Antenna: Projects > Installation Nosy Parker - a term used to describe someone meddlesome, also sometimes used synonymously with Big Brother - is designed as an intervention in a gallery space showing a video exhibition on surveillance and performance. The four stools pretend to be simple gallery furniture provided for visitors’ convenience. People can sit down, have a rest and observe the spectacle of the surrounding videos. However, once a person sits down on a stool, a camera embedded in the stool looking up, a quasi eye, starts taking pictures. These pictures get projected floating around the occupied seat.
Interactivity and Zoos | Designing Zoos A recent article by Wayne LaBar, the founder and principal at Alchemy Studios, outlined some of the growing trends in interactivity in museums…and got me to thinking: Are these also trends we are seeing in zoos and aquariums? If not, should they be? Certainly, interactivity in experience and educational opportunities are important aspects of zoo design. Let’s take a look at the current trends. Tinkering – Making Certainly one of the largest movements occurring in children’s museums and science centers is the creation of Tinkering or Making spaces. This one is somewhat limited in zoos and aquariums. Collaborative Exhibits & Events In the constant search for innovative (yet budget-conscious) exhibits and interactivity, museums are increasingly looking to create ways in which people can interact by engaging with artists, groups and community organizations. The growing trend of Enrichment Days are what comes to mind in relation to collaborative events. New Interfaces Mobile Individuality
Browse Museum Vendors New York, New York Audio Visual Services, Audio Visual Services - Audio Tours, Audio Visual Services - Video/Film, Exhibit Design, Graphic Design, Interactive Programs and Exhibits, Master Planning Exhibit planning, design, and project management services to museums, parks, educational institutions and corporations. Our services include the planning, design and implementation of permanent, temporary and traveling exhibits on a variety of subjects: cultural history, science, natural history, environmental education, technology, health, corporate history and more. Our experience blends traditional design with state-of-the-art interactive media and lively environments. Pleasantville, New York Consultants, Exhibit Design, Exhibition Services, Graphic Design, Kiosks, Interactive Programs and Exhibits, Master Planning, Signage and Wayfinding, Traveling Exhibitions Designs and develops exhibits and environments with story lines for museums and corporations. Brooklyn, New York Ancram, New York
Conozca el Teatro Publio Martínez Ardila de TransMilenio | Noticias Bogotá ¿Sabía que en TransMilenio hay un teatro que presenta funciones gratuitas todos los sábados? Aquellos que han transitado los alrededores del Portal de Usme han visto con curiosidad una placa que dice “Teatro Publio Martínez Ardila“, ubicado en el interior del patio taller, donde los buses del sistema se estacionan y reciben mantenimiento. El edificio, que en principio fue elaborado para funciones de la operación, tiene un auditorio donde se presentan obras de teatro, danza, cine, música, entre otras expresiones culturales. CÍVICO recorrió este, el único teatro en todo el sistema de TransMilenio, para que conozca cómo entrar, qué ofrece y cómo funcionan sus instalaciones, premiadas con prestigiosos reconocimientos. El teatro fue inaugurado hace tres años y lleva el nombre del fundador de ‘Sí99’, una de las empresas que administra las operaciones de TransMilenio en el sur de la ciudad. “Cuando la obra estaba avanzada se tenía pensada para las funciones de la operación. Programación cultural
Hello, Lamppost: Talking Street Furniture and a 'Playable City' | Cities on GOOD Like a real-life version of a Pixar movie, the streets of Bristol, England will soon be filled with seemingly-inanimate objects that can talk. Mailboxes, storm drains, and lampposts will be enabled with a system that allows passerby to chat with them by text message. The project, created by experiential design studio PAN, was the winner of the Playable City Award, a contest that invited designers from around the world to imagine street art or street games that could engage the community and bring people together. The sensory extremities and appendages of a smart city are its utilities and street furniture—objects so ubiquitous that they have become invisible to us. PAN based their design on the codes that are stamped on objects throughout the city for management and maintenance, and made them reference points for their version of a city-wide game. Images courtesy of PAN
Arts and Cultural Development When we look at the conversation about resilience and livability across the globe, the highest-ranking cities boast a rich, vibrant and diverse cultural life. New York City is no exception. Arts and culture have been central to the MAS mission since its founding in 1893 by architects, painters, sculptors and civic leaders to create murals and monuments for New York’s public spaces. As MAS addresses our city’s resilience in all of its work, we have put the arts—and their vibrancy, resilience and sustainability—at the core of our work. Photo courtesy of 4th Arts Block
Domo | Planetario de Bogotá Recuerde: Las funciones en el Domo inician a la hora programada.Las puertas no pueden ser abiertas una vez inicie la presentación. Martes a Domingo: Los Planetas y las Estrellas del Cielo : 11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m., 3:00 p.m. y 5:00 p.m. Viaje por los planetas del Sistema Solar, se escuchan sonidos del Universo y se recrea el cielo nocturno. Duración: 35 minutos aproximadamente. Los Planetas y las Estrellas del Cielo : 11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m., 3:00 p.m., 5:00 p.m. y 7:00 p.m. Proyección de Estrellas General: $4.800 Niños y estudiantes: $3.700 Adulto mayor: $2.400 COMBOSPlan 1: Proyección de Estrellas + Museo del Espacio General - $13.300 Niños o Estudiantes - $11.200 Adultos mayores - $6.650 Nota: * Niños menores de 90 centímetros ingresan sin costo. * Descuento para estudiantes con carné vigente. * No aplica para grupos escolares
Caustic Engineering New milling techniques applied to glass and plexiglass panels could be used to "create windows that are also cryptic projectors, summoning ghostly images from sunlight." [Image: A piece of milled plexiglass acting as a projecting lens; via the Computer Graphics and Geometry Lab at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne]. They do so by "taking control of a seemingly chaotic optical phenomena known as caustics," in the words of New Scientist. Mark Pauly and Philippe Bompas have been experimenting with so-called "caustic engineering," combining Pauly's background in computational geometry and Bompas's interest in manipulating otherwise "unintentional light shows produced by the reflection and refraction of light from curved mirrors or glass structures." Indeed, Bompas's work has a somewhat Neoplatonic overtone, as it involves "working backwards from a pattern of light to deduce the structure needed to create it."
El parque La Carbonera vuelve a ser de todos los bogotanos gracias al festival Golpe de Barrio Escrito por Idipron Categoría: Noticias de Bogotá Visto: 14914 Es la tercera versión del evento creado por y para jóvenes con el apoyo del Idipron. Por: Edna Higuera Peña Bogotá D.C., septiembre 17 de 2014. El proceso liderado por los ‘parches’ Golpe de barrio, La Redada y Arquitectura Expandida y apoyado por el Instituto Distrital para la Protección de la Niñez y Juventud (Idipron), comenzó con la necesidad de recuperar un espacio perdido, un espacio de todos pero al que solo unos pocos tenían acceso. Gracias a La Redada, la comunidad conoció la iniciativa, pues se llevó el mensaje de parque en parque y de barrio en barrio, convocando así a toda la población que cree en los cambios y el poder de la juventud. El acompañamiento del Idipron y su estrategia Armemos Parche, permitió que las actividades realizadas por los colectivos que participaron se hicieran realidad.