The Georgia Guidestones - Another Gateway Into The New World Order/New Civilisation Enclosure For The Sheeple by Arthur Cristian
"LET THESE BE GUIDESTONES TO AN AGE OF REASON" - "A letter in stone to the editor of history, unsigned, and an inspiration to mischief" The message of the Georgia Guide Stones 1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Located on Georgia Highway 77 between Hartwell and Elberton, these giant granite stones are often referred to as "America's Stonehenge", because of their similarity to the famous England landmark. Video: A Journey Through The Guide Stones - 2006 A Brief Look at the Georgia Guide Stones The Guidestones have been referred to by some as a monument to God, others refer to it as a monument to Satan, saying that the 10 "Guides" are actually the "10 Commandments of the Anti-Christ". The site has been host to a myriad of activities: many "alternative" religions (such as witchcraft, druidism, etc) have used the site for ceremonies. The Time Capsule at the Georgia Guide Stones Gives No Date Why? Hang on!
Arabian desert surrenders Queen of Sheba's secrets
[Arabian desert surrenders Queen of Sheba's secrets] ... [Who was the Queen of Sheba?] ... [Modern science helps uncover ancient treasures] ... [Bios of news conference participants] ... [Modern chronology of Mahram Bilqis, Yemen] ... September 12, 2000 Arabian desert surrenders Queen of Sheba's secretsArchaeologists unearth 3,000-year-old temple in Yemen, opening a new door to southern Arabia's ancient civilizations Researchers from the University of Calgary are participating in an American Foundation for the Study of Man project to unlock the secrets of a 3,000-year-old temple in Yemen. The Mahram Bilqis - pronounced Mah-ram Bill-kees - (or Temple of the Moon God) lies buried under the sands of the southern Arabian desert in northern Yemen and is believed to have been used throughout the reign of the legendary Queen of Sheba. "The sanctuary is packed with artifacts, pottery, artwork and inscriptions, opening a new door to the ancient civilizations of southern Arabia," says Glanzman.
infobomber | information explosions
Yemen As It Is...
Why Yemen is the next war front. By Gary Vey for viewzone (posted January 5, 2010) As an editor here at viewzone I get to write and publish lots of interesting stories. Some authors write stories to promote a book or CD. In the past couple of days, Yemen has been in the news. Soon you will hear many things about Yemen. Yemen is the poorest country in the Arabian peninsula. But I have. In 2001 I was the guest of the Yemeni government because I had accidentally made a discovery that I had no right to make. Accidental discovery No, I'm not an archaeologist or even an historian. The petroglyphs above were originally painted with aluminum powder before being photographed and have been enhanced here in white with photoshop to make them stand out from the dark rock face. I went to the site and photographed the petroglyphs. The older petroglyphs seemed to have recurring symbols, like an alphabet, and I spent about a week photographing them. About a year passed. Dr. I'm not a historian. Comments:
Image Archive on the American Eugenics Movement
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory's The Eugenics Archive utilizes Flash for enhanced search features, cross referencing, and interactive images created with Zoomifyer. Get the Flash plugin at The Eugenics Archive will open in a new window. I prefer the original, HTML-only Eugenics Archive site, take me there. Eugenics Archive Blog Sterilization Laws Based on a task force recommendation, the North Carolina legislature is considering paying $50,000 to living individuals sterilized by the state against their will or without their knowledge. Examine the Chronicle of how society dealt with mental illness and other "dysgenic" traits in the final section of our website DNA Interactive.
Real-life Da Vinci Code: Tiny numbers and letters discovered on the Mona Lisa
By Nick Pisa and Luke Salkeld Created: 17:25 GMT, 12 December 2010 Intrigue is usually focused on her enigmatic smile. But the Mona Lisa was at the centre of a new mystery yesterday after art detectives took a fresh look at the masterpiece – and noticed something in her eyes. Hidden in the dark paint of her pupils are tiny letters and numbers, placed there by the artist Leonardo da Vinci and revealed only now thanks to high-magnification techniques. Under the microscope: Historians in Italy have discovered that by magnifying the eyes of the Mona Lisa painting tiny numbers and letters can be seen Hidden symbols: This eye is thought to contain L and V, the artist's initials Experts say the barely distinguishable letters and numbers represent something of a real-life Da Vinci code. The revelation could have come straight from the pages of Dan Brown’s best-seller The Da Vinci Code, in which the Mona Lisa is said to contain hidden clues about the Holy Grail.
While eugenic principles have been practiced as far back in world history as Ancient Greece, the modern history of eugenics began in the early 20th century when a popular eugenics movement emerged in Britain[8] and spread to many countries, including the United States and most European countries. In this period, eugenic ideas were espoused across the political spectrum. Consequently, many countries adopted eugenic policies meant to improve the genetic stock of their countries. Such programs often included both "positive" measures, such as encouraging individuals deemed particularly "fit" to reproduce, and "negative" measures such as marriage prohibitions and forced sterilization of people deemed unfit for reproduction. People deemed unfit to reproduce often included people with mental or physical disabilities, people who scored in the low ranges of different IQ tests, criminals and deviants, and members of disfavored minority groups. History[edit] Some, such as Nathaniel C. Ethics[edit]
Coordinates: An example of high-precision small holes Stone blocks at Pumapunku Pumapunku or Puma Punku (Aymara and Quechua puma cougar, puma, punku door, hispanicized Puma Puncu) is part of a large temple complex or monument group that is part of the Tiwanaku Site near Tiwanaku, Bolivia. Tiwanaku is significant in Inca traditions because it is believed to be the site where the world was created.[1] In Aymara, Puma Punku's name means "The Door of the Puma". The Pumapunku is a terraced earthen mound that is faced with blocks. The other stonework and facing of the Pumapunku consists of a mixture of andesite and red sandstone. At its peak, Pumapunku is thought to have been "unimaginably wondrous",[3] adorned with polished metal plaques, brightly colored ceramic and fabric ornamentation, trafficked by costumed citizens, elaborately dressed priests and elites decked in exotic jewelry. Age[edit] Engineering[edit] Detail of stone with precisely cut straight line and tooled holes within the line
Codex Alimentarius: Population Control Under the Guise of Consumer Protection
(NaturalNews) Codeath (sorry, I meant Codex) Alimentarius, latin for Food Code, is a very misunderstood organization that most people (including nearly all U.S. congressmen) have never heard of, never mind understand the true reality of this extremely powerful trade organization. From the official Codex website ( the altruistic purpose of this commission is in "protecting health of the consumers and ensuring fair trade practices in the food trade, and promoting coordination of all food standards work undertaken by international governmental and non-governmental organizations". Codex is a joint venture regulated by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO). Brief History of Codex The history of Codex began in 1893 when the Austria-Hungarian empire decided it needed a specific set of guidelines by which the courts could rule on cases dealing with food [1]. Codex Now The Real Threat The Door is Open for Codex In 1995, the U.S.