«Humanités Digitales»: mais oui, un néologisme consciemment choisi! | Digital Humanities Blog Texte retravaillé le lundi 28 octobre 2013 L’usage en français de l’expression «Humanités Digitales» a démarré à l’Université de Bordeaux 3 dès 2008, et à celle de Lausanne en 2010, sans qu’il n’y ait eu de contact entre les groupes de chercheurs des deux universités. Depuis 2013, la Suisse compte 3 laboratoires d’Humanités Digitales, à l’Université de Bâle, à l’EPFL et à l’Université de Lausanne. L’apparition d’un néologisme tient du fait de société, et demandera bien du temps pour être analysé. Je soulignerai simplement ici qu’ «ordinateur» ou l’anglais «computer» désignent un concept cérébral. D’autre part, le chercheur en Humanités Digitales tient de l’Homo Faber et réellement fabrique, crée les nouvelles sciences humaines et sociales. Indications bibliographiques (liste à compléter, toute suggestion bienvenue!) Michel Serres, Petite Poucette, Paris: Le Pommier, 2012. Claire Clivaz, «Common Era 2.0. Actes du THATCamp à Saint-Malo 2013, atelier 1: à paraître online bientôt Claire Clivaz
Company - Report - Big data: The next frontier for innovation, competition, and productivity - May 2011 The amount of data in our world has been exploding, and analyzing large data sets—so-called big data—will become a key basis of competition, underpinning new waves of productivity growth, innovation, and consumer surplus, according to research by MGI and McKinsey's Business Technology Office. Leaders in every sector will have to grapple with the implications of big data, not just a few data-oriented managers. The increasing volume and detail of information captured by enterprises, the rise of multimedia, social media, and the Internet of Things will fuel exponential growth in data for the foreseeable future. MGI studied big data in five domains—healthcare in the United States, the public sector in Europe, retail in the United States, and manufacturing and personal-location data globally. Big data can generate value in each. 1. 2. Podcast Distilling value and driving productivity from mountains of data 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
L’ethnographie armée par les statistiques 1 Je remercie Agnès Gramain, statisticienne et économètre formée à la sociologie, dont les remarques (...) 2 On trouvera quelques éléments pour une telle histoire, entre autres, dans M. Pollak, « Paul Lazarsf (...) 3 En particulier, l’utilisation quantitative d’enquêtes ethnographiques relève d’une méconnaissance d (...) 4 B. Lepetit, « Architecture, géographie, histoire : usages de l’échelle », Genèses, 13, 1993, p. 11 (...) 1Opposer la fabrication et l’usage de statistiques à l’observation ethnographique et à l’entretien approfondi – comme le quantitatif au qualitatif, le « macro » au « micro », et en fin de compte la sociologie à l’anthropologie1 : ces lieux communs ne résistent pas à l’examen de l’histoire des sciences sociales2 ni à une pratique de recherche qui met en œuvre, successivement, observation, questionnaire et utilisation de statistiques nationales. 5 On en trouvera les premiers résultats dans : M. Pluvinage & F. 9 Cf. Le travail à-côté entre ressource et contrainte
Et tu, Citi? Bank Raises Balance Requirements and Fees Bank of America wasn’t the only big national financial institution to announce some changes that might hit customers in the wallet. Citi was quick to bash Bank of America when it rolled out its hugely unpopular debit card fee, but it just announced an overhaul of its checking account options, along with increases in minimum-balance requirements and monthly maintenance fees that kick in Dec. 9. One big change affects the bank’s mid-level checking option. The bank is phasing out its EZ Checking account, which hasn’t been offered to new customers for over a year. Customers who have this account now can keep it, but there are some new rules. (MORE: Bank Accounts: Do the Free Cash Come-ons Outweigh the Fees Sure to Follow?) The mid-tier checking package the bank now offers is called the Citibank Account. (MORE: Was Bank of America Hacked?) (MORE: 111 Pages of Disclosures for the Typical Checking Account?!?)
EMC throws lots of hardware at Hadoop — Cloud Computing News OpenRefine Rankur Offers Free Marketing Analysis on The Web - Technorati Advertising Having to decide how to promote your new product? Or what are the main features that people like on your competitors’ gadgets? Having issues with your current ad campaign? There are technologies that help you answer the question and ease the finding of the solution, but now they become free! Consumers’ opinions have always been an important piece of information during the decision making process. new EU-based startup, called Rankur, combines technologies like Opinion Mining and Text Analytics into a cutting edge product that answers the questions “What other people think” and “What are other people talking about”. A marketing or PR professional may stay current to what is being said about a topic, find out what are the related discussions about, where do they come from, discover negative or positive text and filter opinions by language, source or trend. Another application of these recent technologies is the automation of the follow-up of your brand reputation.
Revolution speeds stats on Hadoop clusters High performance access to file storage Revolution Analytics, the company that is extending R, the open source statistical programming language, with proprietary extensions, is making available a free set of extensions that allow its R engine to run atop Hadoop clusters. Now statisticians that are familiar with R can do analysis on unstructured data stored in the Hadoop Distributed File System, the data store used for the MapReduce method of chewing on unstructured data pioneered by Google for its search engine and mimicked and open sourced by rival Yahoo! as the Apache Hadoop project. R can now also run against the HBase non-relational, column-oriented distributed data store, which mimics Google's BigTable and which is essentially a database for Hadoop for holding structured data. Like Hadoop, HBase in an open source project distributed by the Apache Software Foundation. You can download the R connector for Hadoop from GitHub.
Reconciling market segments and personas Market segmentation and personas are two different techniques that are often perceived as conflicting methods, but they are actually complementary tools that organizations can use to design and sell successful products. The value of market segmentation The marketing profession has taken much of the guesswork out of determining what motivates people to buy. One of the most powerful tools for doing so is market segmentation, which groups people by their distinct needs to determine what types of consumers will be most receptive to a particular product or marketing message. To develop these models, marketers classify consumers according to a set of demographics and geographic variables such as age, race, education, and location. However, understanding why somebody wants to buy something is not the same thing as actually defining the product—what it is, how it will work, and how it will be used. The value of personas How do you select the right personas? An example Example survey chart
Millions of tweets reveal global mood trends | Health Tech It may not be terribly surprising that many of us find our moods dipping over the course of the day, and that by nightfall we light up again. Or that our moods are perkiest on weekends, regardless of which days our weekends fall on (i.e., Fridays and Saturdays in the United Arab Emirates). What's of note, according to an analysis of 2.4 million tweets in 84 countries by researchers out of Cornell, is that these mood trends hold steady across cultures and borders, hinting at some sort of deeper trend whose basis is in being human, not in belonging to a particular people or place. "We saw the influence of something that's biological- or sleep-based; regardless of the day of the week, the shape of the mood rhythm is the same," Scott Golder, a doctoral student of sociology, said in a news release. "The difference between weekdays and weekends has to do with the average mood, which is higher on the weekends than the weekdays.
Hadoop app specialist Karmasphere scores $6M — Cloud Computing News