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Transgression et désordre dans le genre : les explorateurs français aux prises avec les “ berdaches ” amérindiens 1 La pratique de la sodomie est l’un des arguments avancés par Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda dans son trait (...) 1La “ découverte ” de l’Amérique a été pour les européens, on le sait, une rencontre essentielle avec une “ altérité ” conçue comme radicale : le contact avec ces peuples aux “ étranges ” mœurs, via la constitution de la figure du “ sauvage ”, a bouleversé et a permis d’interroger nombre de conceptions occidentales. Parmi toutes les “ bizarreries ” aperçues alors dans les nations autochtones de l’Amérique du Nord, la rencontre de ceux qu’on a appelé “ berdaches ” semble avoir marqué les esprits et jeté un certain trouble parmi les observateurs. 2 Le terme berdache s’est imposé pendant longtemps comme le terme générique permettant de désigner l’ (...) 3 Will Roscoe est, à ma connaissance, le seul à noter que les auteurs français, à l’exception de Deli (...) 4 Roscoe fait partie des auteurs qui utilisent cette notion pour qualifier les transgenres amérindien (...)

Why This GOP Convention Is the Most Dangerous One Ever Patrick Fallon/ZUMA "Lock her up! Lock her up!" This is when the Republican National Convention turned dangerous. It's not news that the Trump movement has been laced with violence and extremism—and it has hit a fever pitch at the convention this week. The call for Clinton's execution is not as shocking as it should be. Within the ranks of Trump Nation, Clinton's guilt has long been a given. At this event, Alex Jones, a prominent conspiracy theorist and 9/11 truther, decried Hillary Clinton as part of a secretive global conspiracy seeking world domination. Trump has encouraged all this. Trump's convention has given voice to the most extremist portions of the right.

The Progressive Puppy: Internet Hate Speech Diminishes Conservatives On front page of the conservative website there is a note that says: "Free Republic does not advocate or condone racism, violence, rebellion, secession, or an overthrow of the government." This must be some sort of in-joke since so many of the comments left by readers do exactly that - with a nonstop stream of personal attacks thrown in for good measure. Anybody who dares question FR's extreme right-wing ideology is eviscerated. Since the 2008 presidential election, the situation over there has devolved even further. David Letterman's offensive joke about Sarah Palin's daughter was denounced by most liberals, as it should have been. But consider what denizens of the Free Republic have to say about our president's pre-teen youngster. People who regularly spit venom on the Free Republic are known by the progressive community as "freepers." There are, believe it or not, Republicans making thoughtful (if misguided) arguments in support of conservative political philosophy.

This Blog is Under New Management Hi. I’m Heather. Just in case you didn’t know this: for the past six years I have been the “silent force” in the background here at the Homeschool Post. I have also been the PR and project manager behind the annual Homeschool Blog Awards each fall. Since early 2007 this site has been cranking out homeschool content to encourage, inform, and connect the community online. It has been a huge blessing to me in my life to be part of the Homeschool Post. But… to everything there is a time and a season. I mentioned on my blog earlier this year that my word for 2013 is CHANGE. Just in case you are asking, The answer would be – YES! I’m planning to write at least one post each month here… and at least for the rest of 2013, I’m still “partners in crime” with my friend Lisa Baldwin, who is also an author here at the Homeschool Post. It’s funny, but @LifeVerse tweeted TODAY that: I have loved being the ‘behind the scenes’ worker bee at the Homeschool Post. However, if you have a PROBLEM – SEE LISA.

World News A l'arrière de nos images | Editions Papiers Or, mon fils, ce n'est pas goûter à l'arbre qui fut le vrai motif d'un tel exil, mais seulement d'avoir passé la limite. Adam s'adressant à Dante Alighieri, La Divine Comédie. Paradis, XXVI, v. 115-117. Dans le livre de prière médiéval, en marge des psaumes, s’ébattent des sodomites, des singes moqueurs, des évêques déguisés en chien. Dans la nef de l’église, une femme sculptée ouvre son sexe avec les mains. Que l’on puisse trouver incongrues ces images relativement banales au moment de leur réalisation, ou que l’on prête des intentions subversives aux artistes qui truffaient de facéties les recoins des cathédrales, nos réactions témoignent d’une habitude à penser l’image en termes de transgression. Il importe peu de savoir si ces images sont légitimes ou pas dans l’espace public. Cette situation est le résultat d’une histoire pour le moins complexe et singulière. En quatre siècles et pour la première fois dans un contexte chrétien, l’image s’est imposée au plus grand nombre. Argument

5 takeaways from Cruz’s convention stunner CLEVELAND — Ted Cruz just out-Trumped Trump. Turns out that when you bully a guy for months, suggest his wife is unattractive, insinuate that his dad participated in the JFK assassination, call him “Lyin’ Ted,” dispatch your bouncer-like emissaries to coerce an endorsement, then give him a prime-time speaking spot on the third night of your nominating convention — well, you get the picture. Story Continued Below Audacity is supposed to be Donald Trump’s most valuable attribute, but it was Cruz who delivered one the most audacious blows of the 2016 campaign, pointedly refusing to endorse his party’s nominee even as an incensed audience at the Quicken Loans Arena on Wednesday night booed him off the stage. Revenge is best served on live national TV. Moments before Trump’s vice-presidential running mate Mike Pence was preparing to deliver remarks that included the line, “This week, with this united party …” security escorted Cruz’s wife out of the arena for her own safety. That, times 10, now.

Fueling Consipracy How the News Media Fuels Conspiracy Theories "For the great enemy of truth is very often not the lie -- deliberate, contrived and dishonest -- but the myth -- persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic. Too often we hold fast to the cliches of our forebears. We subject all facts to a prefabricated set of interpretations. We enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought." Let’s start by differentiating “conspiracy theories” from “reasonable suspicion.” Someone could just come up with a creative “what if” idea about something. Let’s examine America’s view of conspiracy theories. The actual “theory” portion of the Kennedy assassination was the conclusions outlined in the Warren Report. Now let’s talk about how the media pulls the switch-a-roo flipping conspiracy theory and reasonable suspicion when they want to shape public opinion. I like to call this propaganda. The ultimate theory: The existence of God. I can create a never ending list here but I think you get the point.

Thank You

God Bless Korea!!! by kpjete Jan 13

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