Patriotic Text Using Displacement Masks
Step 1 Lets jump right in and get our document set up. Create a new document by choosing File>New from the Main Menu. My working file for this lesson will be 540px x 300px at 72ppi. If you’re following along at home I suggest you start with something similar so that the Layer Styles we apply later will work for you without any adjustment. Before we even get into the text lets change the background color. Step 2 Set your foreground color to #CAC9C9 which is a nice light gray the press the T key to switch to the Type tool. Set a nice large font size and type your text onto the stage. Step 3 Next we’re going to add a preliminary series of Layer Styles to our text. Pull up the Layer Styles dialog by Control-Clicking (PC: Right-Clicking) on the Text layer in the layers palette and by choosing Blending Options from the menu. Pay special attention here to all the settings in these styles. Step 4 If you were a good little monkey your text should now look like this. Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9
12 Logo Generators – No more, thats plenty, thank you. : Speckyb
Does anyone actually use these web apps? Don’t get me wrong, I am not a logo designer, but I know what I like. Some of these logos are the ugliest looking monstrosities I have ever seen (almost as bad as animated gifs). I hope I haven’t offended anyone, they are really well made apps. Some, I think were made as experiments and for users to have fun playing around, others, sadly, take themselves quite seriously. Anyway, have fun with these generators. flickr logo maker FREE Logo Maker – FREE Logo Creator Web 2.0 Logo Creator Online Advanced Logo Designer Online Text based Logo Generator Free Flash Text and Logo Generator Web2.0 Logo Creator FREE Logo Creator Cool Text: Logo and Graphics Generator You can also try… ~ CoolArchive – Logo Generator. ~ High Power Graphics – Logo Generator.
pLDCreative :: part of the projectLD family
Logo Design Process for Just Creative Design’s Award Winning Log
Posted on 24'08 Apr Posted on April 24, 2008 along with 169 JUST™ Creative Comments In this article I will talk about how I came to the name for my freelancing business ‘Just Creative Design’ and also the logo design process that I used to design the award winning logo that you see above. This logo has won 3 major awards: This logo also appears in these publications: The process I used was somewhat disjointed and a very long one at that, mainly because I was designing for myself and I had no idea what ‘brand’ I was after, but this is it. What will be my business name? Believe it or not but this was one of the hardest parts of the process. I actually got very mixed feedback about this name ‘JackCass Productions’. Ok, so now I had the problem of choosing whether to brand myself as my name ‘Jacob Cass’ or another name. Sketches From these sketches I had the idea of trying to make the initials JCD into a pencil and after a bit of experimenting I got it to work. Illustrator The Final Two Concepts
Design Blue Corporate Website in Photoshop
Get the FlatPix UI Kit for only $7 - Learn More or Buy Now Today we will be working through the process of designing a corporate website in Photoshop step-by-step. For this example we’ll be creating a site for a marketing company, but just about any other type of service business could use this design as well. At the end of the tutorial you will be able to download the PSD file used in the tutorial. A Preview of the Final Result Here is what we will be designing. Preparing the File Create a new file (File – New) that is 1400 pixels wide and 900 pixels high. Step 1: The Background Set the foreground color to #efefef and use the paint bucket tool to fill the background layer with this light gray color. Add a new layer (Layer – New) and set a horizontal guide (View – New guide) at 50 pixels. Set the foreground color to #184e84 and use the paint bucket tool to fill the selected area. Add a new layer and set a new horizontal guide at 398 pixels. Change the foreground color to #bfd5e9.