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Life of Pix Life Of Pix is a community who shares free high-resolution photos with no Copyrights restrictions. Photos are for personal & commercial use. We post new photographies every week ! All images are donated to the public domain by our community. Subscribe to our newsletter to get notifications. Register to Life of Pix Log in to Life of Pix Forgot your password ? Forgot your password? Add location One or more pictures were removed because they were too small Each picture needs to be at least 1MB in size. Maximum number of uploads reached. One or more pictures were removed because they were too big Each picture needs to be at most 25MB in size. Your picture details were saved. Upload your photos Upload more photos Or drag and drop your photos in this section We accept JPG format in high resolution, files between 1 Mo and 25 Mo. Add a location Type a tag and press Enter to add a tag Press backspace to remove a tag Generate tags Save this picture Uploading in progress . . . Life of Pix galleries Nature City
網站:免費圖片 40 Free Resources Every Designer Should Know Ever wondered where designers get their resources to help them succeed with a project? Here is a list of great resources including sites, PSD. files, actions, UI elements, mock ups et cetera and best of all, they are totally free and available for you to download. Just click on the title or image and it will bring you to the resource. Bookmark this post so that you can always look back at this great list that can help you succeed. Icons for your website, an iPhone mock up or PSD’s for your landing page, Fribbble is the place to be. Many of us struggle when posting a project at Behance. Another great site to get free PSD files, blurred background or UI elements. Struggling to get the perfect colour combination? A great site where you can download free stock images. In need of some high quality patterns? Lets you design a website, for free, without code. Guides can be a pain in the ass when it comes down to web design, here is a simple solution for you! Love this site!
Wikimedia Commons Freepik Vecteurs, Stock Photos et PSD en téléchargement gratuit -F Art en alta ressolució Con frecuencia os recomendamos diferentes recursos relacionados con el mundo del arte. En esta ocasión os hablamos acerca de la iniciativa del Instituto de Arte de Chicago, que ha publicado una completa colección con imágenes de alta resolución de un gran número de obras de arte. En concreto, la institución ha recopilado miles de obras de arte de artistas de la talla de Picasso, Monet, van Gogh o El Greco, entre muchos otros. Una de las ventajas es que una gran parte de las obras mostradas son de dominio público, lo que significa que tenemos total libertad para utilizarlas. Es importante tener en cuenta que no sucede con todas, pero siempre podemos revisar los derechos de autor en la página de cada obra. La web nos permite aplicar diferentes filtros para localizar las obras de nuestros artistas favoritos, encontrar aquellas correspondientes a una fecha concreta o las enmarcadas dentro de un estilo determinado.
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Free vectors, photos and PSD Downloads | Freepik Reshot | Free icons & illustrations 10 sites de photos libres de droits - Blog du Modérateur -F Si les banques d’images permettent de payer pour utiliser telle ou telle photo, à des prix plus ou moins onéreux suivant la qualité et les droits associés, certaines proposent également un catalogue de photos libres de droits gratuites. Pratique pour utiliser des photos de bonne qualité ! D’autres banques d’images sont totalement gratuites : si la qualité des photographies est en général un peu moins aboutie, le nombre d’images disponibles est parfois gigantesque ! Chaque banque d’images gratuites dispose de ses propres conditions d’utilisation, renseignez-vous bien sur les usages possibles. Certains sites autorisent l’usage des photographies pour un projet commercial, comme Bajstock. Vous trouverez sans doute votre bonheur avec ces 10 sites de photos gratuites et libres de droits ! Fotolia, une sélection de photographies gratuites Le site propose un certain nombre de fichiers gratuits et libres de droits (0 crédits). Stock.XCHNG Flickr, la référence des photographies en Creative Commons
7 Resources for Free Science Pictures | StressMarq Pictures are essential in making scientific research more accessible and memorable. Papers, posters, and presentations can all benefit from accurate, visually appealing diagrams. While graphs and micrographs are important figures, they are not always sufficient to illustrate pathways and mechanisms, or to captivate audiences. Servier Medical Art (SMArt) smart.servier.com This is an excellent resource for anatomy, biology, and medical illustrations. Somersault 1824 somersault1824.com/science-illustrations Disclaimer: this resource not free, but rather “pay-what-you-can.” Public Health Image Library phil.cdc.gov Digitally colorized scanning electron microscopic (SEM) image depicts a number of yellow colored, Yersinia pestis bacteria, that had gathered on the proventricular spines of a Xenopsylla cheopis flea. The Public Health Image Library (PHIL) is a database of images from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, USA. Wikimedia commons commons.wikimedia.org Pixabay
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