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Camp de concentration

Camp de concentration
Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. On nomme camp de concentration un lieu fermé de grande taille créé pour regrouper et pour détenir une population considérée comme ennemie, généralement dans de très mauvaises conditions. Cette population peut se composer des opposants politiques, des résidents d'un pays ennemi, de groupes ethniques ou religieux spécifiques, des civils d'une zone critique de combats, ou d'autres groupes humains, souvent pendant une guerre. L'expression « camp de concentration » fut créée à la fin du XIXe siècle. Camps de concentration pour civils ennemis[modifier | modifier le code] Internement de civils de pays ennemis[modifier | modifier le code] Apparition des camps de concentration : Cuba et la Seconde Guerre des Boers[modifier | modifier le code] L'idée elle-même avait été appliquée un peu plus tôt par les Espagnols à Cuba, pendant la guerre d'indépendance. Évolution historique[modifier | modifier le code] Entre-deux-guerres[modifier | modifier le code]

Être gay ou lesbienne au temps du nazisme Les victimes de la persécution nazie déportées parce qu’homosexuelles furent longtemps oubliées des commémorations. À l'occasion de la sortie mercredi 9 février de Great Freedom, film autrichien pré-selectionné aux Oscars, relisez notre article qui documentait la vie des gays et des lesbiennes en Europe durant cette sombre période. C’est désormais un fait avéré : entre 1933 et 1945, les hommes homosexuels ont payé un lourd tribut à la barbarie des nazis qui voulaient « purifier » la « race aryenne » de ce « vice contagieux ». Accusés d’avoir enfreints le paragraphe 175 du code pénal allemand, selon lequel « un homme qui commet un acte sexuel avec un autre homme est puni de prison » 1, entre 50 000 et 100 000 hommes, principalement allemands, ont été incarcérés durant le IIIe Reich. Plusieurs milliers d’autres furent internés dans des instituts psychiatriques. Prisonniers au camp de concentration de Sachsenhausen, en Allemagne, surveillés par des gardiens nazis (19 décembre 1938).

A Alemanha na 2ª Guerra Mundial (Blog apolítico voltado para os fatos históricos): OPPELN-BRONIKOWSKI, Hermann Leopold August von (*02/01/1899†18/09/1966) Promoções: 23/03/17 Aspirante 19/12/17 2º Tenente 01/04/25 1º Tenente 01/06/33 Capitão-de-cavalaria 01/03/37 Major 01/08/40 Tenente-coronel 01/02/42 Coronel 30/01/45 Major-general Principais condecorações: 28/05/18 Cruz de Ferro 1914 2ª Classe 14/10/18 Cruz de Ferro 1914 1ª Classe 25/09/39 Cruz de Ferro 1939 2ª Classe (broche) 10/11/39 Cruz de Ferro 1939 1ª Classe (broche) 01/01/43 Cruz de Cavaleiro da Cruz de Ferro 07/08/43 Cruz Germânica em ouro 28/07/44 Cruz de Cavaleiro com Folhas de Carvalho (536º) 17/04/45 Cruz de Cavaleiro com Folhas de Carvalho e Espadas (142º) Principais posições/comandos: 18/10/37 - 22/08/39 Cmte. 2º Batalhão do 10º Regimento de Cavalaria 23/08/39 - 31/03/40 Cmte. 24º Batalhão de Reconhecimento 01/10/41 - 29/11/41 Cmte. 5ª Brigada Panzer 01/12/41 - 31/01/42 E-M do Cmdo.

O RESGATE FORÇA EXPEDICIONÁRIA BRASILEIRA : Junho 2011 Com o advento da constituição republicana de 1891, que extinguiu a Ordem Honorífica de Aviz, verifica-se a necessidade de se criar uma medalha para distinguir bons serviços prestados por militares do exército, da marinha, e, a partir de 1941, também da aeronáutica. Assim, pelo Decreto n° 4.328, de 15 de novembro de 1901, foi criada a Medalha Militar por tempo de serviço, regulamentada pelo Decreto n.39.207, de 22 de maio de 1958. Assim, destina-se a comenda a recompensar os bons serviços prestados pelos militares da Marinha, do Exército e da Aeronáutica, em serviço ativo, assim como pelos oficiais professores do Magistério Militar. É concedida pelo Presidente da República aos que, satisfeitas as condições estipuladas no respectivo regulamento, tenham completado dez, vinte, trinta, quarenta e cinqüenta anos de bons serviços, sem nota desabonadora. Estrela maçanetada com dístico central orlada por dois ramos, um de fumo e outro de café, todos do emblema de Armas da República.

FEB043 Corpo insepulto encontrado em Monte CasteloFoto escaneada do livro"100 Vezes responde a FEB" - Marechal José Machado Lopes Corpos de soldados brasileiros em Monte Castelo, 1945. Itália.Arquivo Diana Oliveira Maciel Evacuação de feridos - Monte CasteloFoto escaneada do livro"100 Vezes responde a FEB" - Marechal José Machado Lopes Abrigo concretado encontrado em Monte CasteloFoto escaneada do livro"100 Vezes responde a FEB" - Marechal José Machado Lopes José Teixeira de Souza em Monte Castello, portando uma metralhadora alemã.Arquivo Cinthya Teixeira p align=center> Um Herói nunca morre! Voltar | Home | Contato | Cantinho Infantil | Cantinho Musical | Imagens da Maux |l Recanto da Maux | Desenterrando Versos | História e Genealogia ll Um Herói nunca morre l Piquete - Cidade Paisagem lMAUX HOME PAGE- designed by Maux2003 Maux Home Page.

WORLD WAR II Archives There are few regimes and organizations in European history so universally condemned for their evil actions as the Nazis. Their leader, Adolf Hitler, led Germany… The Guadalcanal Campaign was the first major American offensive of WWII. During the fighting, American forces witnessed the dedication and ferocity of the Japanese troops… Many of the oldest living heroes of World War II are beginning to pass away. What would happen to your family should one of your siblings join a deadly political beast? Probably the most iconic German aircraft during WWII, the Stuka dive bomber became the symbol of a string of successful campaigns in the early stages… Throughout history, rivers have divided countries, territories, and armies. A major turning point in the Second World War was the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Many heroes’ names line the pages of WWII history. After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, Japanese-Americans were under suspicion from many of their fellow countrymen.

EL CAJÓN DE GRISOM ILLUSTRATED HISTORY: RELIVE THE TIMES: Images Of War, History , WW2 - Index page Segunda Grande Guerra HISTORY IN IMAGES: Pictures Of War, History , WW2: NUREMBERG TRIALS: Removing All Traces Of Nazi Germany (LARGE IMAGES) "Why don't you just shoot us?" Unknown Nazi war criminal-----"It was the virtue of the Nuremberg trial that it was conceived in hatred of war, and nurtured by those starved of peace. Of course, the trial was botched and had to deal with new crimes for which there was no provision in national law or international law." Rebecca West---- If the standards of the Nuremberg Tribunal had been applied impartially, many American, Soviet and other Allied military and political leaders would have been hanged. ".. a libel on the military profession." - Vice Admiral Hewlett Thebaud, USN "... a fantastic desecration of the ideals of Western Civilisation, and appalling miscarriage of justice... a misuse of evidence for vicious ends, all of which will someday be exposed as a shocking travesty of high legal and moral principles." - Henry M. To Leon Goldensohn (28 May 1946) The Russians are primitive folk. Hitler decided that. Hitler had the willpower of a demon and he needed it. Robert A.

HISTORY IN IMAGES: Pictures Of War, History , WW2 Russian WWII Propaganda Posters *Disclaimer: Russian World War II posters are dispalyed as historical documents of the era only and are not intended to promote or dissaprove any theories, views, notions, as well as any political, milirtary, social and any other types actions for or against anybody and/or anything. Some portions of this webpage may contain extremely graphic images and/or text, which may offend sensitive viewers and are not recommended for viewing by persons under the age of 18. Viewer discretion is strongly advised. If you are unsure, please leave this webpage now. Pre-war Long live Red Army of workers and peasants - the true guard of the Soviet borders! On each and every attack our valorous Red Army will answer with three times more powerful blows! Be a pilot, contribute to the power of the Air Force! Long live powerful aviation of the socialist country! If the war comes tomorrow... Komsomol member, be ready to protect USSR, learn how to shoot accurately! From People's Commissar (Timoshenko) personal record

Luftwaffe 39-45
