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Pyemotes ventricosus Dermatitis, France, Figure 1

Pyemotes ventricosus Dermatitis, France, Figure 1
Heartland virus (HRTV) is a recently described phlebovirus initially isolated in 2009 from 2 humans who had leukopenia and thrombocytopenia. Serologic assessment of domestic and wild animal populations near the residence of 1 of these persons showed high exposure rates to raccoons, white-tailed deer, and horses. To our knowledge, no laboratory-based assessments of viremic potential of animals infected with HRTV have been performed. We experimentally inoculated several vertebrates (raccoons, goats, chickens, rabbits, hamsters, C57BL/6 mice, and interferon-α/β/γ receptor–deficient [Ag129]) mice with this virus.

Punture di insetti Gentile Dermatologo, mi trovo per motivi di lavoro in un'isola tropicale in Indonesia, ..., dove resterò per altri 20 giorni. Una settimana fa mi sono svegliato con 5 puntini rossi sul braccio, che prudevano, del diametro di due millimetri. È passata una settimana, il diametro è costantemente crsciuto, per alcuni siamo arrivati ad oltre un centimetro, per altri siamo ad 8 millimetri e continuano a prudere, Il colore è rimasto invariato, forse i contorni si sono un po’ sbiaditi, queste macchie sono a riliveo, passando il dito sopra si sente un leggero scalino, il colore è piu lucido della pelle circostante. La mia impressione è che si tratti di una puntura di insetto o di ragno, ma mi rimetto alla sua esperienza. un medico locale mi ha consigliato di fare un'analisi del sangue. (...). Cordiali Saluti L'ipotesi di morsicatura di ragno è possibile, se l'esperienza dei locali richiede degli accertamenti le consiglio di farli. D'estate sono vittima delle punture di zanzara.

Veterinary Medicine and Public Health at CDC Lonnie J. King, DVM Office of the Director, National Center for Zoonotic, Vector-Borne, and Enteric Diseases (proposed) Corresponding author: Lonnie J. King, DVM, National Center for Zoonotic, Vector-Borne, and Enteric Diseases (proposed), CDC, 1600 Clifton Rd., N.E., MS D-76, Atlanta, GA 30333. Telephone: 404-639-7380; Fax: 404-639-7369; E-mail: Introduction People readily associate the role of veterinarians with private veterinary practice focused on pets and farm animals, but the true dimensions and contributions of veterinary medicine are much broader and reflect expanding societal needs and contemporary challenges to animal and human health and to the environment (1). Veterinarians' educational background in basic biomedical and clinical sciences compare with that of physicians. Veterinary Contributions to Public Health Bridging Agriculture and Medicine Research Research in veterinary science is critical to understanding and improving human health (8). References

Covering Haiti: When the Media Is the Disaster | CommonDreams.or Soon after almost every disaster the crimes begin: ruthless, selfish, indifferent to human suffering, and generating far more suffering. The perpetrators go unpunished and live to commit further crimes against humanity. They care less for human life than for property. I'm talking, of course, about those members of the mass media whose misrepresentation of what goes on in disaster often abets and justifies a second wave of disaster. Within days of the Haitian earthquake, for example, the Los Angeles Times ran a series of photographs with captions that kept deploying the word "looting." Another photo was labeled: "Looting continued in Haiti on the third day after the earthquake, although there were more police in downtown Port-au-Prince." A third image was captioned: "A looter makes off with rolls of fabric from an earthquake-wrecked store." People were then still trapped alive in the rubble. The pictures do convey desperation, but they don't convey crime. What Would You Do?

Immunology and Evolution of Infectious Disease - NCBI Bookshelf News tips from the journal mBio Public release date: 3-Jan-2012 [ Print | E-mail Share ] [ Close Window ] Contact: Jim 202-942-9297American Society for Microbiology Unique E. coli Protein May Be Not After All A bacterial protein recently thought to be a unique mechanism for utilizing iron may not be after all. Researchers from the University of Georgia, the Fellowship for Interpretation of Genomes, the University of Oklahoma and the University of Utah School of Medicine report their findings in the latest issue of the online journal mBio®. The ability to acquire iron from their host is an important factor in the ability of bacteria to establish an infection. Based on the gene sequences responsible for its production, this compound appears to be a dye-decolorizing peroxidase (DyP), a relatively recently recognized superfamily of heme-containing peroxidases that are found in fungi and bacteria. Promiscuity of Resistance Plasmid Unprecedented [ Print | E-mail

Libri sempre più social La scorsa settimana, parlando dell'ingresso di Google nel mercato degli ebook, chiudevamo la discussione segnalando un articolo interessante, intitolato Social media invades book world. E accennavamo al fatto che una parte delle nostre abitudini relative al libro, «l'esperienza culturale di lettura», diventa sempre più sociale. É abbastanza evidente che la lettura è un processo individuale e solitario. Poi però, intorno al gesto totalmente personale della lettura, molti di noi costruiscono un livello complementare di esperienza: è quello che accade quando dopo aver letto un libro ne parliamo con gli amici o lo consigliamo a qualcuno. Questo è il punto probabilmente più complicato da comprendere, perchè tocca diversi aspetti e raccorda diverse linee su cui il cambiamento sta agendo. Questo livello di informazione, racconta Mike Shatzkin in un lungo post, è il punto su cui tutti si stanno impegnando per costruire l'esperienza di acquisto degli ebook, con strategie differenti.

13. Corporate Personhood Challenged Sources: COMMONDREAMS, January 1, 2003 & IMPACT PRESS, Feb/Mar, 2003 Title: “Now Corporations Claim the Right to ‘Lie’” Author: Thom Hartmann WILD MATTERS, February 2003 Title: “Americans Revolt in Pennsylvania: New Battle Lines Are Drawn” Author: Thom Hartmann THE HIGHTOWER LOWDOWN, April 2003 Title: “How a Clerical Error Made Corporations ‘People’” Author: Jim Hightower Faculty Evaluators: Mary Gomes Ph.D. , Ken Marcus Ph.D. Student Researchers: Chris Salvano, Sherry Grant, Melissa Jones Partial Mainstream Coverage: The New York Times, The LA Times, USA Today, Fortune Magazine, The Ottawa Citizen. Since the founding of our country, a debate has raged over the nature of corporations and whether they should be entitled to the same right to legal “personhood” as actual people. It was back in 1886 that a Supreme Court decision (Santa Clara County v. But more recently, in December 2002, Porter Township, Pennsylvania unanimously passed an ordinance denying corporate claims to personhood.

Cardiology Explained - NCBI Bookshelf Popular psychology theories on self-esteem not backed up by serious research, study finds Low self-esteem is associated with a greater risk of mental health problems such as eating disorders and depression. From a public health perspective, it is important for staff in various health-related professions to know about self-esteem. However, there is a vast difference between the research-based knowledge on self-esteem and the simplified popular psychology theories that are disseminated through books and motivational talks, reveals research from the University of Gothenburg. Current popular psychology books distinguish between self-esteem and self-confidence. It is also believed that it is possible to improve self-esteem without there being a link to how competent people perceive themselves to be in areas they consider important. This is in stark contrast to the results of a new study carried out by researcher Magnus Lindwall from the University of Gothenburg's Department of Psychology and colleagues from the UK, Turkey and Portugal.

Kickstarter e l'idea da un milione di dollari Un imprenditore americano presenta il progetto di un cinturino da polso per iPod Nano. Il pubblico su Internet risponde con entusiasmo. 941,718. Sono i dollari raccolti in pochi giorni da un imprenditore di Chicago, Scott Wilson, per lanciare la produzione di alcuni cinturini da polso per iPod Nano, il piccolo lettore MP3 della Apple. Dollari provenienti non da banche, investitori tradizionali o risparmi di una vita, ma dagli utenti di Internet attraverso il servizio di finanziamento collettivo online Kickstarter. Il sito esiste da un anno e mezzo (su La ne abbiamo già parlato per ragioni musicali) e si basa su un meccanismo dalla semplicità quasi miracolosa. L’obiettivo iniziale di Wilson era di quindicimila dollari, più o meno in linea con la maggior parte dei progetti lanciati su Kickstarter (produzioni di album musicali, film indipendenti, iniziative personali spesso anche bizzarre…). C’è però chi non dovrà pagare nulla, se non le spese di spedizione.

Posture 101, good news is the body adapts, bad news is the body The human body is absolutely amazing. It endures poor nutrition, obsessive work habits, smoking, inadequate hydration, emotional traumas, and other manifestations we bring upon our selves. In addition, our body must take on the everyday strains we cannot control. The fittest of human beings can have unbelievable postural concerns. The simple act of driving a car can create postural imbalances leading to chronic pain. But somehow the body adapts to the effects of life and for many years can thrive despite the changes forced upon it. However, hope is not eternal. So often where the pain is occurring is not the culprit. Try standing at attention in front of a mirror for one minute with your glutes engaged, abs tucked in, chest forward, shoulders back, and chin in tight. Posture can also represent both physical and emotional wellbeing. Once again, look in the mirror with your normal posture for a moment. Unfortunately, it's not that simple. Why do we learn to live with pain?

Stress and Stress Management - Causes, Symptoms, Stress Relief Tips and Stress Tests Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura is an American television series hosted by Jesse Ventura and broadcast on truTV. It premiered on December 2, 2009.[1] The second season premiered on October 15, 2010, with the third season premiering on November 7, 2012.[2][3] In May 2013, Ventura stated that the show has been discontinued and a fourth season will not air.[4] Format[edit] Former Navy UDT, professional wrestler, actor, and Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura examines various conspiracy theories involving numerous controversial subjects such as global warming, the September 11 attacks, secret societies, government surveillance, and secret weapons projects. In the first season, Ventura teams up with a group of investigators consisting of skeptic Alex Piper, reporter June Sarpong and investigator Michael Braverman. Ratings and reviews[edit] Controversy[edit] 'Police State' criticism[edit] Shortly after the season two episode "Police State" aired, U.S. Production issues[edit] David Icke feud[edit]

For Women With Pain Disorders, Sex Can Be Excruciating Experienc In the movies and on television, everybody seems to love having sex, but in real life sexual intercourse is an unbearable experience for many women. For years Chris Veasley, Allison Nugent and Sara Fontaine suffered in silence with an embarrassing secret: They did not feel pleasure with sex. Instead, they said, they felt excruciating pain. For Veasley, 33, of Providence, R.I., the unbearable vaginal pain extended beyond sex to everyday activities like walking. Even light contact from blue jeans could be too agonizing to bear. "Riding a bike, sitting for long periods and something as light as touching the area with a Q-tip will send women kind of flying off the exam table," she told ABC News' Dr. "The best way to describe it is having sandpaper rubbed on an open wound," Fontaine said. But all the women said what's almost harder than the physical pain is the emotional toll of suffering from such a mysterious condition without a clear diagnosis. Dr.
