Are You Building The Right Product?
Editor’s note: Guest contributor Eric Ries is a consultant and the author of The Lean Startup, which he will be launching at Disrupt SF on Tuesday. Follow him @ericries. I was recently asked to spend some time with an early stage startup that has a revolutionary new product. I asked them if they thought they were making their product better. Then I asked them, “How do you know?” Then I asked them this question: what would happen to the company if the entire product development team took a month off and went on vacation? In one scenario, they’ve been working overtime, putting in crazy hours, and in the other, they’d be on vacation. Most product teams don’t know if they are making their product better or worse; that’s why customers feel a twinge of fear every time they have to update or upgrade. In one of the startups I founded, we had an extended period where we were really focused on the conversion rate of new customers into paying customers (it was a freemium business model).
Des milliers de lycéens dans la rue «contre la suppression d'un mois de vacances»
Une rumeur sur la suppression de vacances a déclenché vendredi matin des manifestations lycéennes et des violences urbaines en région parisienne et dans le Nord et l'Est de la France. Au Chesnay, dans les Yvelines, une dizaine de voitures ont été endommagées autour d’un lycée. Dans le Nord de la France, plusieurs milliers de lycéens ont manifesté dans des villes du Nord/Pas-de-Calais, de Picardie et de Champagne-Ardenne en raison de cette rumeur infondée selon laquelle le gouvernement voudrait supprimer un mois de vacances. Dix-huit jeunes manifestants ont été interpellés dans le Pas-de-Calais après des incidents à Lens et à Arras, où, selon la préfecture, ils auraient dégradé des bus, mis le feu à des conteneurs et sont soupçonnés d’outrage à agent. Par ailleurs, quatre jeunes ont été interpellés à proximité d’un lycée professionnel d’Amiens-Nord, après avoir jeté des cocktails Molotov et des briques sur la police, a indiqué la préfecture de la Somme. SMS et Facebook Feu de poubelles
The Lean Startup Bundle
Protoss Strategy
Void Ray/Chargelot/Templar PvZ[edit] sOs showing everyone who's boss The Void Ray/Templar/Zealot PvZ style is perhaps the most innovative build that emerged after the release of HotS. The basic roots of the playstyle comes from the mass Skytoss builds of the HotS beta, and to a lesser extent from standard play in Brood War, where focusing on High Templar and Zealots after a Stargate opening is the norm. It was first refined by Woonjing Stars Protoss players and particularly sOs, who showed just how devastating it can be in the WCS Season 1 Global Finals as he made Soulkey, the best Zerg in the world, look confused and even sloppy in their Ro4 match. Anti-Muta Play[edit] Mutalisk play is moderately popular in ZvP, and dealing with those mass Mutas is a common problem for Protoss players. Basic Information[edit] Builds that blindly mass Sentries at the beginning are bad, particularly if the Zerg is going Mutalisks.
5 Beautiful Tumblr Themes for Small Businesses
This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in small business. Having a blog is a great way for small business owners to communicate with their customers and to give their business a voice. There are tons of blogging platforms and services out there, but one of the growing favorites is Tumblr. Quite often, Tumblr is considered a micro-blogging service because you can use it to quickly post links, videos, quotes, audio files and pictures. Tumblr also lets users easily re-blog content from other Tumblr sites. Because it's lightweight, easy to use, and has support for multiple users, many businesses big and small are turning to Tumblr to power their blogs. There are hundreds of great themes that you can use with Tumblr to give your blog or site its own unique look. 1. With a little bit of custom CSS editing, you could make Just Plain Theme a lot more unique! 2. 3. 4. 5. Your Picks
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Optimisation Google Adwords et utilisation permise des noms de marques
Quand on crée une campagne Google Adwords, on a le choix de décider si elle va se diffuser “de partout” ou juste sur les résultats de recherche sur Google ou juste sur les pages de “contenu” (les pages qui diffusent du Google Adsense où apparaissent donc les pubs Adwords). Si Google interdit qu’on utilise les marques comme mots clés dans les annonces Adwords diffusées sur les résultats de recherche du moteur Google, rien n’est interdit dans les annonces Adwords diffusées sur les pages de “contenu” ;-)) Ainsi, vous pouvez diffuser une annonce Adwords de vente de baskets, en utilisant comme mot clé le mot “Nike” si vous limitez l’annonce Adwords aux pages de “contenu”. Si par exemple un blog parle de baskets Nike et a de l’Adsense sur la page, votre annonce apparaîtra ;-)) Dernière conséquence positive de la diffusion d’ Adwords sur les pages de “contenu”: le taux de clics et de transformation des annonces Adwords est beaucoup plus élevé que sur les pages du moteur de recherche. Bonjour,
For the process of agile development: "If this is sounding to you 'just like' the scientific method, you’re right, it is. Most of us are currently doing product development astrology, not science. But it doesn’t have to be that way. We can do much, much better." by jbondslopez Sep 12