VTK - The Visualization Toolkit
Python Wrapping - KitwarePublic
From KitwarePublic This section describes how to wrap ITK classes for being used from Python. Python will need to be installed along with the Python development headers (Python.h). If you need to specify a specific Python version or a custom location of the headers, the following CMake configuration variables can be modified: Step 2: Turn on Python wrapping in the ITK configuration Turn ON the CMake configuration ITK_WRAP_PYTHON. Step 3: Select the pixel types and dimensions to build You can choose what pixel types and dimensions to build into the wrapped interface. For the dimensions to support, set the CMake configuration variable ITK_WRAP_DIMS. The pixel types to support are boolean variables in the pattern ITK_WRAP_<pixel type>. ITK_WRAP_float ITK_WRAP_rgb_unsigned_char ITK_WRAP_vector_double ITK_WRAP_complex_double