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25 Free Vector World Maps

25 Free Vector World Maps
Generally, finding World map templates is not an easy task. Unlike patterns and textures, high-quality world maps are not the easiest to come across. We realized this problem some time back, and here we are today, with a solution to it — an assortment of 20 world maps in various formats (PSD, SVG, and PNG). Browse through the collection, and do share your thoughts with us in the comments below. If you’re looking for Vector World Map Templates, check out this post: 20 Free Vector World Map Templates. Artistic Map-Making Template (PSD) Folded World Map (PSD) World Atlas – Dotted Mercator (PSD) Folded Maps (PSD) World Map (PSD) Webcam World Map (PSD) World Map (AI) World Map 45° Lines Vector (EPS) World Map (AI & EPS) Detailed World Map (EPS) Map of European Countries (AI, EPS & SVG) World Map Vector (AI) World Countries Map Vector (AI) World Map Silhouette (EPS) Vector Maps of the World (AI) Accurate Vector World Map (EPS and AI) EPS Vector Maps for Designers (EPS) Vectorial World Map (AI) Related:  discipline umanistiche e TICPhotoshop

Tactiléo Map Chercheur : Eric SANCHEZ Enseignants : Jean CAZES, Frédérique CORDIER, Ludovic DELORME, Jérôme STAUB Maskott : Michaël BERTHOIX, Georges KALMPOURTZIS IGN : Romain VIALLE Tactiléo Map est une application de géomatique créée pour l'accompagnement des élèves en sortie terrain. L’application Tactiléo Map est disponible sur : Elle fonctionne aussi de manière autonome sur le mode « Exploration libre » ou nécessite une connexion à Tactiléo Cloud pour créer un « Scenario ». Voir une vidéo de présentation : Télécharger un tutoriel d'utilisation (format pdf). Accéder à la page de présentation sur le site Maskott. Quelques tutoriels : Le cahier des charges que nous avions rédigé portait sur une application Android permettant : une géolocalisation sur un fond cartographique (Google Map ou IGN) en ligne, ou hors connexion (carte géoréférencée dans le cache de l’EIM). Cette première version de l’application a été testée lors de 3 situations de terrain : Communications

Tips y trucos para ilustrar en ILLUSTRATOR – Coreditec Ilustrar en illustrator es toda una aventura, utilizar todos sus impresionantes recursos de forma adecuada permite lograr gráficos impresionante, illustrator es el software mas utilizado en la industria del diseño, y es el favorito por los diseñadores, publicistas e ilustradores, por eso debes aprender illustrator Estos vídeos nos ofrecen unos practicos tips para manejo de ILLUSTRATOR 10 Trucos para Ilustración Digital Estilos y técnicas para ilustrar en digital Tutorial como vectorizar un boceto en illustrator y tableta wacom Adobe illustrator: ilustración rápida Tutorial ilustración digital – Color Más técnicas de ilustración aquí — >>>> Gracias por acompañarnos en este artículo.

Le campeur français nouveau est arrivé, actualité Société : Le P Κουμπί "Μου είναι αδιάφορο" ("I don't care") προσθέτει στο Facebook extension του Chrome Now that Facebook's "like" button is poised to take over the whole web, the campaign for a "dislike" button is more relevant than ever. But what about a third option, a "meh" option, an "I Don't Care" option? If you're a Google Chrome user, you can add "I Don't Care" to Facebook using the FBOSF extension. OSF is an abbreviation of the French "on s'en fout," meaning "we don't care." If you install this extension, you'll be able to "meh" most things you can "like" now, and anyone else with the extension installed will see. Unfortunately, it's ad-supported, which can be a drag on the already ad-rich Facebook. Also, if you really don't care about something, why take any action at all? Because passive-aggression is a delight, obviously, but why else...?

Portafolio Creativo Il Webdoc: uno strumento didattico (2a parte) | Next Learning The next news: quali app per WebDoc. La diffusione della Rete e la possibilità di raggiungere chiunque, il coinvolgimento del pubblico con storie che possono essere raccontate, la partecipazione attiva di tutti al racconto della contemporaneità, lo sviluppo di device sempre più smart e innovativi, sono tutti fattori che hanno risentito del mutamento globale che sta nella comunicazione e nei linguaggi. Creare, condividere e scoprire che moltissimi messaggi nascono dalla combinazione di svariati canali sociali ci permette di prendere i vari contenuti presenti sui servizi, di unirli e di dare vita a delle storie documentate e interattive dotate di ogni cosa! Non a caso Google ha deciso di creare un suo laboratorio, “Google News Lab“, per “aiutarci a costruire il futuro dei media” mettendo a disposizione gli strumenti di Google labs per utilizzarli al meglio nella redazione di reportage e articoli. Approfondimenti:

14 copyright essentials teachers and students must know Using copyrighted material incorrectly can land teachers and students in hot water. Here’s what you need to know to stay safe. (Image by Gerd Altmann via / CC0) Students and teachers toe a very fuzzy ethical line every day — many without even realizing it. Some end up on the safe side of the line, but others cross the line and cross ethical boundaries — and sometimes costly legal ones. That line is the copyright line, deciding how teachers and students can respect people’s intellectual property. The bottom line is this: Copyright doesn’t automatically mean, “This is mine. The silver lining is this: Copyright isn’t the only license on digital media. Kristina Peters, a digital learning specialist for the Nebraska Department of Education, recently discussed copyright, licensing and the essentials that teachers and students should know. Here are some of the take-aways from that discussion: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Have other questions about copyright? Related

Bienvenue sur la base d'information et de Χρησιμοποιήστε το Microsoft Office 2010 δωρεάν για 6 μήνες με το Trial Extender (από DownloadSquad) Maybe you're waffling on whether or not you want to commit to Office 2010. Maybe you just like the idea of using it for free for as long as possible. Either way, the Office 2010 Trial Extender is the tool for you. It's a simple app which performs the same trial re-arming magic you've seen before with other Microsoft offerings. By then you'll probably have made up your mind and either like Office 2010 enough to pay for it -- or be totally disenchanted and move on to an alternative suite. [via Into Windows] Tags: 2010, extender, microsoft, office, rearm, trial

40 portafolios de artistas para la inspiración Hoy en día todo artista o diseñador debe tener su presencia en internet y algo imprescindible es tener su propio portafolio donde muestre sus trabajos para sus oportunidades laborales, tanto si aspira a formar parte de una empresa como si opta por trabajar de forma independiente o freelance. Para esto, la web nos ofrece múltiples plataformas para mostrar nuestro trabajo. Crearnos una web en flash, html, wordpress u otras plataformas compartidas donde la sinergía nos llevará a crear audiencia y nuevas oportunidades laborales. Si piensas que tu trabajo es creativo y quieres compartirlo con todo el mundo es el momento de crearte tu portafolio, si todavía no posees uno. Para que nos sirva de inspiración, que mejor que ver unos claros ejemplos profesionales de portafolios para fijarnos en muchos detalles a tener en cuenta. Podemos navegar libremente por la galería y ver todas estas webs personales con sus trabajos. Podéis ver toda la colección de portafolios en Noupe / Referencia.

Lingua italiana cercasi nei social. Gli studenti sanno scrivere e leggere? [Risponde il linguista] - CyberbullismoCyberbullismo Tra hashtag, emoticon, inglese e parole abbreviate che fine ha fatto la lingua italiana? Persa nelle tastiere degli smartphone, tra tab e pc, la lingua orale è diventata scritta e gli errori diventano orrori, per colpa del T9. “Da tempo si è deprecato che l’uso degli sms stia abituando i ragazzi a un sotto-italiano essenziale. Certamente questo impone ai più deboli una visione ridotta della scrittura, per cui a un altro esame universitario un ragazzo ha parlato di Nino Biperio perché leggendo Bixio aveva inteso la ‘x’ come normale abbreviazione in luogo di ‘per’”. Umberto Eco Prendendo come spunto di riflessione il discorso di Umberto Eco, tenuto durante le celebrazioni del 150 anniversario dell’Unità d’Italia, denominato “La lingua italiana fattore portante dell’identità nazionale”, c’è da chiedersi ma gli adolescenti, abituati ad una comunicazione e ad una scrittura veloce e senza regole grammaticali, sanno ancora scrivere? Ma concentriamoci sul punto 2), l’italiano del presente:

Vectors® Vector Icon - People Mix Silhouettes 2 Image ID: 301924635. Free Download from,,, Photos&Vectors,,,, Vector Icon – People Mix Silhouettes 2 .EPS Vector STOCK IMAGE ® Vector Icon – People Mix Silhouettes 2 Think Words: Βάλτε κουμπί "Facebook Like" στο website ή το blog σας Why are people seeing a 'Confirm' button when they click on my Like button? There are integrity and spam-prevention safeguards built into social plugins, and this is one of them. If you have been heavily testing a Like button before launching, you may have inadvertently triggered these safeguards. Additionally certain domains on the internet are more likely to contain spam, so will see the confirm step more often. This confirmation adds one extra step to the Like button process, but once the like has been confirmed separately by a number of users, it will no longer appear, and the regular Like button will only appear. Should I display the Like button by itself or the Like and Share buttons together? We recommend that you include both buttons on your website to let people choose the way that they want to share your content. How do I display the Share button without the Like button? To get code to display the Share button by itself, please visit our Share button documentation. For example:

Software ProdiOFER | Tienda informatica online ProdiOFER es un programa desarrollado por PRODISA con el que usted podrá generar sus ofertas totalmente personalizadas permitiéndole mostrarlas por pantallas de TV situadas en la zona de venta. Podrá seleccionar las fotos a mostrar, las características más notables de sus productos, la música de fondo, el tiempo que se mostrarán los artículos, etc. El índice de contenidos para todas las noticias generadas sobre este programa publicitario es el siguiente: 1. Progresivamente, se irá actualizando y añadiendo más contenidos en esta sección en función de las peticiones, dudas de usuarios y novedades incorporadas a dicho programa.
