Creare un sito per iPhone con jQTouch e PHP Ultimamente mi stò avvicinando molto al mondo del mobile con molto entusiasmo sia per la semplicità con cui possiamo sviluppare le nostre applicazioni, sia per la minore difficoltà che si può incontrare nell’utilizzo di TAG e scripts. Nel mio caso, possedendo da tempo un iPhone, ho scoperto come sia davvero divertente sperimentare mini siti o proporre applicazioni da vendere ai miei Clienti utilizzando ottimi strumenti open source disponibili in rete e continuando a mettere in pratica le normali nozioni CSS, JavaScript e PHP di sempre. Non molto tempo fa, citai l’ottimo Framework jQTouch specifico per la creare applicazioni specifiche per iPhone i iPad e dunque proprio utilizzando lo stesso, vedremo oggi come creare da zero un sito ottimizzato per il device di casa Apple.
Wink toolkit - A mobile JavaScript framework to build great webapps How it Works Table of Contents This is a high-level, technical description of how Heroku works. It ties together many of the concepts you’ll encounter while writing, configuring, deploying and running applications on the Heroku platform. Performing one of the Getting Started tutorials will make the concepts in this documentation more concrete. Read this document sequentially: in order to tell a coherent story, it incrementally unveils and refines the concepts describing the platform. 7 frameworks HTML5 pour créer une application web mobile Pour plus d'information sur Cr@zy WS, je vous invite à vous rendre dans la partie à propos où j'explique les grandes lignes de ce site consacré en grande partie à l'actualité Hack, Sécurité, High-Tech et Webdev. Newsletter et réseaux sociaux Pour suivre les dernières news du site, essayez les différents types d'abonnements disponibles et rejoignez-moi sur les réseaux sociaux.
10 New Frameworks for Mobile Web App Developers One certain limitation in Web development is time and how long it takes to get things up and running. Thankfully, frameworks and libraries can help us focus on creating rather than figuring stuff out. Here, we’ve collected 10 frameworks and libraries that will help you save up your time and energy to create the actual website or application and make your web development more effective. Android Bootstrap Agile Web Development with Rails About this Book 456 pages Published: Release: P2.0 (2014-03-31) ISBN: 978-1-93778-556-7 Ruby on Rails helps you produce high-quality, beautiful-looking web applications quickly. You concentrate on creating the application, and Rails takes care of the details. Tens of thousands of developers have used this award-winning book to learn Rails.
Développement mobile, multiplier les plateformes sans multiplier le temps de développement Lorsque l’on prépare le développement d’une application mobile cross-platform (multi-plateforme), on rencontre très vite la question de la plateforme de développement. En effet, chaque OS mobile dispose de ses propres outils de développement bien spécifiques qui ont chacun leurs propres spécificités (langage, outil, émulateur/simulateur…), et cela peut très vite multiplier les coûts de développement et allonger les délais de mise en œuvre. En réaction à ce phénomène, de nombreuses start-up se sont lancées dans le développement de framework (littéralement « cadre de travail ») de développement permettant à partir du même code de déployer une application sur plusieurs plateformes (iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone). Ces framework se divisent en 2 grandes catégories, chacune de ces catégories possède ses avantages et ses inconvénients :
Create An HTML/CSS Mobile Web App Using Sencha Touch - Smashing Magazine Advertisement The world of mobile app development is quickly becoming a crowded and complicated space, especially for those outside of the development niche. “Which development platform should I use?” “Do I go native or Web-based?” “Which devices should I plan for?” jQuery Mobile
Design Then Code: Building iOS Apps From Scratch Before taking a crack at any Design Then Code project tutorials you'll need some knowledge of Xcode, Objective-C, Cocoa and UIKit. My goal is for this guide to help bridge the gap between having no knowledge of iOS development and having enough to start tackling more interesting projects. Tools Apple provides a number of tools to enable developers to build Mac and iOS apps.
jQTouch - GitHub Three20 Three20 is a open source Objective-C library used by dozens of well-known brands in the App Store, including Facebook, Posterous, Pulse,, and SCVNGR. Three20 provides powerful view controllers such as the Launcher, the popular Photo Browser, and internet-aware tables. The library is modular, meaning you choose which elements of the library to include in your app. This modular design allows Three20 to be one of the only Objective-C frameworks that encourages what are called 'extensions' from the community.
Universal Framework iPhone iOS (2.0) Hello my friends, Due to some bugs and questions with the old tutorial, I'm creating this new one, much more simpler and less bugs than the another one. I'll not post the old link here because everything you need to know you can find right here. Nowadays, exist few alternatives to create a Framework to iOS, changing the default Xcode Script, which could not be a good choice if you want to publish the APPs constructed with your custom Framework.
Sencha Touch has touted itself as the best HTML5 Mobile Web App framework. It has built-in support for many browsers; it supports iOS, Android, and BlackBerry 6+, meaning that it has support for non-WebKit browsers. Most developers consider Sencha Touch to be the kitchen sink of JavaScript frameworks. It contains both UI and JavaScript methods, but unlike other frameworks, it doesn't have the same syntax and may be confusing to a first-time developer not well versed in object-oriented JavaScript programming. by indigetal Nov 29