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StartPage Guard * Please note: development life cycle of this program came to an end. This page is being kept here for the reference only. * Version 2.52 - Deals with hi-jacking search-pages through executable URLs * Version 2.5 - Rewritten procedure for handling search-page hijacking through the HOSTS file. * Version 2.2 - Improved "eradication procedure". StartPage Guard (SPG) protects your PC from cyberscam, by detecting and preventing any unauthorized changes to your internet browser's Start and Search pages. Malicious programs (viruses, trojans, backdoors, etc.) sometime change the StartPage to "gain the ground". Copyright © 2002 Piotr J. Home of the ThreeTeeth Web Browser Deepnet Explorer - Web + P2P + News Browser Crazy Browser Browser Support - Winamp Developer Wiki This wiki page has been created to help Web developers and QA engineers optimize their web pages to be rendered within the Winamp client application. Where are web pages loaded within Winamp? Winamp has 2 primary areas that allow external web sites to be loaded within the client experience -- Online Services and the Bento Skin Browser 1) Online Services Online Services is a feature within the Winamp Media library that allows 3rd parties to submit their web site to appear as an integrated service within the client. An Online Service is distinct in that the web pages displayed are able to interact with the Winamp Client by leveraging the Online Services APIs. File:Online Services Screenshot.png 2) Bento Skin Browser Winamp's default skin, named "Bento", has a built in web browser that allows users to freely surf the web, create bookmarks, etc. File:Bento Browser Screenshot.png What browser engine is embedded within Winamp? File:Winamp Browser Support Matrix.png Screen Size: File:Wa webdev.png

Browzar | Your private window on the Web MyWay 360 Secure Browser Market share[edit] As of January 2011, Qihoo claims that it was the second most popular web browser in China (after Internet Explorer),[2] with 172 million monthly active users, 44.1% of Internet users in China.[3] The true figure is much lower (in the 2-7% range) according to multiple independent sources.[4][5] Controversy[edit] The high usage numbers are in large part due to the software being very difficult to uninstall. Furthermore, whenever a user attempts to install another browser, a warning pop-up claims that the new browser is unsafe and should not be run.[6][7] All Chinese public and private Education institution's network administrators are required by Chinese law to use 360 antivirus on all workstations. See also[edit] External links[edit] Official home page References[edit]

Avant Browser::Home K-Meleon Télécharger TomeRaider Conçu par Yadabyte Ltd, le logiciel TomeRaider vous aide à ajouter une nouvelle fonctionnalité à votre poste de travail. C’est un programme efficace et performant qui vaut la peine d’être essayé. Principales fonctionnalités Collection : TomeRaider transforme votre ordinateur en une véritable bibliothèque en ligne contenant de milliers de dictionnaires, de romans et autres documents dont les collections AA du domaine public, etc. Configurations requises Systèmes d’exploitation : Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7. Plus Le téléchargement est gratuit. Moins Ceci est une version d’évaluation. A voir également Communautés d'assistance et de conseils. Forum

Amaya Home Page Translations: be, da, de, es, fr, hi, hr, is, ja, kr, pl, ru, sr-latin, sr-cyrillic, th, uk, vn, zh-hans, zh-hant W3C's Editor Amaya is a Web editor, i.e. a tool used to create and update documents directly on the Web. Browsing features are seamlessly integrated with the editing and remote access features in a uniform environment. Work on Amaya started at W3C in 1996 to showcase Web technologies in a fully-featured Web client. Amaya started as an HTML + CSS style sheets editor. Amaya includes a collaborative annotation application based on Resource Description Framework (RDF), XLink, and XPointer. Amaya - Open Source Amaya is an open source software project hosted by W3C. The application was jointly developed by W3C and the WAM project (Web, Adaptation and Multimedia) at INRIA. It's development is stopped. Last Release Amaya 11.4.4 (18 January 2012). It supports HTML 4.01, XHTML 1.0, XHTML Basic, XHTML 1.1, HTTP 1.1, MathML 2.0, many CSS 2 features, and SVG.
