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themes by her These themes are made by ADESSIVE. They are very simple purposely to be convenient and clean. I try to update and manage my themes weekly. For further help on setting up your theme, go to the FAQ page along with other questions you may have. Hello everyone. ALL themes are back up and running. Thank you! NAIVEPreview—Download One columnOptional width sizing, post spacing, image fade, show borders, show date on index page, and show captionsEndless scrollingEdit fonts, font sizes, and colors GLOBALPreview—Download Two columnsOptional show description and link borders, captions, and endless scrollingEdit fonts, font sizes, and colors Columns vary depending on screen resolution with larger 1st and 5th photo postsOptional image fade and endless scrollingEdit fonts, font sizes, and colors Please be aware that photosets and videos are set to default 250. RADIATEPreview—Download Two columnsOptional show borders, captions, and endless scrollingEdit fonts, font sizes, and colors MINIMUMPreview—Download

Atlas Designs Has A Portfolio themes by atonals Grace Theme Code This is a simple one column theme, with optional endless scroll. The description is at the top of the page, if there is one. Sanity Theme Code This is a two or three column theme with endless scroll. Gypsy Theme Code This theme does not allow endless scrolling because of the location of the links and description. FLUME Premium Theme! Classy layout which was inspired by Neglect Theme Code This theme has two or three columns with endless scroll. Mirth PREMIUM theme for $5 Buy Here Preview 1 Preview2 Optional one or two columns for large picturesOptional two, three, four columns for small picturesOptional endless scrollCustom colors and fontsOptional to have a left aligned sidebar ******If after purchasing you do not get redirected to the correct website, send me a message with the name you used to purchase the theme via Paypal (I will check) and I will send you the code. Absent Theme Code (inspired by Dearth Theme Code

Untitled Themes 20 Thèmes Wordpress One Page pour Créer des Portfolios Atypiques Note : Cet article a été publié en janvier 2012, certaines choses peuvent avoir changé depuis. Si vous voulez simplifier la vie de vos visiteurs, employer un thème WordPress en une seule page (one page) peut être une bonne idée. Cliquer sur un élément du menu déclenchera une animation généralement verticale pour vous rendre à la section choisie (j’en ai tout de même trouvé deux avec une animation horizontale). Je recommande d’utiliser ce genre de thèmes si vous avez besoin d’exposer des projets, des photos, des travaux ou encore des compositions artistiques. Un thème WordPress One Page est l’assurance d’avoir un site internet professionnel et qui se démarquera à coup sûr. J’ai listé pour vous les 20 meilleurs thèmes WordPress One Page que j’ai pu trouver, j’espère qu’ils vous plairont et que vous en ferez bon usage ! Note d’Alex : Les liens menant vers les thèmes présentés ci-dessous sont des liens affiliés.

we will all laugh at gilded butterflies 15 thèmes Wordpress pour créer votre portfolio - wordpress-inspiration Retrouvez une sélection des 15 plus beaux Templates premium à télécharger pour mettre en avant vos réalisations professionnelles simplement avec Wordpress Photographes, graphistes ou illustrateurs, vous n'étes pas obligés de connaitre l'intégration et le developpement pour avoir un portfolio de bonne qualité. En moyenne autour de 30 $ ( environs 24€ ), nous avons séléctionné pour vous les plus beaux templates wordpress qui vont permettrons de montrer vos réalisations graphiques et vos compétences, simplement et avec goût. Ces thèmes sont en affiliation et nous permettrons de nous acheter du café si une de nos séléctions vous plait, mais cela n'altere en rien à leurs qualités ;) Halo Luminosity Temptation Single page Create Classica Gridlocked Brick+ Mason Eptonic Peano Creative Echo Alexia Castillo Folioway Fiero King Size London Creative

Milk Themes Haven’t submitted a theme in ages! Just to let you know, I’m working on new stuff and I also want to make this place look a bit better! I’m glad you’re enjoying the themes and I’ll answer the asks soon, too. Pleats. Install / Preview Warm Up, the third release by Milk Themes. Preview / Install Simple and ClearCustomize colorsCustomize fontsHigh resolution images Theme: Alba Grid Alba Grid, the second release by Nymphaea Themes. Preview / Install Customize colorsCustomize fontsCustomize widthInfinite scroll (audio, video, photoset fixed)High resolution images (might increase loading times and make load times long so use at own risk) November, 7th 2011 @ 17:45 / 24 / Permalink → Theme: Alba Alba, the first release by Nymphaea Themes. Preview / Install Customize colorsCustomize fontsCustomize widthInfinite scroll (audio, video, phoset fixed)High resolution images (might increase loading times and make load times long so use at own risk)

여보 adaryble whispered: thank you so much for all the help! i'm sure i am gettin gon your nerves /runs away THAANK YOUUU (also your profile picture is kawaiiii) you’re welcome :) & thanks! heavenlyhaute whispered: I feel like this is a hassle to ask you to do but I was wondering if it is possible to make codes for blogrolls to correspond with your existing themes. I just think it would be very helpful because I don't think that I am the only person who wants their themes to match. Thanks so much and I understand if you can't do it or don't want to :) you can try putting the following in your blogroll page. however, instead of making “custom page”, leave it as it is, click on html and paste the following below. try if that work or not. pasuteru-momo whispered: hii~ I feel pretty rude asking this due to you recently requesting not to >< However I'm not sure if this is a bug or tweak. sorry for not being clear >< adaryble whispered: h...i? i use chrome too and your theme is fine. gyapo: Theme #15.
