Related: Langues vivantes • Business toolsTests Espagnol - Vocable Grammaire Complétez ce texte en lien avec les élections américaines ... Gare aux mauvais accords et erreurs d’inattention ! 10 best language learning apps We are all eternal learners and we always keep our eyes open for new apps, platforms and methods of learning foreign languages. We thought we’d make the search easier for you by compiling a list of our ten favourite language learning mobile apps. Some of them you are probably familiar with, but you may also find some new gems! Like this infographic?
Exercices - (Exercices de traduction, ou lacunaires, ou de rédaction, ou d'association) Les articles (* 1, 2,c , 3c , 4c, ) Le partitif et les articles "contractés" (* 1c,) Bello, Il faut, Si...(* Bello Si, 2) Les pluriels ( * 1, 2, 3,c, 4c, 5c, 6c, 7, 8, 9, ) Emploi des prépositions, conjonctions, pronoms (* 1, 2 A, 3 A Di) In ( * Il y a, Forme de politesse 1, 2, Pronoms pers. 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5, 6, 7, Chiffres: 1, 2c, L'heure 1c, Le siècle ) Loecsen / L'art des langues / Cours en ligne gratuit
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Ex - Italian on line ILUSS STUDENTS membership offers access to a wide variety of learning material, from beginner to advanced level. One to one online Italian lessons with an ILUSS tutor can be arranged separately (optional). ILUSS self study material combined with online practice is a secure and effective key to successful Italian language learning. Romanica, jeu sérieux gratuit pour travailler l'espagnol, l'italien et les autres langues romanes « Nous pouvons avoir différentes religions, différentes langues, différentes couleurs, mais nous appartenons tous à une seule race humaine. » Kofi Annan (1938-2018), ancien secrétaire général des Nations Unies et Prix Nobel de la Paix, souligne bien le fait qu’en dépit des différences, nous sommes tous, finalement, similaires. Mais comment s’inscrire dans le grand scénario de l’humanité, comment faire de nous des acteurs à part entière de l’histoire du monde ? C’est ce que propose un nouveau « serious game », qui propose de « ramener la vie, la culture et la lumière dans le monde plurilingue de Romanica » !
The 40 Best To-Do List Apps for Task Management To-do lists don't need to be complicated—plenty of people use a pen and paper for the job without any problem. And yet a new to-do list app seems to come out every day. Why? Because keeping track of your tasks is an intensely personal thing, and people will reject anything that doesn't feel right pretty much instantly. Made in Italy web Tv promozione “Truth or Fake” 2020: 4 tips for detecting fake news online At a time when the COVID-19 virus is ravaging the world, it’s more important than ever to sort what’s true from what’s fake online. “Truth or Fake” is a 9-minute video from the France 24 Observers that uses real examples of fake news from the last 12 months, and gives concrete tips on how to detect when images have been falsified or taken out of context. The 2020 edition of "Truth or Fake "focuses on four topics: how to find a photo or video’s original context; how to look for visual clues in an image that reveal its origin; how to track a video’s source on social networks; and real-life examples of the dangers of sharing fake news online.
Customizable Maps of Europe, Asia, Etc. This final GeoCurrents post offering free customizable maps provides maps of Europe, southern and eastern Asia, southwestern Asia and northeastern Africa, and the exclusive economic zones of the Caribbean and the Indian Ocean. Two versions of the Asia map are provided, one of which is superimposed on physical map. These customizable are available at the link at the bottom of the page. Most of these maps were made several years ago when I was still experimenting with this process.
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