User Survey: £4000 up for grabs! 3D World is the best-selling international magazine for CG artists, covering the fields of animation, VFX, games, illustration and architecture. Our team of CG artists and professionals provide analysis of latest trends in the market, artistic and technical advice, impartial product reviews, and exclusive behind-the-scenes articles on the making of key projects in this fast-paced industry. 3D World’s unique Advisory Board, which includes ILM’s Tim Alexander, Pixar’s Andrew Gordon and Ubisoft’s Pascal Blanche are on hand every issue to help with CG advice and career support. With over 10 years at the forefront of the CG industry, reporting on the latest movie VFX, with enviable studio access and in-depth video and step-by-step training, 3D World offers unrivalled inspiration and training every issue. Editorial Advertising
Fine Tuning Spry Menu Bars | Simple Primate Posted by jameswill on Sep 9th, 2009 in AJAX, Adobe, Dreamweaver, Featured Articles, My Work, Tutorials, Web, lodestone, | 12 comments One of the reasons that I started Simple Primate was to have a public space in which to respond to students of my titles. I plan on posting answers to some of the most common questions that I receive as well as using this as a platform for diving a bit deeper into more specific issues raised by student feedback. Maria had noticed that when testing her Spry Menu Bars in Firefox that the sub-menus would not reset if the user hit the Back button to return to the page. So, the first question is why is this happening? Firefox 1.5 uses in-memory caching for entire Web pages, including their JavaScript states, for a single browser session. Since that hasn’t changed since 1.5 we can safely say that Firefox’s caching preference is what is causing the issue. Javascript to the rescue… Adobe Forums to the Rescue! Try it out! Default | Fix 1. 2.
Web Design by Designer, Speaker and Writer Brian Hoff WordPress Tip: Stop Editing TwentyTen Theme. Use a Child Theme! - WordPress « Rev. Voodoo Shortlink: NOTE: While this tip is written 2010 specific, the concepts here apply to ALL themes, let’s read on! OK, it’s time for another little WordPress tip. This one won’t be full of all sorts of code or anything. So why aren’t your changes to twentyten safe? Now for your options. Option #1, simple copy and rename. The only thing you really need to change here is the theme name. Once you have zipped up the newly renamed and slightly edited theme, you install it just like any other theme. OK, that’s the simple copy and rename method. First, just make a new folder on your desktop and name it what you like, I called mine voodoochild (its best to keep the folder name lowercase, all one word). And that is it! You now have your style.css file in a folder. First, this line here: What is it? So you can either import twentyten’s css and just add your own rules, or paste all of twentyten’s css into your file and edit it. So what’s next? So there you have it. Like this: Like Loading...
How To Create a Vector Soldier Character in Illustrator Follow this step by step Illustrator tutorial to create a simple vector soldier character. We’ll begin by building the structure of the character with basic shapes, then adjust the line weights to create definition between the elements. To bring the character to life we’ll add blocks of colour before finishing it all off with a simple shading technique. Similar to the recent mechanic character tutorial, this soldier cartoon features a range of basic shapes to give a stylised appearance. The main body of the character uses exactly the same approach, with just the accessories and clothing defining the character. You can see the design take shape as it progresses from the black and white linework versions right through to the final colouring stages. Open up Illustrator and begin by drawing a circle and a rectangle onto the artboard to represent the head and body. Use the Rounded Rectangle Tool with max corner radius to add some limbs. Use an oval as a base for a sunglasses lens.
Themergency Best web design resources of June 2011 | Inspiration Here’s the round up of fresh web design resources for June 2011! we have icon sets, CSS3 tools, web typography, Chrome Extensions for Google Web Fonts and WordPress resources. General web design Mobile app mockups Mokk is a simple but effective web app to quickly mock… well, other web apps. Modernizr 2 The popular JavaScript library to enable HTML5 elements and use CSS3 properties in outdated browsers has been revamped and updated to its second incarnation. Better kerning for Lettering.js Kern.js is an impressive bookmarklet that will allow you to define an specific kerning for character pairs of titles created with lettering.js. Better font stacks This is a simple reference site that compiles some good choices to stack several fonts in your CSS stylesheets sharing common properties like x height, character thickness or width. Circular slider in jQuery ProCSSor
A Concept Worthy Of Rube Goldberg, For Handling Our Water Woes [Video] | Co. Design Goodnight, Irene, goodnight. But not before calling attention to a relevant prototype that’s now on view in Nevada. “Surface Tension,” by the London-based architectural studio run by Mark Smout and Laura Allen, is an attempt to make a conceptual machine-based landscape that can adapt to our changing water habits, whether irrigation or energy. The studio, Smout Allen has lots of experience with these sorts of fanciful reveries: They’ve designed a futuristic oasis for suburban London, proposed “envirographic instruments” for the Severn River, and visualized water landscapes in Oslo that could provide a source of kinetic energy. But maybe best of all is that, visually, it’s mesmerizing. As the reflective ropes pull up and down on the gold mylar, the A-frames that hold them are connected back to the mirrored chrome disc with a brightly colored handful of wires, all reflected and projected in the room, which crackles with meteorological effort.
Animated GIFs Capture Stanley Kubrick's Most Immortal Scenes | Co. Design If you’re a child of the ’70s, you can probably attribute a few nightmares (and fantasies) to Stanley Kubrick, whose impressive and disturbing oeuvre includes such cult faves as The Shining, A Clockwork Orange, and 2001: A Space Odyssey. Part of Kubrick’s genius was in crafting moods, not just scenes -- a mastery on full display in these animated GIFs created by Gustaf Mantel. In a single gesture, they capture an indelible moment in film history in a way no film still possibly could. Dr. Strangelove: “Mr. These types of animated GIFs, dubbed “cinematographs,” ripped up the Internet earlier this year when the photographer Jamie Beck and the motion graphics artist Kevin Burg began creating them as a way of splitting the difference between a still photograph and a video. 2001: A Space Odyssey: “Deliberately buried. "Dave!" “Viddy well, little brother. “Naughty, naughty, naughty! “Come play with us, Danny.” ["They're paying for it.
ART+COM : Salz weltweit Das Deutsche Salzmuseum in Lüneburg modernisiert seine Ausstellung und ergänzt das didaktische Präsentationsspektrum mit einer interaktiven Inszenierung. Die Installation „Salz weltweit“ bildet den Abschluss des atmosphärisch inszenierten Museumsrundgangs in der stillgelegten Saline. Besucher können an dem Medientisch Salzgewinnungsstätten rund um den gesamten Globus erkunden. Auf der projizierten Weltkarte sind 34 berührungssensitive Salzkristalle platziert, die exemplarisch ausgewählte Salzabbaugebiete weltweit symbolisieren. Berührt der Besucher einen der Kristalle beginnt dieser zu leuchten und die Salzkörnchen fließen zu einem Infofenster zusammen. In beiden Modi werden die auf den Tisch projizierten Inhalte computativ in Echtzeit generiert.
Cargo Simple Time-Saving Photoshop Actions from Around the Web As we’ve written before Adobe Photoshop is truly the premiere software suite for graphic designers. Website mockups can be created in a few hours time with full details and page graphics. Truly Photoshop has revolutionized the way web designers can work! One of the lesser known features inside Photoshop is the ability to save and insert Actions. These are specific events which you can save and re-play over and over on project work. As a true Adobe fan I love what they’ve done with actions in CS5. Photoshop Actions #142 Infection sa-cool Toasted Photoshop Actions PhotoShop action 07 Photoshop Action 8 PS Action Soft Focus Effect photoshop actions – 33 photoshop actions – 35 Old Black and White Old Photo Effect Action PhotoShop action 03 Oscar Pilch Photoshop Action HDR Fake Action Photoshop Action 25 Cross coloring Diabolic Vintage Photo city actions photoshop actions 71 Photoshop Action 25 Conclusion Whether you’re working freelance or for yourself project time is always a consideration. Show your love!
Artist of the week: Mark Newman Don`t be mistaken, this post is not talking about the british physicist. The topic of this post is Mark Newman, a sculptor artist, born in America in 1962. Who formed an interest in sculpture about 19 years ago, and since then he has done some incredibly realistic sculptures. Pages: 1 2