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4 Non Blondes [Lyrics On Screen]

4 Non Blondes [Lyrics On Screen]

The Cranberries Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre. The Cranberries é uma banda de rock alternativo irlandesa que ganhou notoriedade durante a década de 1990, vendendo mais de 14,5 milhões de álbuns nos Estados Unidos. A banda encerrou suas atividades temporariamente em 2003, porém retornou aos palcos em novembro de 2009 numa turnê pela América do Norte, e no ano seguinte pela América do Sul e Europa. Membros da banda[editar | editar código-fonte] História[editar | editar código-fonte] Origens[editar | editar código-fonte] Noel e Mike Hogan, dois irmãos de Limerick, criaram a banda em 1989 e poucos meses depois, Fergal Lawler entra para o projeto cujo nome original era The Cranberry Saw Us[1] , o saw us fazendo um trocadilho com sauce, molho em inglês (vale lembrar que cranberry é uma fruta típica da ilha irlandesa, no Brasil essa fruta é conhecida como oxicoco ou uva-do-monte). [editar | editar código-fonte] Em 1994, O'Riordan casou-se com Don Burton, o gerente de turnê da banda. Álbuns de estúdio

Using OmniFocus with Tips, Articles, Tutorials and Screencasts The program OmniFocus is one of the best (and most complex) task management applications for Mac (not available on Windows). Here, you’ll find links to all our articles and tutorials about how to use OmniFocus to increase your productivity and manage your time. Full list of Omnifocus articles, tutorials and screencasts Simple Task Management. The ten-part article series introduces a fictional character (Tom Jenkins), and the Asian Efficiency team give their perspectives on what the best way is to getting started with Omnifocus. The best way of setting up Omnifocus with structures and areas of responsibilities.How to apply Getting Things Done (GTD) or how to make your own workflow.Creating custom perspectives (next actions, today list, and more).Using Omnifocus on iPad and iPhone in sync.Cool tricks and advanced features.Managing email tasks with Mailplane and Apple Mail together with Omnifocus.How to use OmniFocus with Agile Results. Where to get OmniFocus Custom Theme

Best Sites For Good Free Stock Images - Blogging Sueblimely I have spent considerable time researching the best sites to find online free images/stock images, along with their copyright/ Creative Commons licences. Some of these sites will probably already be familiar to you but others new, as they were to me. I hope you find this of use, as it makes the time spent all worthwhile. Sites are listed in alphabetical order. Free Images BurningWell – a repository for public domain (free for any use) images. Waterlillies – Fiji Flickr Usage: image pages display their Creative Commons licencesFree Digital Photos Dot Net – Royalty free images Usage: commercial and non-commercial.Free Photos Bank Usage: see termsFree Public Domain Photos You may use these images for any purpose, including commercial Morning Glory Freerange Stock free stock photos – Freerange is an advertising revenue supported photographic community – photographers get paid when users click on the ads that appear next to their submissions. Kave Wall – Free Stock Photos, Images and Textures.

The big list of 100 tools, tips and tricks to work more efficiently online 7.2K Flares 7.2K Flares × What does it take to be productive? It’s a question I often ask myself and to be honest I don’t have a great answer for it yet. One key discovery I’ve made over the past year or so is that I need to have great habits in place. That’s why I’m working on a solid running routine and on a set wake-up time and sleep time. These things have been incredibly helpful for me and I know both Joel and Leo have discovered the same. One other realization I had is that, as I now spend so much of my day working online, there are a heap of new apps being created all the time to help us all become more productive. That’s why I thought of compiling a full list of 100 tools, tips and tricks for you to reflect a bit on your own productivity. Of course, a sure fire way to fail might be to try and use all 100, which Joel pointed out to me when we discussed this post! 10 awesome music sites to get into your zone “In the case of music, it’s a little different. 1. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Five things to know before using Facebook Timeline apps Facebook finally unveiled a host of apps this evening that, coupled with Timeline profiles, will bring an entirely new experience to its users. Initially announced at the F8 conference in San Francisco last September, Timeline apps (also known as Open Graph apps) allow brands to add real-world interactions to their applications. Spotify was one of the first companies to release a Timeline app, letting users share what they are listening to with their Facebook friends in real time. For example as a user listens to a song on Spotify, the activity appears as, "Jane Doe is listening to July by Youth Lagoon on Spotify" on Facebook. With tonight's announcement of more than 60 new Timeline apps, users can expect to see more actions beyond listening, like "reading," "watching," "cooking," and "running". But before you add these attractive new apps, consider the way Open Graph works and how exactly it will affect your Facebook experience. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Starting a Business: Advice from the Trenches If you’re like thousands of other designers, programmers and other creative professionals out there, at one point in time you’ve considered starting your own business. Unlike most, you’ve gone against common sense and decided to open shop for yourself. And not just freelance full-time, mind you, but file for the company name, get some stationery, and wade through the legal mumbo-jumbo. Maybe even get a real office with a water cooler. This article offers real-world advice from the trenches of a small start-up, and is applicable to designers, web developers, copywriters, usability experts and all manner of service providers. Freelancers take heed: there are several items that are just as pertinent to your profession. Write a Business Plan#section1 The most important thing you can do to prepare for starting and operating your own business. A few years ago, new age business rhetoric said forget the business plan and just run with it. File for a Fictitious Name#section2 Funding#section3 Good:

8 Tips for Starting a Business YogiTunes co-founder Alex King-Harris shares what it takes to succeed as a new business owner. January 11, 2012 Anyone who has ever started their own business will tell you: It's a lot of hard work. You build it from the ground up, put in countless hours to get it started and extensive efforts to keep it running. Alex King-Harris is the co-founder of the recently launched YogiTunes, which works a lot like iTunes, but specifically for the yoga community. Instead, yoga instructors were simply creating playlists for their own classes, but were unable to share with one another. YogiTunes offers a feature called the Yoga Teacher Playlist, which is a selection of songs picked by yoga instructors for use in their classes. Although YogiTunes is similar to the concept of iTunes, a platform of providing and sharing music specifically for health purposes had not existed before. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7) Be prepared to make sacrifices. 8) Do what you love to do. Photo credit: Courtesy subject

C.S. Lewis Biography C.S. Lewis was a prolific Irish writer and scholar best known for his Chronicles of Narnia fantasy series as well as his pro-Christian texts. Synopsis Born on November 29, 1898, in Belfast Ireland, C.S. Early Life Author Clive Staples Lewis was born in Belfast, Ireland, on November 29, 1898, to Flora August Hamilton Lewis and Albert J. Lewis's mother died when he was 10, and he went on to receive his pre-college education at boarding schools and from a tutor. Teaching Career and Wartime Broadcasts Lewis graduated from Oxford University with a focus on literature and classic philosophy, and in 1925 was awarded a fellowship teaching position at Magdalen College, which was part of the university. Lewis began publishing work in the mid-1920s with his first book, the satirical Dymer (1926). 'The Chronicles of Narnia' Though the book received some negative reviews, general readers took to the story in a big way. Marriage and Later Life Literary and Film Legacies

The Chronicles of Narnia Why did one find it so hard to feel as one was told one ought to feel about God or about the sufferings of Christ? ... An obligation to feel can freeze feelings... The Chronicles of Narnia is a series of seven children's books written by C.S. Lewis. The Chronicles[edit] The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (1950)[edit] For the 2005 movie, see The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Though the Witch knew the Deep Magic, there is a magic deeper still which she did not know... "By the Lion's Mane, a strange device," said King Peter, "to set a lantern here where the trees cluster so thick about it and so high above it that if it were lit it should give light to no man! Once a King or Queen in Narnia, always a King or Queen. My Dear Lucy,I wrote this story for you, but when I began it I had not realized that girls grow quicker than books. Prince Caspian (1951)[edit] Who believes in Aslan nowadays? For the 2008 movie, see The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian

10 incredible iPad apps for education Learning is rarely fun; it’s even less fun when being taught within the confines of a lecture hall or classroom. While this may be true, there’s no reason why you can’t make the process more entertaining and challenging. The tablet market has paved the way for educational resources in the form of slick, new apps, with text-books now being replaced by online downloadable versions of themselves. An array of stunning apps are at your disposal waiting to be exercised, so with this in mind, we decided to whittle down our top 10 iPad educational apps for students. Evernote It seems wherever you look nowadays, there’s Evernote. ➤ Evernote Price: Free Paper Winner at the 2012 Apple Design Awards for Best iPad app, Paper has taken creativity of app development to new heights. ➤ Paper Goodreader You could be forgiven for thinking Goodreader as just as a PDF reader for the iPad. Price: $4.99 Bamboo Paper – Notebook ➤ Bamboo Paper – Notebook iA Writer ➤ iA Writer Price: $0.99

29 Ways to Beat Procrastination Once and For All We all procrastinate. Sometimes it’s not a bad thing, but it can turn into something evil and nasty if we aren’t careful. Try these procrastination beating techniques to destroy this deadly foe once and for all. 1. Get up and move One of the best ways to “change the channel” of procrastination is to change your scenery. 2. Setup a daily (or hourly) reminder that you should be working on something or at least not wasting your time (unless you have time to waste). 3. There is nothing like having someone on your side when it comes to making your goals a reality. 4. You can do this with people around you or even with your motivation buddy above. 5. No matter what it is. 6. The nicest part about waking up early is that it is quiet and still. 7. You can’t wake up early and work if you don’t get to sleep early. 8. Sometimes we see how big a mess is in our lives and rather than do anything about it, we procrastinate. 9. Sitting in front of your TV isn’t a good thing (all the time). 10. 11. 12.

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