World War I Document Archive From World War I Document Archive This archive of primary documents from World War One has been assembled by volunteers of the World War I Military History List (WWI-L). International in focus, the archive intends to present in one location primary documents concerning the Great War. This site is linked from EuroDocs: Online Sources for European History, from AmDocs: Documents for the Study of American History, and from the Documents Room of Carrie: A Full-Text Electronic Library For citing documents from this archive, here is an example of MLA documentation style for citing sources from the World Wide Web. Conventions and Treaties and Official Papers Documents by Year: Pre-1914 - 1914 - 1915 - 1916 - 1917 - 1918 - Post-1918 Diaries, Memorials, Personal Reminiscences Books, Special Topics and Commentaries WWI Biographical Dictionary WWI Image Archive (See also "Visual Arts" in the IX. The Maritime War The Medical Front Links to Other WWI Sites Please read our Disclaimer and Copyright Notice
Contemporary Maps This section of the website contains archive photographs taken during, before and after the war. Specifically this sub-section contains various maps produced by publishers of the many contemporary accounts of the war while it was still in progress. Click here to view a collection of maps produced in the post-war period detailing both the battlefronts and specific battles. The photos reproduced below are in thumbnail format - simply click a given photograph to view a larger copy within a separate window. Available Pages - 1 2 The Parados was the side of a trench farthest from the enemy Projekte - Sammlung Erster Weltkrieg Ziel 2014 jährt sich der Beginn des Ersten Weltkriegs zum hundertsten Mal. Aus diesem Anlass werden auf verschiedensten gesellschaftlichen Ebenen die historischen und soziokulturellen Aspekte dieses Krieges untersucht. Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek besitzt in ihrem Leipziger Bestand – neben den deutschen und deutschsprachigen Publikationen - zahlreiche weitere Dokumente zum Thema Erster Weltkrieg. Ziel des Projekts ist es, diese heute noch vorhandenen Drucksachen zum Ersten Weltkrieg virtuell zu einer Sammlung zusammenzufassen. Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek möchte dadurch alle Interessierten bei der Material- und Quellenrecherche zum Ersten Weltkrieg unterstützen. Projektdauer 1. Netzpublikation Den Krieg sammeln - Die Weltkriegssammlung 1914/18 der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek. Letzte Änderung: 17.4.2014
World War One World War One An A to Z of World War One Timeline of World War One 1914 and World War One 1915 and World War One 1916 and World War One 1917 and World War One 1918 and World War One Causes of World War One Wilhelm II Germany in 1900 Military Commanders of World War One The Western Front in World War One Battles of World War One Naval Warfare and World War One Aerial Warfare and World War One The Lusitania Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg November 11th 1918 Germany and the Armistice Terms of the Armistice America's military power in World War One America and World War One The Dominions and World War One Canada and World War One India and World War One South Africa and World War One Australia and World War One New Zealand and World War One World War One and Casualties The Home Front 1914 to 1918 World War One Poets Lawrence of Arabia Curtis LeMay and fire raids Mata-Hari Recommended World War One websites Related Pages Online College and University Degree Guide Popular content What was the Cold War? Timeline of World War One Hide
A Multimedia History of World War One Sassoon Journals Diaries and journals can be among the most intimate and revealing of texts, offering accounts of their authors' lives with minimal literary artifice or mediation. Considered as physical objects, too, they accrue the fascination of having travelled with the writer through the events described in their pages. The notebooks kept by the soldier-poet Siegfried Sassoon (1886-1967) during his service in the British Army in the First World War are among the most remarkable documents of their kind, and provide an extraordinary insight into his participation in one of the defining conflicts of European history. Cambridge University Library holds the world's richest assemblage of Sassoon's manuscripts and archival papers. Accumulated from various sources over the course of several decades, the collection was magnificently augmented in 2009 with the acquisition of the papers formerly retained in the possession of Sassoon's only child, George.
Der Erste Weltkrieg - Bayerisches Armeemuseum Der Erste Weltkrieg Die Abteilung „Der Erste Weltkrieg“ im Reduit Tilly gibt einen umfassenden Überblick über Ursachen und Verlauf dieses Krieges. Die Vernichtungskraft der Armeen erreichte eine bis dahin unvorstellbare Dimension und erschütterte die Grundfesten der Alten Welt. Die große Ausstellung ist in folgende Räume unterteilt: 1 Das Deutsche Reich 1871 - 1890 2 Soldat und Gesellschaft3 Militär und Tradition4 Entwicklung der Kriegstechnik5 Das Deutsche Reich 1890 - 19148 Sarajewo9 Krise und Kriegsausbruch10 Westfront 191411 Ostfront 191412 Bilanz 1914 13 Artillerie und Maschinengewehr14 / 15 Schützengraben, Waffen des Grabenkrieges16 Frühe Luftwaffe17 Krieg der Kulturen18 Blockade und Kriegszwangswirtschaft19 / 20 1915- der Krieg dauert an21 / 22 Materialschlacht23 Etappe24 Der Mensch im Krieg25 Marine und Kolonien 26 Die Millionenheere der Verwundeten und Gefangenen27 Die 3.
The lions were not led by donkeys | WWI | News | Daily Express In the run-up to commemorations of the outbreak of the 1914-18 War that entrenched view is at last under the attack it richly deserves. Education Secretary Michael Gove said it was time to reject "Left-wing academics" who were using such shows as Blackadder Goes Forth to feed myths about the First World War which depict it as "a misbegotten shambles€¦ a series of catastrophic mistakes perpetrated by an out-oftouch elite". Sir Tony Robinson, who played Private Baldrick in that much-loved series, says he is talking rubbish. One thing everyone can agree on: the war was a national tragedy. The view of the war of "lions led by donkeys" - brave Tommies led by asinine generals - is largely the product of a 50-year-old play and film Oh! It was based on a highly tendentious book The Donkeys by the late Tory MP Alan Clark who wrote it for quick cash. Far from being a futile war the majority opinion at the time was that it was a just fight. What of the generals under him?
Feature Articles - The Causes of World War One June 28 in Sarajevo We'll start with the facts and work back: it may make it all the easier to understand how World War One actually happened. The events of July and early August 1914 are a classic case of "one thing led to another" - otherwise known as the treaty alliance system. The explosive that was World War One had been long in the stockpiling; the spark was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, in Sarajevo on 28 June 1914. (Click here to view film footage of Ferdinand arriving at Sarajevo's Town Hall on 28 June 1914.) Ferdinand's death at the hands of the Black Hand, a Serbian nationalist secret society, set in train a mindlessly mechanical series of events that culminated in the world's first global war. Austria-Hungary's Reaction Austria-Hungary's reaction to the death of their heir (who was in any case not greatly beloved by the Emperor, Franz Josef, or his government) was three weeks in coming. One Thing Led to Another The U.S.
"The Great War Archive contains over 6,500 items contributed by the general public between March and June 2008. Every item originates from, or relates to, someone's experience of the First World War, either abroad or at home." by macopa Apr 28