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Coding4Fun Kinect Projects

David Terranova Kinect for Windows SDK Quickstarts 8 minutes, 56 seconds 6 minutes, 50 seconds 12 minutes, 16 seconds 15 minutes, 36 seconds 16 minutes, 57 seconds 11 minutes, 48 seconds New TouchDesigner Goes Gold, with Free Sharing, Ableton Live Sync, More From top: TouchDesigner powering the Plastikman show, Steve Mason’s Chapichapo. If you’ve been watching big-league visuals lately, things that made your eyeballs roll out into the crowd, odds are TouchDesigner might have been some of the software in use. The tool, established in years of use but perhaps little known outside a few select circles, has been making waves lately in some very nice shows. Even its interface is dazzling (and, indeed, figures directly in shows by the likes of Berlin label Raster Noton), flying through endlessly-zoomable graphical patching interfaces. One obstacle has stood in TouchDesigner’s way: accessibility. That Hollywood-sexy interface might leave average musicians and visualists wondering how this would work for them. The uninterestingly-named TouchDesigner 077 Gold represents lots of iterative progress on this tool. As new to this edition is an integrated mapping tool, for three-dimensional projection mapping. Here’s what’s new.

Kinect SDK for Windows – demos - If broken it is, fix it you should Lately I have been working quite a bit with the Kinect SDK for Windows, which you can install and use on your computer from our research department Geting started The only thing you need to get started is a computer running Windows, a Kinect device (must be the one with a power chord, but you can buy the power chord separately very cheep at most stores where they sell Kinect), and the Kinect SDK. Once you have everything installed I suggest you go to Channel9 and watch the QuickStarts to familiarize yourself with the basics and finally move over to the Channel9 Kinect blog to get inspiration and look at all the cool projects people are making. This series In this series I will post a number of different controls, extensions and demo apps that I have created. 1. Enjoy, Tess

GLGraphics Coding4Fun Kinect Toolkit CINEMETRICS HOWTO: Kinect + OpenNI/NITE skeleton tracking and gesture recognition in gentoo Thanks to the folks at PrimeSense libraries are now available for skeleton tracking and gesture recognition. UPDATE: Check here if you've gotten NITE working and want to try using the kinect as a Minority Report style mouse.UPDATE:I've added a description of how to track multiple hands under the Sample-PointViewer description. Here's how I got things working in gentoo: (15)Repeat step 14 for Sample-Scene.xml and Sample-Tracking.xml(16)Open Sample-User.xml and replace the existing MapOutputMode line with the line below. (17)Repeat step 16 for Sample-Scene.xml and Sample-Tracking.xml(18)niLicense PrimeSense 0KOIk2JeIBYClPWVnMoRKn5cdY4=(19)cd ~/kinect/NITE/Nite- . Now finally you should be sitting in a directory with all the sample binaries that you can play with. Sample-TrackPad:This app will track your hand and show it's relative position on a grid. you should also get some debug output in your console: Sample-PlayersThis app demonstrates the skeletal tracking.

“Soak, Dye in Light” by everyware (2011) - an empty canvas which absorbs colour when touched #processing #kinect “Soak, Dye in light.” by everyware (2011) is an empty canvas but when you touch it, its elastic surface stretches and gets suffused with projected vivid colors mimicking fabric absorbing dye. Poking and rubbing with hands or resting their body on this spandex canvas allows visitors to soak this canvas in virtual dye and create own patterns. Dying fabric is a time-honored tradition of humankind. Local materials such as herbs, flowers, rocks, juice of animals or shells have been used through the dying process. Especially in Korea, people have deep affection toward the unique colors and textures of fabric dyed with traditional materials. Now in the age of new media, we tried a whole new way of coloring fabrics with the essential materials of new media, ‘light’ and ‘interactivity’. Created using Processing and Kinect. Simulated watercolor by GPU accelerated cellular automata.

OpenNI to Max/MSP via OSC – tohm judson OpenNI is a “natural interaction” software that uses the Kinect for XBox 360. Using this, connected to a Mac, we can control various software via OSC. Here, I will show you how to get the data into Max. The idea here is that you are like me, longing to try, but missing the few crucial steps that the README’s forget about the amateur hacker. Preliminaries: First, if you are not comfortable with the terminal, I will try to walk you through it. Second, I have tried this on three machines just to be safe that I did not ruin anything. UPDATE: you need to be on OS 10.6 for this to work from what I can tell Third… I cannot help you. A Brief Terminal Primer (all you will need to know; no more, no less) Where is it? Applications> Utilities> Terminal What to do with it for now? Add it to your Dock if you don’t have it there… trust me on this one… you will use it a lot What code will I need to know? sudo= superuser… makes things happen. cd= change directory Install XcodeInstall CMakeInstall MacPorts OpenNI:
