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L’art d’agir ensemble : Origami créatif pour faire et apprendre en mode collaboratif Le collectif canadien Percolab travaille sur une thématique qui fait mouche : « Que les organisations s’engagent avec courage, attention et présence dans leur transition vers de nouveaux paradigmes de travail et d’apprentissage ». Il vise à aider les personnes à développer des capacités de participation et de collaboration, d’ouverture et de partage, d’agilité et d’adaptabilité, de créativité et d’expérimentation, de débrouillardise technologique. Méthode pour agir collectivement en mode collaboratif Autour des notions de faire, d’univers libre et de participation en mode collaboratif, Percolab a imaginé l’origami – cocotte papier créative imprimable et pliable à partir des éléments The Art of Hosting (communauté internationale qui travaille dans la complexité pour le bien commun) : L’art d’agir ensemble, les 4 volets de la pratique (1 page, en pdf). Cocotte papier : jeu L’art d’agir ensemble L’art d’agir ensemble, les 4 volets pratiques : Explications Comment plier la cocotte papier

A list of creative exercises for creative teams Every Friday afternoon, the Product Experience team at Foursquare gets together and ends the week with a creative exercise. The PX team is a big mash-up of visual designers, UX, copy, research, and product operations, and it’s a lot of people’s favorite meeting of the week. Our team aspires to be imaginative in our approach to problem solving, and we’ve found it is a great way to keep pushing a consistent vein of creative freedom in our work. Here’s how it works. The team experiences real benefits, too. A bunch of other design and product team leads have asked me for a list of the exercises we’ve done, so they can do them with their teams. These are presented in the order we did them (over the last two years), with great thanks to each member of our team who came up with these ideas. Make your sandwich // Design the sandwich that reflects your personality. Blind portraits // Everyone pair off and draw each other’s faces (5 minutes each) without looking at the paper once.

Team-Building Exercises: Creativity - Team Management Tools Strengthening Creative Thinking in Your Team © iStockphotoJohnathanAustinDaniels Balloon sculptures can help people drop their defenses and connect more effectively with one another! Jessica has a great team. What's more, even though everyone respects one another's views, they seem afraid to say things that might be perceived as silly, off-the-wall or wrong. Jessica wants her team meetings to buzz with activity. What can Jessica do to invigorate team meetings and give people the confidence to join in and be more creative? This article looks at five team-building activities you can use to strengthen your team members' creative thinking and collaboration skills. Supporting Creative Thinking Creativity is essential for driving innovation and a commercially competitive spirit. When organizations focus on productivity, they impose rigid procedures that make it difficult for team members to be creative, so it's important that managers support creative thinking. in your team. Creativity Exercises .
