Nord User Forum - View topic - breath controller
Reply with quote Re: breath controller by Gustavo » 24 Apr 2011, 00:38 I always wanted to get one, but never managed to get the breath controller. I think its just genius if say, you got a wind instrument sample and you just use the controller to control both velocity and volume, and you'd get very realistic results!
Dave Smith
Yamaha P80 (Page 1) - Keyboard velocity curves - Pianoteq forum
This is what I find useful with the Soft Touch setting and Grand Piano Voice : Velocity = [0, 12, 23, 103, 114, 127; 0, 0, 6, 121, 127, 127] A bit of explanation is necessary. As Joshua Seth has shown us, Yamaha keyboard owners, the keyboard sends different velocity values according to the internal voice used, as well as sending two midi notes if we use two voices in combination, effectively changing the resulting volume. This was a surprise to me. I calculate as following the number of velocity curves that would be needed to cover all cases, forgetting the Fixed Touch setting which always sends a fixed value (64 by default) There are 3 touch settings, 24 voices (12, each with a variation) and they can be combined 2 at a time, so that gives us : Using the usual factorial formula for non redundant combinations:Permutation = nPr = n! 3*(24+276) = 900 possible curves ... if I'm not mistaken... So I'll give only one There are also other constraints. I hope this helps...