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Le magazine des professionnels du digital – Innovation, Business, marketing, tech, design, management

Le magazine des professionnels du digital – Innovation, Business, marketing, tech, design, management

Related:  Numérique - Digital

Award winning blog about analytics content & general web domination Startup Chat #65 – Freedom, travel and entrepreneurship with Natalie Sisson This week we chat with Entrepreneur and author Natalie Sisson, the Suitcase Entrepreneur. Natalie travels the world working out of her suitcase and inspires other to do the same. About Want to let people share and use your photographs, but not allow companies to sell them?Looking for access to course materials from the world’s top universities?Want to encourage readers to re-publish your blog posts, as long as they give you credit?Looking for songs that you can use and remix, royalty-free? If you answered yes to any of the questions above, then you should learn more about Creative Commons. Probably the quickest and easiest introduction to CC is to watch the following short video:

Do Things that Don't Scale July 2013 One of the most common types of advice we give at Y Combinator is to do things that don't scale. A lot of would-be founders believe that startups either take off or don't. Four Questions with Seth Priebatsch, Creator of LevelUp If you’ve grabbed a meal downtown or off a food truck and didn’t pay with cash or a card, there’s a good chance Seth Priebatsch had a hand in that purchase. Seth’s invention, LevelUp, has changed the way we pay for things. I asked him how it all works and the future of paying for stuff with our phones. What’s LevelUp and how does it work? LevelUp is the easiest way to pay with your phone at your favorite local businesses and save. Basically you just download the free LevelUp app for iPhone, Android or Windows and link your favorite credit or debit card.

Thursday for Monday... How many times have you needed to change something quickly on your website? You spot a spalling mistake! You need to alter a price or update a specification? So, you type up the amendments, send them to your agency and you wait… Responsiveness is what differentiates many SMEs from larger competitors. Wouldn’t it be easier, quicker and cheaper to make the changes in-house? I respectfully suggest that every company should have someone with enough HTML to make simple website changes.

Jargon buster A/B Testing A/B testing refers to a methodology used by marketers to test two different treatments of a given ad unit, typically isolating a difference in things like email subject lines, headlines, layouts or colour treatments. In A/B testing, the control is typically the creative treatment currently in use and tested against a new variant to better optimise a given campaign.

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