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a few of you have asked about the amazing rope swirl tapestries in our new store displays and you’re in luck because one of our display artists put together a tutorial on how to make them! it looks like such a fun rainy day project. what you need: a large piece of cardboard, black marker, scissors, rope in various sizes and colors, neon twine, pompoms. use a variety of different colors and textures to create a fun swirl – these purple and orange tassels are just another piece of string woven in with the others! once you’ve got it down, you can make a whole bunch in different sizes and colors, to create a whole wall tapestry just like the ones in our stores :) i can’t wait to try this! Be sure to check out our new DIY Projects category for more DIY Inspiration! Trending on Floral dresses, high waisted bikinis, bralettes, off the shoulder tops, party dresses, gladiator sandals, lace dresses

DIY | DIY Steel & Ombre Ring Hey everyone! I have a quick tutorial up over at For the Makers today on how to make a ring from dark annealed steel wire from the hardware store (3!) and embroidery thread. DIY Wood Jewelry Holder I love junk wood. Months ago when I was having some fun with dimensional paint for the Martha Stewart craft article, I experimented with a dot stippling method that could make some interesting designs. So all you need for this project is a an old piece of wood, 3-dimensional paint, and some hooks to screw into your wood, and a little elbow grease to screw them in. It’s a Great Day For… It’s a cool rainy day here, one that calls for some indoor cozy activities – like embroidery. (Pattern from the September For the Makers box. Also, with the weather change, it seems to have brought out some big spiders around our house. Is the weather changing where you are? Consider the Birds I picked up this Blue Jay feather the other day. Guest Post: DIY Earrings from Paint For the Makers

DIY Woven Chain Bracelet Chain link bracelets, with colorful threads woven through them, have been popping up here and there. We adore Aurèlie Bidermann‘s Do Brazil bracelets and thought it was about time we graduate to the ultimate “grown-up” friendship bracelet. With a curb chain bracelet and some embroidery thread, we’ll teach you how to make your own woven chain bracelet. And one for your bestie too, of course. You’ll need:a curb link braceletembroidery threadtwo bobby pinsa pair of scissors Cut 2 sets of 15 strands of embroidery thread, with each strand measuring four times the length of the bracelet. Lay the second color (blue) over the first color (coral). Repeat the steps until you reach the end of the bracelet. (top images from here and here, rest of images by Honestly…WTF) DIY Champagne Flutes For NYE! I love New Year’s Eve. I have definitely had some years when I didn’t feel that way, but now, it’s a great excuse to celebrate with your favorite people and just let loose and have a good time. I love thinking back on the past year and all that has happened, and I especially love the feeling of a whole new year stretched out before you like a blank piece of paper waiting to be filled with stories and adventures. Glitter Dipped Champagne Flutes What you need: Elmer’s glue, glitter, paint brush, and champagne flute(s). Using a paint brush apply the glue to the glass where you want it to be covered with glitter. Gold Stencil Champagne Flutes What you need: a piece of paper or card stock, gold paint, paint brush, double-sided tape and champagne flute(s). For the other two glasses, I loved the idea of customizing them using stencils and gold paint. This would be fun to do with guests’ initials for a party, or using different stencils for each champagne glass! Photos by Julia.

Goodluck Knot Tuto - Des bracelets porte-bonheur par milliers Pondu par Flo le 17 août 2012 Les bracelets porte-bonheur en coton et perles sont très en vogue en été. Pour que vos poignets soient au top dans quelques mois, voici un tuto très simple pour réaliser ces petits bijoux colorés ! Publié initialement le 30 avril 2012 Les bracelets porte-bonheur sont très en vogue quand arrive l’été : petits, légers et souvent très colorés, ils décorent vos poignets nus d’une très jolie façon ! Le matériel Du fil coton ciré (comptez minimum 1m pour un bracelet ; à trouver dans les magasins de loisirs créatifs, au rayon rubans et fils)Des fermoirs « repliables » (deux par bracelet)Des perles de rocailles (faites attention au diamètre pour qu’elles s’enfilent sur le coton ciré, souvent épais)Des ciseaux, une pince, un cutter Étapes Commencez par couper 3 bouts de coton ciré de la même longueur (+/- 35 cm). Rassemblez les 3 extrémités entre les deux plaques du fermoir . Commencez à tresser les trois fils de façon assez serrée, sur deux petits centimètres.

EASY PEASY LOVELY GARLAND TO DIY! ΦΤΙΑΞΤΟ ΜΟΝΟΣ ΣΟΥ! ΜΙΑ ΓΙΡΛΑΝΤΑ ΝΑ ΤΗΝ ΠΙΕΙΣ ΣΤΟ ΠΟΤΗΡΙ! Hello you all!!! How are you? Was your weekend mad and fabulous or was it full of housekeeping and cooking like mine? Anyway, Christmas is on the way and anything that is shinny, colorful and cute is welcome in Donkey's ''to do'' list ! Καλημέρα και καλή εβδομάδα...! flax & twine | craft + diy: Finger Knitting How-to You know how I just wrote about how I like getting a handmade gift more than just about anything. Well, this is anything. Sitting on the couch on a lazy Sunday, knitting with my kids . . . that beats gift-getting for sure. It is a gift itself. We just sat there side-by-side, for about an hour, feeling the warmth from each other’s bodies, listening to music from my computer and basking in each others company as the sun streamed through the windows. The two kiddos are finger-knitting, which I’ve written about before and again, but it continues to be a favorite activity. You end up with a long coil of knitting like this, that curls itself into a sort of tube. My son is using a finer and less expensive yarn, here. They really do enjoy the process. Some day, I’ll make a coiled rug from the pieces. **UPDATE: So many people have asked me for a PDF of the below how-to so they can take the directions on the road for their kiddos. Materials: Any yarn An eager kiddo Time: However long you want!

Hanging String Balls Whattya need? BalloonStringScissorsGlueJar How do I make glue string balls? Step 1: Hang inflated balloon from ceiling. Step 2: Put string and glue in the jar with a hole in the lid. Next, pull string from hole while wrapping around the balloon. Step 3: Wait until dry (try to contain yourself). Created by Dane Holweger {Tutoriel} Fabriquer ses Bracelets Shamballa Exprimez votre personnalité en fabriquant l’accessoire incontournable du moment: Les Bracelets Shamballa Les Fournitures qu’il vous faut: - 30 cm de fil de nylon noir - 150 cm de fil de nylon rose - 1 Perle à strass Fuchsia 12 mm - 2 Perles nacrées Gris Anthracite 12 mm - 2 Perles en verre Noires 8 mm - 2 Perles en verres à Facettes Noires 8 mm - 2 Perles en verre Givrées Roses 6 mm Première étape: Préparer le fil du milieu - Enfiler toutes les perles sur le fil de 30 cm (noir) dans l’ordre final souhaité. Deuxième étape: Apprendre à faire les nœuds Astuce: Vous ne savez plus si vous venez de commencer par le fil de gauche ou de droite ? Variante: Vous pouvez faire un bracelet torsadé en commençant toujours par le même fil pour le tressage. Troisième étape: Tresser le bracelet - Pour insérer une perle dans les nœuds, on remonte la perle jusqu’au dernier nœud et on refait un nœud juste en dessous Tous le matériel est disponible sur La Mercerie de Moumy:

Gorgeous Chiffon and Tulle Flowers - DIY: Gorgeous Chiffon and Tulle Flowers Photos By: Olivia Kanaley For this project you will need fabric - we used chiffon and tulle. Yardage needed will vary based on the number and size of flowers, as well as the fabric thickness. You'll also need a piece of paper, a pen, scissors, pins, needle and thread, glass seed beads, and a plain hair clip or comb. To make a stencil first free hand a rose petal shape and cut out. Take some fabric and fold it into a square a little larger than your flower pattern. Stack flower cut outs, alternating fabric types and staggering petals. Pinch together the center of the flower (from the bottom) and secure with stitches to create volume and give the flower and authentic shape. If desired you can sew decorative beads in the inside center of the flower. Finally, sew the flower to a hair clip or comb. You can also create a tie-on corsage or sash, by sewing one or more flowers to a length of silk ribbon.

Inspiration : bird tattoos + DIY temporary tattoos I've been having a love affair with bird motifs since many years now, so my heart skipped a beat when I saw a flock of birds' tattoo for the first time. I've been collecting them since then. I know bird tattoos are currently super trendy, but I love them anyway! As far as I'm concerned, I'm not ready for a tattoo (I have a VERY low tolerance to pain), so as an alternative, I opted for temporary transfer tattoos! You need : 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. It can last up to 7 days, but mine started cracking after 4 days, so I dissolved it with baby oil. I felt like a little girl, and it was super fun!

Tuto - Un collier tressé en perles de rocaille Pondu par Flo le 24 avril 2012 Voici un tuto photos pour réaliser très simplement un collier tressé avec de petites perles de rocaille. Un collier que vous pouvez adapter selon les tendances et les saisons, en choisissant des harmonies de couleurs différentes ! Ici j’ai opté pour une alliance anthracite / or / vert de gris clair, avec des perles mats. Le coût du collier revient à moins de 10€, sachant qu’il vous restera pas mal de perles, d’anneaux et de cache-noeuds, qui s’achètent souvent par 10. Matériel Trois couleurs de perles de rocailleDu fil à coutureDes cache-noeudsDes anneauxDe la chaîne avec un fermoirDes ciseauxUne aiguilleUne pince (facultatif, souvent les cache-noeuds sont souples et se ferment à la main) Étapes Préparez deux rangs de perles de chaque couleur, sur un fil double, histoire d’assurer la longévité de votre collier. Vous allez ensuite assembler les deux rangs de même couleur avec un cache-noeud. Voici le résultat. Pour terminer, fixez votre chaîne à chaque anneau.
