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Bounce – A fun and easy way to share ideas on a webpage

Bounce – A fun and easy way to share ideas on a webpage

Related:  Programació i web

Lynx Viewer Lynx Viewer This service allows web authors to see what their pages will look like (sort of) when viewed with Lynx, a text-mode web browser. Note: for best results, you should download a copy of Lynx itself and run it locally on your own machine, rather than use this service, if you can. Arcade Game: review for tests To continue with the game, you need to answer a few questions...! Question yada Arcade Game Generator! Manic Miner - a classic platform game turned into an educational quiz Turn your test into an arcade game! How to Easily Create Online Flashcards in a Flash – I have recently discovered, a Google Spreadsheet conversion tool that creates online flashcards in an instant. This is NOT an iPad app, but rather a web tool that can be accessed on PC or mobile device. Making the flashcards is quick and easy, but will require a computer. How to create Flippity Online flashcards: On your computer (not iPad), head over to will need a gmail account and Google docs to be set up.Keep this as a tab open in your browser so you can refer back to it.

MiniUrlz - url shortening script Description: Very simple to install and use free url shortening script that will let you set up your own service in a few minutes. Front page design can be easily modified by editing just a one template file - "template.html" (front page HTML is totally separated from PHP!). It does not require any database to work. Submitted urls can be easily managed through integrated administrator panel. Features: 11 Google Tricks That'll Change the Way You Search Google Search’s learning curve is an odd one. You use it every day, but still all you know is how to search. But the search engine has plenty of tricks up its sleeve. Here’s an overview of some of the most useful Google search tricks, from basic tips to new features just recently released. 1. Use quotes to search for an exact phrase This one’s a well-known, simple trick: searching a phrase in quotes will yield only pages with the same words in the same order as what’s in the quotes.

Genius Scan - PDF Scanner Scannez vos documents rapidement et exportez-les au format JPEG ou groupez plusieurs pages dans un document PDF. *** Plus de 20 millions d’utilisateurs *** Des milliers d'entreprises *** Placez n’importe quel document devant l’appareil photo de votre appareil : notre application de scan reconnaît automatiquement le document sur le fond, le découpe et nettoie le résultat. Vous obtenez un fichier clair et lisible. Le scan multi-page vous permet de numériser des dizaines de pages en quelques secondes. Des outils puissants vous aident à organiser, partager ou archiver vos documents.

120+ Great Cheat Sheets for WordPress, Web Developers and Designers “Why bother with WordPress cheat sheets?” – you ask. Well, maybe it’s just me, but I find it rather hard to remember all those keyboard shortcuts, function names, arguments, structures and whatnots that all come “with the territory” when you’re doing any kind of WordPress dev, design, or publishing work. 65 Free Interactive Whiteboard Resources Interactive whiteboard resources are a great way for teachers to engage classrooms in learning. While many teachers are spending hours a day creating their own activities for their interactive whiteboards, there are tons of free sources to help teachers learn about and use IWBs with students to further their use of technology in the classroom. Here is a list of some great interactive whiteboard resources and activities guaranteed to stimulate learning: General Interactive Whiteboard Resources for Teachers

un Web Clipper alternatif et plus complet pour Notion L'an passé je vous ai présenté l'application Notion, cet excellent outil de productivité multi-fonctions (notes, tâches, bases de données et beaucoup plus) dont on parle de plus en plus. À mesure que le nombre d'utilisateurs augmente, les outils tiers liés à Notion se multiplient. Bien que ce dernier incorpore son propre Web Clipper, il en existe un autre qui peut être une alternative plus complète : Save To Notion. Save To Notion est une extension pour Google Chrome et Firefox qui permet d'enregistrer facilement des liens vers vos bases de données Notion. Tuto :Tutoriel (en français) en vidéo Saber hosting de una web - dónde está alojado un sitio web - HostAdvice<br/> Link Estás en: HostAdvice Herramientas Averigua que hosting usa cualquier sitio web Esperando solicitud... Averigua que hosting usa cualquier sitio web Consigue toda la información sobre la empresa de alojamiento web (Hosting), qué piensan sus usuarios y mira sus planes de alojamiento Encontrar alojamiento web

Thorium Reader – EDRLab Thorium Reader is the EPUB reader of choice for Windows 10, MacOS and Linux. This EDRLab application is in constant development and aims at becoming a reference for accessing EPUB 3 publications in reflow or fixed layout format, audiobooks and visual narratives, LCP protected or not. It is localized in a large set of languages, each version offering new languages. Huge efforts are also made to get Thorium Reader highly accessible for visually impaired and dyslexic people.

WordPress - Última actualización: [bse-post-modified-date] ¿Qué es WordPress? WordPress es un CMS (Gestor de contenidos) creado por Matt Mullenweg en 2003. En un principio era un sistema de gestión de blog, ya que solo se podían publicar entradas clasificadas por orden cronológico inverso (las más recientes primero). Es Software Libre públicado bajo la licencia GPL, que se resume en cuatro libertades que todo usuario debería tener: La libertad de usar el software para cualquier propósito.La libertad de modificar el programa para adaptarlo a tus necesidades.La libertad de compartir el programa con tus amigos y vecinos.La libertad de compartir las mejoras que aporte.
