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Oprogramowanie do wizualizacji ImagePlot: Poznaj wzorców w dużych zbiorach graficznych

Oprogramowanie do wizualizacji ImagePlot: Poznaj wzorców w dużych zbiorach graficznych
What is ImagePlot? ImagePlot is a free software tool that visualizes collections of images and video of any size. It is implemented as a macro which works with the open source image processing program ImageJ. ImagePlot was developed by the Software Studies Initiative with support from the National Endowment for Humanities (NEH), the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2), and the Center for Research in Computing and the Arts (CRCA). See your whole image collection in a single visualization. Existing visualization tools show data as points, lines, and bars. Better understand media collections and make new discoveries. Visualize image collections as timelines and scatter plots which display all images in a collection. Visualize change. We include macros which automatically measure various visual properties of every image in collection (or every frame in a video). Visualize image collections of any size. From a few dozens to millions of images. Related:  teaching learning technology

Automatyzacja Marketingu, Marketing Automation, Lead Nurturing, Demand Generation, Generowanie popytu » Marketing Automation wśród najważniejszych trendów marketingowych 2013 roku Rok 2013 będzie dla automatyzacji marketingu tym, czym poprzednie lata były dla social media. Większość szefów marketingu największych firm dostrzega konieczność poprawy skuteczności działań swoich działów, w automatyzacji marketingu upatruje zaś drogi do osiągnięcia tego celu. Na kilka dni przed zbliżającym się nowym, 2013 rokiem zebraliśmy naszym zdaniem najważniejsze trendy, jakie będą górować w przyszłorocznym Digital marketingu. Rosnąca popularność Marketing Automation wśród małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw Według Atri Chatterjee, CMO w Act-On, jedno na trzy przedsiębiorstwa z sektora MSP upatruje w automatyzacji marketingu szansy na uzyskanie przewagi konkurencyjnej. Przechodzenie z e-Mail Marketingiem do systemów Marketing Automation i personalizacja komunikacji Problem malejącej skuteczności tradycyjnie wysyłanych masowych niepersonalizowanych e-mailingów, jest coraz częściej rozwiązywany przez przenoszenie tej części marketingu do systemu Marketing Automation.

In the Air 21 Map Creation Tools for Students and Teachers Yesterday, I published a review of MapFab which is a fabulous, free, and simple tool for creating maps online. Writing that post got me thinking about all of the other free map creation tools that I've reviewed over the years. Google Maps and Google Earth are my favorite tools for creating maps, but not every school allows teachers and students to download it. And creating Google Maps does require you to have a Google account which is an obstacle to use in some schools too. In the list below you will find some map creation tools that don't require registration. And, of course, all of the tools on this list are free for teachers and students to use. Animaps is a service that was built for the purpose of allowing users to create animated Google Maps. Tripline is a service designed to enable anyone to record a trip they've taken or to plan a trip itinerary. Build A Map is a service that allows you to build layers on top of Google Maps.

Debaty w cyfrowym Humanistycznych The cultural authority of digital technology is still claimed by the fields that design the platforms and protocols on which we work. These are largely fields in which quantitative, engineering, and computational sensibilities prevail. Tools for humanities work have evolved considerably in the last decade, but during that same period a host of protocols for information visualization, data mining, geospatial representation, and other research instruments have been absorbed from disciplines whose epistemological foundations and fundamental values are at odds with, or even hostile to, the humanities. At their base—which is to say, in the encoded protocols of operating systems, machine languages, compilers, and programming—computational environments are fundamentally resistant to qualitative approaches. The humanistic tradition is not a unified monolith, and any values I suggest here, or methods, will simply reflect my own disposition and training.

Are you tired of ho-hum cartography advice? 10 Awesome Free Tools To Make Infographics Advertisement Who can resist a colourful, thoughtful venn diagram anyway? In terms of blogging success, infographics are far more likely to be shared than your average blog post. Designing An Infographic Some great tips for designing infographics: Keep it simple! Ideas for infographic formats include: Timelines;Flow charts;Annotated maps;Graphs;Venn diagrams;Size comparisons;Showing familiar objects or similar size or value. Here are some great tutorials on infographic creation: Creating Your Infographic Plan and research.If required, use free software to create simple graphs and visualisations of data.Use vector graphic software to bring these visualisations into the one graphic. Ultimately, if you have a little design skill, the very best approach is to create all the simple graphs and illustrations yourself using vector graphic software. Free Online Tools For Creating Infographics Stat Planet Hohli Hohli is an intuitive, simple online chart maker. Creately New York Times Many Eyes Wordle Tableau

timeline Strona 2 Strona 3 Strona 4 Free GIS Datasets - Categorised List 3 Tips for Using YouTube Videos In Your Classrom In my workshop YouTube, It's Not Just Cats & Khan Academy I share a lot of tips and tricks for safely using YouTube in your classroom. One of the topics that I always talk about is how to share and display videos. Here are three of the more popular tips from that workshop. 1. ViewPure is a service that allows you to watch and project YouTube videos without seeing the related sidebar content typically seen on You can search for YouTube videos through the ViewPure website. To be clear, ViewPure is not a filter work-around if your school blocks YouTube and it is not a tool for downloading YouTube videos. 2. 3. Another way to create a playlist is to use Diigo. This topic and others like it will be covered in much more depth during both Practical Ed Tech Summer Camps in July.
