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Coffee Cup Art By Cheeming Boey Cheeming Boey takes something as simple as styrofoam coffee cups, and turns them into wonderful works of art. What is so great about this is that something that seems to only create problems, pollution for example, is given a whole new purpose. Check out all the cup art made by Cheeming at his Flickr photostream. You may also follow Cheeming via Twitter @iamboey or by visiting his homepage. If you are interested in purchasing one of these cups, visit Cheeming’s Etsy store.

Davidope’s mesmerizing animations Davidope is creative director and founder of Volll studio, based in Budapest. Besides that he has a tumblr where he show off some cool stuff he find online and AWESOME animated gifs he make. Black and white ipnotizing machines, optical illusions with 3D depth. You’ll get stunned. Exercises in Style Exercises in Style Yet another awesome poster hero set by Grégoire GUILLEMIN! Lately his work never fails to impress me!! Wind Map An invisible, ancient source of energy surrounds us—energy that powered the first explorations of the world, and that may be a key to the future. This map shows you the delicate tracery of wind flowing over the US. The wind map is a personal art project, not associated with any company. We've done our best to make this as accurate as possible, but can't make any guarantees about the correctness of the data or our software. Please do not use the map or its data to fly a plane, sail a boat, or fight wildfires :-) If the map is missing or seems slow, we recommend the latest Chrome browser.

Negative Space Art by Noma Bar EmailEmail Israeli illustrator Noma Bar creatively uses negative space to create some incredible illustrations with double meanings. His artworks are so simple, yet so clever you you cannot not fall in love with. “An artist using “negative space” relies on the space that surrounds the subject to provide shape and meaning. Typographic work by James Windsor James Windsor is a London-based graphic designer with a keen eye for typography. Video Game Music You will get very nostalgic as I did listening to these old memories. I almost dropped a tear while listening no Pokemon Pallet Town theme song. So, did you get nostalgic after hearing some of your childhood classics? The times when you have played these games with your school friends or even at the university or at bars.

3D Illustrations Come Alive on the Page! Figures come alive and jump off the pages in these illustrations by Japanese artist Nagai Hideyuki. By displaying simple pads of paper at special vantage points, the artist's amazing charcoal and pencil drawings form playful 3D optical illusions. The 21-year-old artist has quite a knack for perspective and each new drawing is more surprising than the next.
