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Books for Keeps - the children's book magazine online

Books for Keeps - the children's book magazine online

Reviews and Ratings home> > > about SuperKids has provided educational materials since 1996 for parents and teachers who want the best in education for their children. SuperKids provides: Reviews and ratings of educational software Practical and fun educational tools for online and offline use Great apps for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch News about important educational issues Views of visionaries and policymakers. The number one reason parents give for purchasing a home computer is "education." Yet after one year of ownership, education doesn't make the top three uses reported by those same parents! Why not? Because they find it difficult to identify good educational software -- software that they find educationally valuable and that their children enjoy using. SuperKids is published by a privately held company, Knowledge Share LLC. SuperKids reviews and rates educational software based on a carefully developed set of criteria. Thanks for visiting SuperKids -- and tell your friends! Disclaimer

Bobs Books Blog | Childrens and Young Adult Book Reviews by Bob Docherty Carousel - The Guide to Children's Books Paste Books Sign up for the Paste newsletter Get our daily summary of the day's top articles and new items. Sign Up Thank you! Your email address has been added to our list. You will begin receiving our newsletter within 48 hours. Bookbird A Journal of International Children's Literature Bookbird: A Journal of International Children's Literature (ISSN 0006 7377) is a refereed journal published quarterly by IBBY. The editor, Roxanne Harde, works in cooperation with an international Editorial Review Board, guest reviewers and correspondents who are nominated by IBBY National Sections. Bookbird aims to communicate new ideas to the whole community of readers interested in children's books. Bookbird is open to any topic in the field of international children's literature. Other regular features include coverage of children's literature studies and children's literature awards around the world. Call for papers Machines Monsters and Animals: Posthuman Children's Literature Bookbird: A Journal of International Children’s Literature invites contributions for a special issue exploring the relationship between children’s fiction and posthumanism. by 1 June 2014. Call for Papers Nonsense • performative and/or oral manifestations • pedagogy

Book reviews from The Home of Puffin Books - Puffin Books Ett halvt ark papper - läsa och lyssna Att läsa Strindberg kan vara utmanande, omtumlande – och svårt. För de allra yngsta är det krångligt att ta till sig hans texter. Men på denna webbplats finns material också för de yngre skolbarnen, bland annat i form av en film som lyfter fram hans status som världskänd författare. Alla kan få med sig något om August, en författare som varit död i hundra år men vars texter fortfarande lever. Ett halvt ark papper – världens bästa novell August Strindbergs novell från 1903, Ett halvt ark papper har blivit utsedd till världens bästa novell. Novellen finns att läsa på närmare 40 språk Välj språk i menyn. Vad är det som gör att vi fortfarande läser den? Sagan och verkligheten Den novellsamling som Ett halvt ark papper ingår i heter Sagor, men bakgrunden till historien är långt ifrån påhittade fantasier. Strindbergs språkEtt halvt ark papper innehåller inte många ord men återberättar två år av en mans liv.

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