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The Great Plant Escape

The Great Plant Escape

Teacher Resources: Water Science School (USGS) USGS Home Contact USGS Search USGS The USGS Water Science School Teacher Resources for Water Science, USGS The Water Cycle We have a water-cycle for schools section with a diagram and an online, interactive version aimed at three age-levels of students. Files for printing: PDF (2 Mb poster) | Image (11x17 inch) | Image (poster)

Gardening for Primary Schools - suggestions for investigations The FSC fold-out chart Gardening for Primary Schools encourages teachers and children to get their hands dirty and do some real gardening. The fold-out chart aims to help primary school teachers set up and maintain a horticultural garden in which children can grow flowers and vegetables. The chart provides information on planning the garden with advice on basic gardening techniques for growing a range of plants. Related topics include composting and there is a useful garden calendar. Some packets of seeds are supplied with each chart to help you start gardening right away. Plant Anatomy Advertisement. is a user-supported site. As a bonus, site members have access to a banner-ad-free version of the site, with print-friendly pages.Click here to learn more. (Already a member? Click here.)

How to Make a Cloud What is a cloud exactly? We look at them every day, but few of us realize what they are made of. In a nutshell, clouds are collections of tiny water droplets, formed when the warm air that is being heated by the sun's rays meets the cold, damp air coming up off the cold ground. Little water drops form into clouds. All About Plants for Kids How plants grow › How plants grow › Most plants grow from seeds. Each seed needs the right conditions before it can start to grow (germinate) into a plant. KS2 Science Finding out how you move and grow. Can you label the human skeleton? When you've finished move onto the animal skeletons. Do you know which groups living things belong to? Look at the plants and animals as they go past. Can you drag them into the correct groups?

Rader's GEOGRAPHY 4 KIDS.COM - Earth Science Basics for Everyone! KS1 Science © The clues are the names of the adult animals, the correct answers are the name of their young. © A three part sorting activity based around animals.
