulnerable to believing the worst. Helping children grasp the importance of thinking more realistically may help protect them later when they make the huge transition to college. The power of thoughts to affect feelings and behavior is a foundational principle of cognitive behavioral therapy, which is the form of therapy that I practice. Catastrophizing. It's not fair!
Kundalini Experiences, Kundalini Awakening, Kundalini Raising, Yoga, Brahmajnana: Kundalini Myths, Chakra Myths, Kundalini as it is, Kundalini Rahasya, Kundalini Secrets, Chakra Secrets, Self-realization secrets, Enlightenment secrets Basics: Kundalini is the power responsible for our breathing, without which we are all dead as a dodo. Kundalini is also the power that is responsible for SPIRITual awakening, SPIRITual knowledge, loosening the knots of the SPIRITual heart, and Enlightenment. In the above picture, the two snakes represent DNA. The two snakes also represent Ida and Pingala nerves or nerve channels (responsible for our breathing) which are connected to our left and right nostrils through which we breathe in and breathe out. The middle staff/rod (Meru Danda) is the Sushumna (ethereal/spiritual nerve channel responsible for SPIRITual awakening/knowledge). The head of the staff is Sahasrara and the wings represent freedom/liberation/enlightenment/Nirvana/Kaivalya. In short, Kundalini is a breathing mechanism, which connects Ida, Pringala, Sushumna, and many other physical and spiritual nerve channels. Kundalini breathes through Ida and Pingala when it is sleeping or downward looking. Truth: They are not.
Erreur de conjonction L'erreur de conjonction consiste à baser son jugement sur des informations personnalisantes plutôt que statistiques. Le biais de représentativité est une forme de biais cognitif. Exemple[modifier | modifier le code] L'illustration la plus flagrante en a été faite par Tversky et Kahneman en 1983[1]. Linda a 31 ans, elle est célibataire, franche et très brillante. Selon vous, Linda a-t-elle plus de chance d'être : Guichetière dans une banque.Guichetière dans une banque et active dans le mouvement féministe. La très grande majorité des gens (89 %) répond 2[2] en dépit du fait que la probabilité que deux événements se produisent « ensemble » (proposition 2) est toujours inférieure ou égale à la probabilité qu'un de ces événements se produise (proposition 1). Bibliographie[modifier | modifier le code] Kahneman, D., Slovic, P. & Tversky, A. Liens externes[modifier | modifier le code] (en) Judgment under uncertainty [archive], sur Google Books Références[modifier | modifier le code]