The Future Of Education Eliminates The Classroom, Because The World Is Your Class This probably sounds familiar: You are with a group of friends arguing about some piece of trivia or historical fact. Someone says, "Wait, let me look this up on Wikipedia," and proceeds to read the information out loud to the whole group, thus resolving the argument. Don’t dismiss this as a trivial occasion. It represents a learning moment, or more precisely, a microlearning moment, and it foreshadows a much larger transformation—to what I call socialstructed learning. Socialstructed learning is an aggregation of microlearning experiences drawn from a rich ecology of content and driven not by grades but by social and intrinsic rewards. Think of a simple augmented reality app on your iPhone such as Yelp Monocle. This is exactly what a project from USC and UCLA called HyperCities is doing: layering historical information on the actual city terrain. So look beyond MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) in thinking about the future education.
Connected Educators | Strengthening connected online communities of practice in education Agendas Startup America - DC-to-VC for Learning Technologies National Education Startup Challenge Click here to see a one-page fact sheet for the National Education Startup Challenge. It's an invitation for students to develop an innovative solution to an education problem and design a blueprint for a new company or non-profit organization—a startup—to deliver it. The competition deadline is May 1, 2012. Dept. of Education and Dept. of Labor Advance Entrepreneurship On Thursday, December 8, 2011, the Department of Education and the Department of Labor announced a number of initiatives to advance entrepreneurship, including youth entrepreneurship. DC-to-VC for Learning Technologies Learning is transitioning from the traditional print-based classroom experience to incorporating a digital learning environment inside and outside the classroom, where new platforms, customized learning, and multimedia content promise to dramatically improve teaching and learning.
Learn lab concept for LRS. Mayhew session re furniture design Agenda April 5