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The Landlady

The Landlady
About this BritLit kit Billy Weaver, a young man visiting the City of Bath for the first time, is looking for accommodation. He is inexplicably drawn to a house where the landlady seems to be expecting him. The house and the landlady seem friendly and welcoming, and he looks forward to staying there. Signing the guest book, two names disturb him. Where has he heard them before? The themes drawn from this story include poisoning, embalming and taxidermy as well as a look at witches. The kit, originally written in 2003, was updated in 2007 and 2013. You can also listen to the audio included in the attachments below. How to use this BritLit kit The material is divided into three sections: Pre-reading, After reading, and Word Work. Landlady Pre-reading (pdf) examines who Billy and the landlady are and asks the students to speculate on what they might look like.

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