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Bringing Classroom Rules to Life

Bringing Classroom Rules to Life
School rules. The mere mention of these words can elicit heavy sighs and moans from children and adults alike. Rules order us around. Rules constrict us. “No running, no hitting, no pushing, no cutting in line, don’t interrupt . . .” As one young child put it, “You want to do something and the teacher just comes along and says you can’t!” But it doesn’t have to be this way. Early in the year, students and their teacher articulate hopes and dreams for the school year. The resulting classroom rules take on a radically different feel for students: These are our rules. Once the rules are created, teachers help students practice the rules. Of these three components—creating the rules, practicing the rules, and responding to rule breaking—the most often overlooked in the busy life of the classroom is practicing the rules. If we want children to get better at piano, what do we tell them? The importance of practice Two key ways for students to practice the rules are modeling and role-playing. Mr.

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Classroom Management Strategies for Elementary Teachers Updated 01/2014 "With what are you struggling?" I ask. "I think I need some more direction on the little decisions like what do you do when a student complains about a stomach ache right before a lesson," replies student teacher. Best Classroom Management Software in 2019 McGraw-Hill Education Connect is a robust toolkit of learning resources designed with the flexibility instructors need, to unlock the potential of a diverse student population. Connect provides opportunities for both formative and summative assessment. Our adaptive technology provides students with a safe place to make mistakes encouraging deliberate practice and enabling them to move one step closer to mastery.

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Elementary Classroom Rules and Management by Leah Davies, M.Ed. By Leah Davies, M.Ed. Elementary classrooms can become better learning environments when teachers have rules, classroom management skills, and a belief that each child can be successful. Rules help create a predictable atmosphere that limit classroom disruptions and encourage children to use self-control. Children need to be taught that it is their responsibility to make appropriate choices and that they will be held accountable for their actions.

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What Is Classroom Management? A Guide for Newbie and Veteran Teachers There are some topics that are so broad, so overwhelming that it’s hard to know where to begin. For teachers, classroom management can be one of those topics. It is a critical skill; some say it’s more important than content knowledge. And yet, there is no single method or protocol to follow to ensure success. Mrs. Holowicki's Classroom Expectations, Rules, Procedures and Consequences My Home Page » Mrs. Holowicki's Classroom Expectations, Rules, Procedures and Consequences Mrs. Holowicki's Classroom Expectations, Rules, Procedures and Consequences

Classroom Rules – Whole Brain Teaching Use the same approach for Rule 3 as you did for Rule 2. Rehearse the rule, “Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat” with the hand gesture; students raise their hands, then walk their fingers through the air. Then, use Wrong Way-Right Way. Reynaldo, on your cue, leaves his seat without permission. Great job of breaking the rule. Reynaldo leaves his seat again, you call out Rule 3, and the kids exclaim, “Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat!”
