Free Stock Music for Educational Use
Who says you can't get something for nothing? offers a variety of FREE high-quality royalty-free items, including royalty-free stock footage, royalty-free sound effects, royalty-free clip art, royalty-free images, royalty-free photos, and of course, royalty-free stock music. Our free Royalty Free Music section provides you with the resources you need to complete a variety of educational, personal, and non-profit projects. If you are an educator who would like to use royalty-free music in your classroom, click the Free Music Programs link to submit an application to download stock music free of charge. All the available royalty-free music and royalty-free sound effects are unique and can make any film, television or video project as unique as it would have been had a soundtrack been specially-crafted for it, but at very low prices or, in some cases no cost.
SampleTank 2
Get Right to Making Music with SampleTank. SampleTank 2.5 XL is an amazing sound workstation. Not only does it come with a huge collection of professionally recorded sound samples, instruments and loops, but it allows you to completely manipulate the sounds to truly create instruments, patterns and textures of your own. It comes with over 6 GB of sounds, more than any other sound library in the industry, and more importantly professionally recorded sounds that are truly useful in any genre of music. SampleTank 2.5 XL comes with the widest variety of sounds in all instrument categories. You immediately have access to tons of Acoustic Grand Pianos, Electric Pianos, Strings, Brass, Winds, Vocals, Orchestral sounds, Organs, Percussion, Drums, Basses, Guitars, Synths, Loops, Ethnic sample and more. SampleTank 2.5 XL also comes with 33 built-in effects derived from our extensive collection of sought-after studio gear. SampleTank Features: The Sounds. The Sounds Start your Engines *Legal detail
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Free Music Archive
ILIO :: Virtual Instruments, Sample Libraries, Software Synths, Loops, Sounds
Loopmasters Pro Sample Cds, Download Samples, Royalty Free Sounds, Sample Libraries and Boutique
Pluggo Technology Moves to Max for Live
Effective immediately, Cycling ’74 will discontinue sales of prebuilt Max-based audio plug-in packages. This includes Pluggo, Mode, Hipno, and UpMix. We will still continue to support current users as best we can, but there will be no further development on either the plug-in packages or their supporting technology. This was not an easy decision to make, and we know it will disappoint some users. We have decided instead to focus our development efforts on a single application, Ableton Live, where we can work directly with the developers and exert some influence over the host environment. As part of our Max for Live development, we have begun to revive the highlights of the Pluggo audio effect and instrument collection, and a couple of screen shots below show examples of our efforts to date.
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