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Related:  Hacking

Cain & Abel Cain & Abel is a password recovery tool for Microsoft Operating Systems. It allows easy recovery of various kind of passwords by sniffing the network, cracking encrypted passwords using Dictionary, Brute-Force and Cryptanalysis attacks, recording VoIP conversations, decoding scrambled passwords, recovering wireless network keys, revealing password boxes, uncovering cached passwords and analyzing routing protocols. The program does not exploit any software vulnerabilities or bugs that could not be fixed with little effort. It covers some security aspects/weakness present in protocol's standards, authentication methods and caching mechanisms; its main purpose is the simplified recovery of passwords and credentials from various sources, however it also ships some "non standard" utilities for Microsoft Windows users. The latest version is faster and contains a lot of new features like APR (Arp Poison Routing) which enables sniffing on switched LANs and Man-in-the-Middle attacks.

Institute - The SANS Security Policy Project Welcome to the SANS Security Policy Resource page, a consensus research project of the SANS community. The ultimate goal of the project is to offer everything you need for rapid development and implementation of information security policies. You'll find a great set of resources posted here already, including policy templates for twenty-seven important security requirements. Find the Policy Template You Need!

How to hide files in JPEG pictures If you’re looking to hide files on your PC hard drive, you may have read about ways to encrypt folders or change the attributes on a file so that they cannot be accessed by prying eyes. However, a lot of times hiding files or folders in that way requires that you install some sort of software on your computer, which could then be spotted by someone else. I’ve actually written quite a few articles on how you can hide files and folders in Windows XP and Vista before, but here I’m going to show you a new way to hide files that is very counter-intuitive and therefore pretty safe! Using a simple trick in Windows, you can actually hide a file inside of the JPG picture file! You can actually hide any type of file inside of an image file, including txt, exe, mp3, avi, or whatever else.

Infosec Writers Text Library Disclaimer: Content in this library are provided "as is" and without warranties of any kind, either express or implied. InfoSec Writers does not warrant the use or the results of the use of the content in terms of their correctness, accuracy, reliability, or otherwise. Black Hat ® Technical Security Conference: USA 2010 // Archives Caesars Palace Las Vegas, NV • July 28-29 Event AUDIO & VIDEO: The Source of Knowledge will be onsite to sell audio and video recordings of the Briefings sessions. Their booth will be located outside of the Fourth Floor (Promenade Level), Emperor's Ballroom, or click here to visit the SOK site: order media » Quynh Nguyen Anh, Kuniyasu Suzaki

Forensic Analysis of a Live Linux System, Pt. 1 1. Introduction During the incident response process we often come across a situation where a compromised system wasn't powered off by a user or administrator. This is a great opportunity to acquire much valuable information, which is irretrievably lost after powering off. I'm referring to things such as: running processes, open TCP/UDP ports, program images which are deleted but still running in main memory, the contents of buffers, queues of connection requests, established connections and modules loaded into part of the virtual memory that is reserved for the Linux kernel. All of this data can help the investigator in offline examination to find forensic evidence.

Tutorial: Cracking WEP Using Backtrack 3 Standard Disclaimer: This article is provided for informational purposes only. and its affiliates accept no liability for providing this information. Please only use to test configurations on your own equipment. Accessing WIFI networks that do not belong to you is ILLEGAL. This article will explan how to crack 64bit and 128bit WEP on many WIFI access points and routers using Backtrack, a live linux distribution. Institute - SANS Top-20 2007 Security Risks (2007 Annual Update) Critical Security Controls for Effective Cyber Defense Over the years, many security standards and requirements frameworks have been developed in attempts to address risks to enterprise systems and the critical data in them. However, most of these efforts have essentially become exercises in reporting on compliance and have actually diverted security program resources from the constantly evolving attacks that must be addressed. In 2008, this was recognized as a serious problem by the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), and they began an effort that took an "offense must inform defense" approach to prioritizing a list of the controls that would have the greatest impact in improving risk posture against real-world threats.

Comment hacker un système informatique: 12 étapes Catégories: Informatique | Programmation Autres langues : English: Hack, Español: hackear, Português: Hackear, Italiano: Hackerare, Русский: стать хакером, Deutsch: Einen Computer "hacken", 中文: 成为黑客, Bahasa Indonesia: Meretas, Čeština: Jak hackovat, Nederlands: Leren hacken, 한국어: 해킹하는 법 In Unix, how do I change the permissions for a file You can change file permissions with the chmod command. In Unix, file permissions, which establish who may have different types of access to a file, are specified by both access classes and access types. Access classes are groups of users, and each may be assigned specific access types.

Flexible One-Time Password MetaSystem High security multifactor authentication using aseries of single-use "passcodes" does not needto be expensive. In fact, it can be free... Generate your own unique set ofPrintable Paper Passcards right now: What is "Multi-Factor Authentication" . . . and why might you need it? Almost without exception, today's Internet users prove their identity online using a fixed account name and password. Firesheep - codebutler When logging into a website you usually start by submitting your username and password. The server then checks to see if an account matching this information exists and if so, replies back to you with a "cookie" which is used by your browser for all subsequent requests. It's extremely common for websites to protect your password by encrypting the initial login, but surprisingly uncommon for websites to encrypt everything else.

Packet Crafting for Firewall & IDS Audits (Part 1 of 2) With the current threat environment that home and corporate users face today, having a firewall and IDS is no longer a luxury, but rather a necessity. Yet many people do not really take the time to make sure though that these lines of defense are indeed working properly. After all, it is very easy to invalidate your router's entire ACL list by making a single misconfigured entry. The same can be said for your firewall, whereby one poor entry into your iptables script, for example, could leave you vulnerable. Have you properly configured certain options which may be available with your firewall?

Anti-Virus test file Additional notes: This file used to be named ducklin.htm or ducklin-html.htm or similar based on its original author Paul Ducklin and was made in cooperation with CARO.The definition of the file has been refined 1 May 2003 by Eddy Willems in cooperation with all vendors.The content of this documentation (title-only) was adapted 1 September 2006 to add verification of the activity of anti-malware or anti-spyware products. It was decided not to change the file itself for backward-compatibility reasons. Who needs the Anti-Malware Testfile
