Related: numbers, ABC, phonics and shapes
Sticky Letters Different types of words can be used to make your writing more interesting and easier to read. You need to know when to use them and how to spot them. In writing, words are grouped together into phrases, sentences, clauses and paragraphs. Linking these building blocks together in the right way makes your writing easy to understand and interesting to read. Use your commenting skills to identify what's wrong with these pieces of writing. When you are writing non-fiction it's important to use a style of writing that fits the subject.Use your knowledge of non-fiction writing to group the correct titles, text and pictures together. © v2vtraining.co.uk The Look, Say, Cover, Write & Check is a support tool for learning spellings using a trusted multi-sensory approach. This activity helps prove the rules of changing nouns from singular to plural. This is an activity targeted to Year 4 to help with medium frequency words. An updated version of the traditional word guess game.
Acrostic Poems Grades 3 – 5 | Lesson Plan | Standard Lesson Vocabulary Solutions: A Mixture of Science, Conversation, and Writing In this lesson, students conduct a science experiment and later discuss the events of the lab during shared writing. Students explain the procedure in their own words and then revise to include content specific vocabulary. Finally, students reflect on new words added to their writing using the Trading Card Creator interactive. Grades 7 – 10 | Lesson Plan | Standard Lesson Engineering the Perfect Poem by Using the Vocabulary of STEM Students research engineering careers and create poetry to understand the vocabulary of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). Grades 6 – 12 | Lesson Plan | Standard Lesson Making History Come Alive Through Poetry and Song Students compare the sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald with the song, "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald," then create their own poetry about a historical event. Grades K – 12 | Student Interactive | Writing Poetry
Juegos para apreder inglés para niños de 1º y 2º de primaria La lengua inglesa es, desde la segunda mitad del siglo XX, el elemento utilizado para acceder a la información de la red, al mercado de trabajo o la adquisición de conocimiento, en un mundo que avanza cada día hacía la globalización. En esta nueva sociedad plurilingüe, que hace que los entornos económicos, sociales y políticos se enriquezcan con las aportaciones de otros países, el aprendizaje del inglés se convierte en una herramienta imprescindible y relevante para que los alumnos sean capaces de enfrentarse de forma satisfactoria a los retos que la vida en sociedad conlleva. Por lo tanto la adquisición de una segunda lengua, en este caso extranjera, debe realizarse desde una perspectiva global y práctica, que tenga en consideración las cuatro habilidades básicas de toda comunicación. Para ello sean establecidos cuatro grandes apartados de aprendizaje lúdico que giran en torno a las cuatro habilidades básicas: Spelling: no es lo mismo hablar y escribir, que hablar y escribir bien.
Alphabetical Order Drag and drop the names of the classroom items on to the picture. The name box will turn green if correctly placed. Drag and drop the names of the animals on to the picture. The name box will turn green if correctly placed. Find and select the letters in the correct order to make the word. The Word Wheel 2 is multimedia tool for pupils to explore and develop their skill at blending phonemes in words with clusters.WW2 lesson outline Drag and drop the names of the fruits on to the picture. Drag and drop the names of the types of transport on to the picture. Drag and drop the names of the vegetables on to the picture. A drag and drop matching quiz based on descriptions of objects from around the home. This Alphabetical order activity is a simple to use word ordering exercise. This simple labelling activity can be used for either the Three Little Pigs or Cinderella as a backdrop for their sceneScenes lesson outline The CVC maker is a simple to use application.
Picture Match Picture Match is designed to give new readers practice with identifying beginning-letter and short- and long-vowels sounds through a simple, fun game. Updated in 2008, the game features all letters of the alphabet. In the beginning-letter sounds section, a picture of an object (for example, a car) is displayed, and students are prompted to choose the letter that corresponds with the first letter of the word. In the short- and long-vowel sounds sections, students are prompted to choose the vowel that corresponds with the word. If students choose the correct match, they get words of encouragement and a new picture. Grades K – 2 | Lesson Plan | Standard Lesson Gingerbread Phonics "Run, run, as fast as you can." Grades K – 2 | Lesson Plan | Minilesson Phonic Generalizations in Chrysanthemum Students learn about word families by reading Kevin Henkes’s book Chrysanthemum, identifying words with certain vowel pair endings, and reading words with similar endings. ABC Match Word Wizard Puzzle Me Words
Juegos de inglés. Actividades y ejercicios de inglés para niños Descubrir la importancia que tiene para el futuro laboral el dominio de inglés hace que los padres y profesores se preocupen cada vez más por el nivel de inglés que tienen los niños. Estudiar en un colegio bilingüe, ver películas en versión original e ir de vacaciones a Estados Unidos son algunas opciones para aprender inglés, pero una forma muy divertida y económica de aprender el nuevo idioma es precisamente con juegos de inglés. El inglés puede adquirirse fácilmente en las edades tempranas. Los juegos de inglés para niños permiten al niño aprender sin darse cuenta, sin tener que acudir a una clase de gramática y sin estudiar para un examen. Aprender jugando es una de las maneras más positivas para asimilar la información de una materia tan fundamental como el inglés. Cómo mejorarán los niños de Primaria Además, los juegos de inglés corrigen la ortografía del niño para que desde muy pequeño mejore su forma de escribir.
Numbers 10 to 20 Vocabulary - Listening Memory Game ESL Interactive Fun Games Here we have the games carefully laid out for you. Follow the links to browse the variety of games offered. This is only the directory for interactive games and exercises. Grammar Games & Interactive Exercises - Click Here! Games for Practising Grammar: Present simple/present progressive games, past tense games, present perfect games, comparative/Superlatives and more... Vocabulary Games & Interactive Exercises - Click Here! Games for practising English vocabulary: Lots of games by topics and game types Pronunciation Games & Interactive Exercises - Click Here! Games to practice English pronunciation, phonetics and phonics. Reading/Spelling Games & Interactive Exercises - Click Here! Games and exercises to practice reading, spelling and lexis
Comic Creator The Comic Creator invites students to compose their own comic strips for a variety of contexts (prewriting, pre- and postreading activities, response to literature, and so on). The organizers focus on the key elements of comic strips by allowing students to choose backgrounds, characters, and props, as well as to compose related dialogue (shown at left). This versatile tool can be used by students from kindergarten through high school, for purposes ranging from learning to write dialogue to an in-depth study of a formerly neglected genre. The tool is easy to use, made even easier with the Comic Strip Planning Sheet, a printable PDF that comic creators can use to draft and revise their work before creating and printing their final comics. After completing their comic, students have the ability to print out and illustrate their final versions for feedback and assessment. Grades K – 3 | Lesson Plan | Standard Lesson Word Study with Henry and Mudge
Free School Building Flashcards, printables, bingo sheets, game cards and handouts School flashcards: preview these flashcards a classroom, the music room, the art room, the library, the gymnasium, the science room, the cafeteria, the lockers/the hall, the principal's office, the school grounds, the baseball field, the playground, the pool, the computer room, the auditorium, the boys' room, the girls' room, the bus stop, (the stair well, the locker room, the football stadium, the teachers' room/office, the parking lot) large flash cards, medium cards, small game cards, bingo cards, a handout same cards with b/w backings: medium cards, small game cards, bingo cards PowerPoint flashcards Tools for Educators is a website developed by MES with worksheet generators to make vocabulary and language building teaching materials, using the images from these flashcards. word serach generator crossword maker board gamespicture dictionary bingo boards 123 Listening is a website developed by MES with Dream English. listening worksheet makers listening test audio ESL games
Whack-a-Mole Sorry, this is a flash-based game that requires Adobe Flash Player. Many of these games will run on mobile devices with VocabularySpellingCity apps. For Apple devices Available for Android Learn More about www.VocabularySpellingCity.com! Teaching spelling and vocabulary is easy with VocabularySpellingCity! Let's Count to 20 Song For Kids Get Short Link | Get Bookmarklet | Original Page | Black backgroundWhite background Let's sing and count to 20 in this fun children's song! Purchase this video to view offline Mac or Windows click here: Original song by Matt This song is a YouTube exclusive and not currently available anywhere else. Thank you. Support Dream English, please have a look at what we have to offer: Join us on Facebook: Best of Kids Songs Volume 1 on iTunes (great for car rides!) Best of Kids Songs Volume 2 on iTunes: Kids Songs in English iPhone App: Kids Songs in English HD iPad App: Kids Songs in English 2 HD iPad App: Math Songs App: Search Math Songs Times Tables in your App store.
"Alphabet Backwards" Get Short Link | Get Bookmarklet | Original Page | Black backgroundWhite background Can You Sing the Alphabet Backwards? Watch this Vid 3 Times and You Can. Online games for kids - Learn numbers 11-20 and How old are you - from MES Games Learn English vocabulary, spelling, grammar, questions and answers with this free online game and exercises from MES Games. with these vocabulary games, spelling and question and answer activities online. Practice spelling, vocabulary, speaking, questions and answers, as well a grammar with these great games and activities. This game focuses on numbers 11-20 vocabulary with four main sections. There is a numbers 11-20 vocabulary practice section and a numbers 11-20 spelling section. Then, there are numbers 11-20 games for conversation practice counting 11-20, asking how old you are, and games for listening practice. The questions and answers for this game are as follows. Other notes: The spelling game will accept the vocabulary word as is, "sixteen" for example. To make additional materials for classroom use, check out the links below to printable teacher resources that match this activity: More activities and games to learn English:
Students match pictures with letters while playing a memory card game. There are two modes: learn mode or timed mode. The three levels in each game have 5, 7 and 10 card pairs to match. by mandyshaw Nov 4