Richard Stallman American free software activist Richard Matthew Stallman (; born March 16, 1953), often known by his initials, rms,[1] and occasionally upper-case RMS, is an American free software movement activist and programmer. He campaigns for software to be distributed in a manner such that its users receive the freedoms to use, study, distribute, and modify that software. Software that ensures these freedoms is termed free software. Stallman launched the GNU Project, founded the Free Software Foundation, developed the GNU Compiler Collection and GNU Emacs, and wrote the GNU General Public License. Stallman launched the GNU Project in September 1983 to create a Unix-like computer operating system composed entirely of free software.[2] With this, he also launched the free software movement. In 1989, he co-founded the League for Programming Freedom. Early life[edit] Stallman was born March 16, 1953,[12] in New York City, to a family of Jewish heritage. Harvard University and MIT[edit] GNU project[edit]
gNewSense Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. gNewSense est une distribution du système d’exploitation GNU/Linux exclusivement constituée de logiciels libres. Le projet est soutenu par la Free Software Foundation depuis son lancement en 2006[2]. Historique[modifier | modifier le code] gNewSense était basée sur Ubuntu, depuis son lancement en 2006 par deux développeurs irlandais, Brian Brazil et Paul O’Malley[3], puis sur Debian depuis août 2013[4]. Origine[modifier | modifier le code] Brian Brazil et Paul O’Malley se sont retirés du projet en 2009, après trois années de développement et l’amorce réussie du projet communautaire[9]. Évolution[modifier | modifier le code] Le projet évolue en août 2013 en se basant non plus sur Ubuntu, mais sur Debian, et adopte à cette occasion un nouveau logo[4]. Logiciels libres[modifier | modifier le code] Versions[modifier | modifier le code] gNewSense 3.0 Voir aussi[modifier | modifier le code] Sur les autres projets Wikimedia : Logiciel libre Site officiel ;
to launch global digital innovation lab | GREENPEACE New Zealand Michael Silberman, the brain behind the "Meetup" grassroots organizing strategy used by Howard Dean’s presidential campaign and co-founder of digital consultancy EchoDitto, is joining Greenpeace to launch a new, global digital mobilization lab. The Lab will be a dynamic, forward-looking space that will work with Greenpeace and allies in 42 countries to envision, test, and roll out creative new means of communicating, organizing, and fundraising online. Digital innovation – how we use mobile phones, tablets, email, and other technologies – will happen at the edges of organizations and networks. The Lab is designed to serve as a collaborative hub among networks – inside and outside of Greenpeace – to find, test, and push the envelope on the use of technology in campaigns. Greenpeace’s global reach into 42 markets, from China to India to Brazil to the U.S., will surface creative new ideas that would not be found in any one country.
Linus Torvalds Linus Benedict Torvalds (Swedish: [ˈliːn.ɵs ˈtuːr.valds] ( Biography[edit] Early years[edit] Torvalds was born in Helsinki, Finland. He is the son of journalists Anna and Nils Torvalds,[6] and the grandson of poet Ole Torvalds. Both of his parents were campus radicals at the University of Helsinki in the 1960s. Torvalds attended the University of Helsinki between 1988 and 1996, graduating with a master's degree in computer science from NODES research group.[8] His academic career was interrupted after his first year of study when he joined the Finnish Army, selecting the 11-month officer training program to fulfill the mandatory military service of Finland. His interest in computers began with a Commodore VIC-20.[12] After the VIC-20 he purchased a Sinclair QL, which he modified extensively, especially its operating system. Later years[edit] From 1997 to 1999 he was involved in 86open helping to choose the standard binary format for Linux and Unix. The Linus/Linux connection[edit]
replicant Digital Culture Larry Wall Larry Wall (/wɔːl/; born September 27, 1954) is a computer programmer and author, most widely known as the creator of the Perl programming language. Education[edit] Wall grew up in south Los Angeles and then Bremerton, Washington, before starting higher education at Seattle Pacific University in 1976, majoring in chemistry and music and later Pre-med with a hiatus of several years working in the university's computing center before being graduated with a self-styled bachelor's degree in Natural and Artificial Languages.[1] While in graduate school at University of California, Berkeley, Wall and his wife were studying linguistics with the intention afterwards of finding an unwritten language, perhaps in Africa, and creating a writing system for it. Accomplishments[edit] Wall is the author of the rn Usenet client and the nearly universally used patch program. Wall continues to oversee further development of Perl and serves as the Benevolent Dictator for Life of the Perl project. Got that?
Alan Cox Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Pour les articles homonymes, voir Cox. Alan Cox Alan Cox (né en 1968) est l'un des programmeurs les plus impliqués dans le développement du noyau Linux, depuis ses débuts en 1991. Biographie[modifier | modifier le code] Il installe l'une des toutes premières versions de Linux sur l'une des machines de l'université du pays de Galles et découvre de nombreux bugs dans le code de l'interface réseau. Il a notamment eu la charge de maintenir la branche 2.2 du noyau, et sa propre branche 2.4 (indiquée par l'acronyme « ac » dans les numéros de version, comme 2.4.13-ac1). Souvent considéré comme l'un des plus importants contributeurs du noyau Linux, juste derrière Linus Torvalds, il a reçu en 2003 à Bruxelles le Prix pour le développement du logiciel libre de la Free Software Foundation. Le , Cox a également reçu à Londres le prix LinuxWorld pour l'ensemble de ses contributions au logiciel libre. Il vit actuellement à Swansea, au pays de Galles.
Top ten brains of the digital future « Prospect Magazine Above: digital consumers are living for the first time in a culture where being part of a globally interconnected group is normal When we refer to something digital—a film, a book, a song—we simply mean that it exists as a string of ones and zeroes within a machine. As ever more of our cultural and intellectual life migrates towards digital media, however, the staggering implications are becoming clear: that to live in a digital age is to live in an era of instantaneous and infinite reproduction, communication and creation. Change has rarely been at once so rapid and so universal; and many ideas that will shape the 21st century are emerging from the digital realm. In the past 12 months, the total number of global internet users has swept past the 2bn mark. But if 2010 was important, 2011 promises still more. Digital society’s top three: Tim Berners-Lee, Susan Crawford and Henry Jenkins are helping to shape the future of our wired century The Prospect panel
Wau Holland Holland also co-founded the CCC's hacker magazine Datenschleuder in 1984, which praised the possibilities of global information networks and powerful computers, and included detailed wiring diagrams for building your own modems cheaply. The then-monopolist phone company of Germany's Deutsche Bundespost had to approve modems and sold expensive, slow modems of their own. The telecommunications branch of Deutsche Bundespost was privatized and is now Deutsche Telekom. Because of Holland's continuing participation in the club, the CCC gained popularity and credibility. Holland was an amateur radio operator and held the callsign DB4FA.[2] Holland died in Bielefeld on 29 July 2001 of complications caused by a brain stem stroke from which he suffered in May.[1] See also[edit] References[edit] External links[edit]
Linus Torvalds Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Linus Benedict Torvalds, né le à Helsinki en Finlande, est un informaticien américano-finlandais[1]. Il est connu pour avoir créé en 1991 le noyau Linux dont il continue de diriger le développement. Il en est considéré comme le « dictateur bienveillant ». Biographie[modifier | modifier le code] Linus Torvalds fait partie de la communauté des Finlandais suédophones (Finlandssvensk), une population représentant 6 % des habitants de la Finlande. Il découvre l'informatique vers l’âge de 11 ans grâce à l'ordinateur de son grand-père (un Commodore VIC-20)[3]. Inspiré par le système Minix développé par Andrew S. Après avoir quitté l'Université d'Helsinki, Linus Torvalds a travaillé de à chez Transmeta, une société de la Silicon Valley qui fabrique des microprocesseurs à faible consommation électrique. Linus Torvalds a également créé le logiciel de gestion de versions Git, initialement prévu pour le développement du noyau Linux.
Print Dead At 1,803 NEW YORK—Sources close to print, the method of applying ink to paper in order to convey information to a mass audience, have confirmed that the declining medium passed away early Thursday morning. The influential means of communication was 1,803. Print, which had for nearly two millennia worked tirelessly to spread knowledge around the globe in the form of books, newspapers, magazines, pamphlets, and numerous other textual materials, reportedly succumbed to its long battle with ill health, leaving behind legions of readers who had for years benefited from the dissemination of ideas made possible by the advent of printed materials. Reaction to print’s tragic demise was overwhelming, with countless individuals within the publishing sector left reeling at its death. “I’m in absolute shock right now,” said Charles Townsend, CEO of Condé Nast Publications, who reportedly worked closely with the beloved medium throughout his career.