Weather Science | Young Meteorologist
We’ve gathered extensive links to digital resources designed to help everyone learn the science of weather, help educators reinforce their own content knowledge, and get kids engaged in science that affects us all each and every day. Weather Basics Weather Glossary The Weather Channel defines more than 800 weather-related terms. Web Weather for Kids Weather Glossary Kid-friendly definitions for basic weather vocabulary. Introduction to Clouds and Sky Watchers Chart This printable resource from NASA and NOAA’s National Weather Service provides both a basic introduction to the identification of clouds and a detailed cloud chart (also available in Spanish). Weather Instruments Get the basics on the specialized equipment meteorologists use to gather information about weather conditions (also available in Spanish). Hurricanes How In the World Do Hurricanes Form? Evolution of a Hurricane This interactive tutorial from USA Today shows the inner workings of a storm. Lightning Floods Tornadoes
Monialainen oppiminen | Open ilmasto-opas
Lähes kaikella ihmisen toiminnalla on vaikutuksia ympäristöön. Olosuhteista ja elämänvalinnoistamme riippuu se, kuinka suuri tuo vaikutus on. Hiilijalanjälkilaskurin avulla voidaan saada suuntaa antavasti selville yksittäisen ihmisen tai perheen elämäntapojen aiheuttama ilmastokuorma. Tässä ilmastonmuutokseen liittyvässä oppimiskokonaisuudessa mennään perusasioiden äärelle. Mistä ja miten sähkö tulee töpseliin? Opintojakso aloitetaan siten, että jokainen oppilas (ja opettaja!!!) (HUOM! Koulussa laskurin aihepiirejä syvennetään ja laajennetaan ja samalla tulee käsitellyksi monia edelläkin mainittuja arkielämän perusasioita. Mikä on hiilijalanjälki? Miten jalanjälkilaskuri toimii? Mistä ja miten saamme sähköä ja lämpöä ja miten ne päätyvät töpseleihimme ja pattereihimme? Rakentamisen ja rakennusten ilmasto- ja ympäristövaikutukset (tekninen työ) Miksi moottoriajoneuvoista syntyy päästöjä eri määriä? Miten liikkumiseni voisi olla ilmastoystävällisempää? Miltä tuntuu?
Weather Wiz Kids weather information for kids
Wind What is wind? Wind is air in motion. It is produced by the uneven heating of the earth’s surface by the sun. Since the earth’s surface is made of various land and water formations, it absorbs the sun’s radiation unevenly. What causes the wind to blow? What is a windstorm? What is a gust front? What is a downburst? What is a monsoon? What are the trade winds? What are the polar easterlies? What is a land breeze? How is wind helpful to Earth? What are some different types of wind names? Beaufort Scale The Beaufort scale is an empirical measure for the intensity of the weather based mainly on wind power. Wind Activities Lesson Plan: Here is a great activity the shows students how the winds work across the globe.Wind Experiment: Here is a great experiment that allows the kids to find out what's in the wind. Pinwheel Experiment: Here is an experiment that allows the kids to make a pinwheel to see how wind is created.
Weather Instruments | Weather Wiz Kids
Here is a great experiment that allows the kids to make a thermometer. Rain Gauge Experiment: Here is an experiment that allows a kids to make their very own rain gauge. The Doppler Effect Experiment: Here is an experiment that teaches kids what the Doppler Effect is. They can learn how the Doppler Effect works and why Doppler Radar is such as important tool in weather forecasting. Anemometer Experiment: Here is another great experiment that lets kids make an anemometer or wind vane. Windsock Experiment: Here is an experiment that allows the kids to make a windsock. Pressure Experiment: Here is an experiment that shows how pressure is created in our atmosphere by sucking an egg in a bottle. Science Fair Project Ideas: Here is a complete list of science fair project ideas.
Weather Wiz Kids weather information for kids
Winter StormsHow do winter storms form?Winter storms derive their energy from the clash of two air masses of different temperatures and moisture levels. Winter storms usually form when an air mass of cold, dry, Canadian air moves south and interacts with a warm, moist air mass moving north from the Gulf of Mexico. The point where these two air masses meet is called a front. If cold air advances and pushes away the warm air, it forms a cold front. How is snow formed? How do blizzards form? What are snowflakes? Why is snow white? What is thundersnow? What is an ice storm? How do ice storms form? What is a Nor'easter? What is Wind Chill? Click Here to calculate the Wind Chill.What is frostbite? Click Here to learn more about Avalanche Saftey. Know the Lingo WINTER WEATHER ADVISORIES - Issued for accumulations of snow, freezing rain, freezing drizzle, and sleet which will cause significant inconveniences and, if caution is not exercised, could lead to life-threatening situations.
Entä jos maapallo chättäisi sinulle? Katso viestiketju! | Luonto
On vähän hoppu, voitko palata asiaan myöhemmin? Ok, voidaan jutella myöhemmin jos sulla on kiire. Olisin vaan halunnut vähän avautua. 😖 On mulla hetki aikaa. Masentaa vaan, kun jengi on niin välinpitämätöntä. Sen lisäksi oon sairastanut enemmän kun aikoihin. Koskee tämä tavallaan suakin. No päällimmäisenä ahdistaa tietty tää Ja toisella puolella palloa ^Ei sun tarvitse just nyt tota lukea Mutta oikeasti: “Antarktiksen tutkimusta johtanut jäätikkötutkija Eric Rignot arvioi, että Antarktis on sulamassa tyystin, ei vain joiltakin osin. Mieti! No on kieltämättä kylmäävä uutinen! But first we take a selfie 🎵🎶🎵 Tää on Pohjoiselta jäämereltä. Okei okei, toi on wanha. Tää on tuoreempi. Pieni ero!? Hups, saatoin just olla kirjoittamassa jotain rupsahtamisesta Sori kyynisyys. No ei ihme. Minä? Kamoon, ei kai se nyt mun vika ole!? En mä niitä jäätiköitä ole sulattamassa! Sori, ei ollut tarkoitus syyllistää. 🤐 🏳 Mutta kyllä sullakin pieni vastuu on tästä. Ei muuten mikään kohtuuton suositus, vai?
on Butterfly Wings English - Home
What Causes a Blizzard?
Heavy snow, bitter cold, whipping winds … Winter storms are no picnic, but what is the official definition of a blizzard, and what causes them, anyway? The National Weather Service defines a blizzard as any severe snowstorm that is accompanied by strong winds — at least 35 mph — resulting in low visibility. The defining factor of a blizzard is actually the strength of the wind, rather than the amount of snow. While blizzards often feature extreme cold and heavy snow, there are actually no temperature or snow depth requirements for a storm to qualify as a blizzard. Blizzards can be very dangerous. In the United States and Canada, the areas most prone to blizzards are the plains states and provinces, the Great Lakes region, and the Northeastern U.S. and Canadian Maritimes. The Great Lakes region is especially lucky, because it is positioned to be hit by both types of storms.
Destination New Zealand - A NZ School Journal Project. Years 4-8 | Bex Teaching Resources
31 towns or cities, 18 activities, 66 NZ School Journal stories/articles, weeks of fun and learning. Destination New Zealand is an engaging and motivating reading project where students travel around New Zealand learning about different towns, cities, animals, people and cultures. They get to utilise the many NZ School Journals that school have access to. 18 activities, 31 towns or cities and 66 Journal stories or articles. Task/Activity List: NZ Interactive Starter *Character Traits Interactive Story Cube Wanted Poster *Ad Poster Quiz cards Word Cloud Word Find *Personal Inquiry Brochure Post Card to your Teacher Story Interactive Movie Story Board Write a story *Newspaper Article Parts of Speech Write a Letter to a friend Comic Strip *Board Game *Different activities to Destination World See the original Destination World Here.