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Étudier le marketing à la lumière de la communication Le marketing n’est plus confiné à la seule sphère économique ; de nombreuses organisations sociales comme les partis politiques, les syndicats, l’Église ou les associations font appel à cette méthode. Quel est l’impact d’une telle utilisation ? Le marketing renforce-t-il les capacités d’action des organisations qui l’utilisent en solutionnant leurs problèmes de communication ou, au contraire, conduit-il à une rationalisation utilitariste de la vie sociale ? Nous avons tenté d’apporter un début de réponse à cette question en étudiant les usages du marketing dans le monde associatif. Nos travaux ne portent pas, bien entendu, sur l’ensemble du monde associatif, mais sur ce que Bruno Rebelle nomme les « forces agissantes » (Rebelle, Swiatly, 1999) et que, pour notre part, nous avons nommées « les associations de transformation sociale » à savoir des organisations non lucratives d’intérêt général, initiées par des citoyens et régies par la loi de 1901 (Dacheux, 2000).

Slide Show: Photographing Love In celebration of Valentine’s Day, we’ve curated a selection of intimate portraits from photographers who have a significant body of work devoted to their husband, wife, partner, or lover. The images below explore intangible emotions, from new, lustful love to lengthy, studied intimacy to a love transformed or lost. Nicholas Pye and Sheila Pye, “Sitting on a Unicorn” (2004). “Playing self-invented, absurdist, and at times juvenile games, Sheila and I developed a situation or stage for power struggles between female and male to play out. Angelo Merendino, from “My Wife’s Fight with Breast Cancer.”

Civil and Uncivil Violence in Lebanon: A History of the Internationalization of Communal Conflict In this long-awaited work, Samir Khalaf analyzes the history of civil strife and political violence in Lebanon and reveals the inherent contradictions that have plagued that country and made it so vulnerable to both inter-Arab and superpower rivalries. How did a fairly peaceful and resourceful society, with an impressive history of viable pluralism, coexistence, and republicanism, become the site of so much barbarism and incivility? Khalaf argues that historically internal grievances have been magnified or deflected to become the source of international conflict.

Concert Lecture Review/ Daniel Levitin & Edwin Outwater: Beethoven and Your Brain | article Concert Report Classical Live at the Koerner Hall, Toronto, October 27, 2010. Daniel Levitin, Host/AuthorEdwin Outwater, Host/ConductorKitchener-Waterloo Symphony Orchestra An unusual evening combining scientific knowledge, musical excerpts, and above all, laughter, “Beethoven and Your Brain” was the first of several lecture series hosted by the Koerner Hall. Joining forces on stage were Daniel Levitin, Professor of Psychology, Behavioural Neuroscience and Music at McGill University; Edwin Outwater, Conductor and Music Director of the Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony Orchestra (KWSO), and of course, the indispensable KWSO ensemble itself providing the musical demonstrations. This unique opportunity of placing “a stethoscope in music” largely attributed to the near full-house attendance at the Koerner Hall. Unlike other music concerts hosted at the Koerner Hall, this concert-lecture was not only entertaining, but intellectually rewarding for each in the audience. By: Patrick P.L. Image by Andrew Tolson

PHARE Enfants-Parents Marketing Definition Share Video undefined What is 'Marketing' Marketing are activities of a company associated with buying and selling a product or service. BREAKING DOWN 'Marketing' Many people believe that marketing is just about advertising or sales. Amelia Earhart on Marriage by Maria Popova “I cannot guarantee to endure at all times the confinements of even an attractive cage.” Charles Darwin gleefully weighed the pros and cons of marriage, ultimately deciding in its favor, while Susan Sontag called it “an institution committed to the dulling of the feelings.” But marriage, of course, is like most things in life — all else being equal, you get out of it exactly what you put in. Amelia Earhart — pioneering aviator, bestselling author, and one altogether fierce lady — must have known that when she sat down on the morning of February 7th, 1931, and penned this exacting, resolute letter to her publicist and future husband, George Putnam. Noank ConnecticutThe Square House Church StreetDear GPPThere are some things which should be writ before we are married — things we have talked over before — most of them. The two married that afternoon. ↬ Feministing ↬ @dearsarah Donating = Loving Bringing you (ad-free) Brain Pickings takes hundreds of hours each month.

Opinion :: Columnist :: Indictments II, a disappointing sequel? The Special Tribunal for Lebanon is lucky to have Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah as a foe. On Tuesday, he again described the institution’s accusations as part of a conspiracy against Hezbollah. Were it not for the secretary-general, whose anxiety tends to confirm the tribunal’s seriousness, observers might have examined more critically the shortcomings in the United Nations investigation of Rafik Hariri’s assassination and those of many others between 2005 and 2008. There are reports, which may well be true, that further indictments are forthcoming. Last year officials from the tribunal’s prosecution office were privately declaring the indictments would be issued in stages. The principal reason for this is that the U.N. investigation altered its strategy in mid-stream between 2005 and 2006. Mehlis based his strategy on a number of factors. Mehlis also had his personal experiences to go on in devising his approach to the investigation. Under Serge Brammertz, the strategy was reversed.

Daniel J. Levitin's This Is Your Brain on Music -- Cognitive Neuroscience, music and memory Friedrich Nietzsche said it best, “Without music, life would be a mistake.” Music is an intrinsic aspect of our every-day lives. Whether you catch a commercial jingle, listen to the radio while studying, or sing to yourself in the shower, your mind is certain to process music every day. So what is it that drives humanity’s obsession with music, an art form and expression found across cultures throughout the world and time? Why do songs get stuck in our head? How does music have such a profound effect on emotions? Music, in our most basic conception of it, is the totality of a subset of multiple attributes that alone resemble, at most, mere sounds. A good example to consider is pitch. Pitch is one of the most important units of music. Somehow the brain is able to distinguish between the aspects of a song that remain consistent with each time we hear it and those aspects that are single-occurrence variations.

Quand un enfant se donne « la mort » « Jusqu’à présent, personne n’avait osé aborder, voire effleurer cette triste réalité du suicide des enfants, préférant souvent la nier en la dissimulant au travers de jeux dits dangereux. Le suicide touche aussi les plus petits, les enfants, les préadolescents. Je suis convaincue que la lecture de ce livre remarquable permettra de sauver des vies. Je suis convaincue que ce travail est vital afin d’agir pour prévenir la souffrance des enfants qui, par désespoir, faute d’être entendus par les adultes, agissent de manière risquée jusqu’à l’accident fatal prévisible. Le travail inédit réalisé par Boris Cyrulnik à travers une approche pluridisciplinaire mêlant neurobiologie, biochimie, psychologie, sociologie et autres disciplines nous éclaire. Ce livre nous donne de l’espoir. Nous pouvons tous, dès à présent, être des acteurs de la prévention du suicide des enfants. L’amour, l’affection, les liens familiaux, l’écoute d’adultes constituent des protections efficaces.

marketing /mahr"ki ting/, n. 1. the act of buying or selling in a market. 2. the total of activities involved in the transfer of goods from the producer or seller to the consumer or buyer, including advertising, shipping, storing, and selling. Activities that direct the flow of goods and services from producers to consumers. Inadvancedindustrialeconomies, marketingconsiderationsplayamajorroleindeterminingcorporatepolicy. Onceprimarilyconcernedwithincreasingsalesthroughadvertisingandotherpromotionaltechniques, corporatemarketingdepartmentsnowfocusoncreditpolicies (seecredit), productdevelopment, customersupport, distribution, andcorporatecommunications. Introduction the sum of activities involved in directing the flow of goods and services from producers to consumers. Marketing's principal function is to promote and facilitate exchange. The evolving discipline of marketing Themarketingdisciplinehaditsoriginsintheearly20thcenturyasanoffspringofeconomics. Roles of marketing The marketing process Positioning

Laws of Physics Can't Trump the Bonds of Love Zack ConkleLIFE LESSONS Jeffrey Wright with his son, Adam, who has a developmental disorder, in a scene from “Wright’s Law.” Jeffrey Wright is well known around his high school in Louisville, Ky., for his antics as a physics teacher, which include exploding pumpkins, hovercraft and a scary experiment that involves a bed of nails, a cinder block and a sledgehammer. But it is a simple lecture — one without props or fireballs — that leaves the greatest impression on his students each year. The talk is about Mr. Wright’s son and the meaning of life, love and family. It has become an annual event at Louisville Male Traditional High School (now coed, despite its name), and it has been captured in a short documentary, “Wright’s Law,” which recently won a gold medal in multimedia in the national College Photographer of the Year competition, run by the University of Missouri. The filmmaker, Zack Conkle, 22, a photojournalism graduate of Western Kentucky University and a former student of Mr. Mr.

Events - Un site en danger, le Pont Naturel Un site en danger, le Pont Naturel Event starts on Saturday, August 8, 2009From 11:00 AM until 02:00 PM Do you wish to attend this event? Dans le cadre de leur campagne de sauvetage du Pont Naturel de Kfardebian les associations écologiques et éco-touristiques SOS Environnement - Byblos Ecologia- Spéléo club du Liban – Terre-Liban -Greenline- Baldati- Green Square - Indyact- Lebanese Adventure- vous convient à une conférence de presse sur le site protégé samedi 8 août 2009 à 11h Programme de la journée : 9h- Rassemblement sur la route principale face au Pont, près du panneau de signalisation du Pont Naturel Départ pour une marche d’une heure dans la région qui se terminera sur le Pont 11h- Conférence de presse 12h- Pique-nique traditionnel libanais – animation musicale Paul Abi-Rached Participating CommunitiesWild Lebanon Event Location The location of this event is not available on the map.

Music and brain Deep in the dog days of summer—the end of August 2007—Dr. Petr Janata sat at his computer writing some impossibly complicated code for one of his experiments about music and the brain. Outside his office window at the UC Davis Center for Mind and Brain, heat from the triple-digit temps rose upward in waves from the parking lot’s surface. The center was deserted. Most of its dozen core faculty members and dozens more staffers were on summer vacation. While he worked, Janata waited for critical results from a major experiment he’d been conducting since joining the UC Davis faculty in 2005. “Honestly, I was a little bit afraid of seeing what the result would be,” Janata admitted nearly two years later. Did Janata’s statistical model explain his premise about a relationship among emotions, music and memory in the medial prefrontal cortex of the brain? When the answer came back “yes,” Janata thought, “Holy shit!” His heart raced. Songs and brain scans Never get bored “I thought, ‘Wow!

Hamlet is a man dual personalities. This book describes the complexity of his character. by mandyleighxo Jan 6

This book with the title above talks about the importance of Shakespeare costumes and how they related to his challenge to the time period. His plays were pushing the limits and his costumes matched. by oneinaminion Jan 5

An analysis of the Google Books litigation case. Looking at it from the angle of fair use v technological innovation. Will this case infringe upon the authors' ability to recompensed for the work? Will the case infringe upon the ability of technologists to innovate? Does Google Books inhibit or enhance the profitability of the authors? by allanquartz Jan 15

Eact. Le lien ne fonctionne pas, il faut faire une recherche sur le site JSTOR avec le titre, faut-il interdire les organigrammes. by fabian.robalomarques Oct 17

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