LTH logging interface with the PICAXE-08M
Hello and welcome! This is an informal description of a project I got into, to build an interface to collect measurements of light intensity, temperature and relative humidity using the PICAXE-08M microcontroller (µC) and a computer's serial port. I needed to measure these parameters pronto for my thesis project and, in haste, I hacked this thing together, or rather glued it together (quite literally!). Please e-mail me if you have questions or comments. cirelli $AT! ualberta %DOT& ca Contents Motivation The astute reader will surely ask why in the world I didn't use something more sensible, something with higher resolution and/or more legs. Resolution is not a huge deal actually; the 08M comes with a 10-bit ADC, and averaging over a changing variable will give you an improved resolution. Disclaimer & Licenses The fine print: I only graze the surface of electronics, even as a hobby. There, with the formalities out of the way, let's proceed... Brief intro The concept here is simple: Presto! !
Solo Picaxe