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Linux and Open source Understanding Nmap Commands: In depth Tutorial with examples

Linux and Open source Understanding Nmap Commands: In depth Tutorial with examples
Article by James Hawkins As we all know, Nmap (Network Mapper) is a stealth port scanner widely used by network security experts (including forensics & Pen-testing Experts). In this article we’ll see the different types of Nmap Scans, its techniques, understanding the purpose and goals of each scan , its advantages or disadvantages over other scanning tools, which could be better at evading firewalls & IDS (To a certain extent) and much more. In this first part, I have made my best to explain the basic scanning techniques, Host discovery options, port scanning options, techniques used in detecting Operating system & services running on the system. i also give Nmap as already installed on your system. Let’s start with one of the most basic and default scan, the one without using any parameters. This is a basic scan of the local IP address, we use sudo to gain administrator privileges, and then we give the target to Nmap. Discovery Port scanning options Performing Fast scan: Related:  Commands (GNU/Linux UNIX)

Kill All Processes with ps ax|grep pl|awk '{print $1}'|xargs kill Introduction Many times we write programs which runs many instances of itself, either while using fork or we manually run many copies of the same program, so during the development stage we may need to kill all running instances and modify the program and re-run, or there may be other situations where we may need to kill a ll perl programs running, etc etc. Till a few months back I used to do this job of killing manually process id by process id, like this Code: [root@pradeep test]# kill 31372 But recently I devised a command to kill all processes matching a pattern, I am sure someone else must have already done this, but there must any other to whom this might be helpful. The Command The command looks like this ps ax|grep pl|awk '{print $1}'|xargs kill Well, to some it might look confusing, let me break up the command a explain. [root@pradeep test]# ps ax|grep pl 31372 ? awk '{print $1}' Prints the first column returned by the previous command, in this case the PID e.g. - 31671

Linux and Open source PortSpoof – An interesting anti-snooping tool for Linux - Vimperator Fool those who try to portscan your system! The Portspoof program is designed to enhance OS security through emulation of legitimate service signatures on otherwise closed ports. It is meant to be a lightweight, fast, portable and secure addition to the any firewall system or security infrastructure. The general goal of the program is to make the port scanning software (Nmap/Unicornscan/etc) process slow and output very difficult to interpret, thus making the attack reconnaissance phase a challenging and bothersome task I’ve found the concept behind this small program really interesting : instead of close all your ports with a firewall deceive the real ports, thus annoying the guys who are running portscan versus your server/computer. The Portspoof program primary goal is to enhance OS security through a set of techniques that will slow down and keep your attackers out from staying low profile during their reconnaissance against your system(s). Art of Active (Offensive) Defense Features 1.

df(1): report file system disk space usage Name df - report file system disk space usage Synopsis df [OPTION]... [FILE]... Description This manual page documents the GNU version of df. df displays the amount of disk space available on the file system containing each file name argument. If an argument is the absolute file name of a disk device node containing a mounted file system, df shows the space available on that file system rather than on the file system containing the device node (which is always the root file system). Options Show information about the file system on which each FILE resides, or all file systems by default. Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too. -a, --all include dummy file systems -B, --block-size=SIZE use SIZE-byte blocks --direct show statistics for a file instead of mount point --total produce a grand total -h, --human-readable print sizes in human readable format (e.g., 1K 234M 2G) -H, --si likewise, but use powers of 1000 not 1024 -i, --inodes -k like --block-size=1K -l, --local --no-sync

BlackArch Linux man df - Fournit la quantité d'espace occupé des systèmes de fichiers. df - Fournit la quantité d'espace occupé des systèmes de fichiers. df [options] [fichier...] Options POSIX : [-kP] [--] Options GNU (versions courtes) : [-ahikmPv][-t type_fs][-x type_fs][--print-type][--no-sync][--sync][--help] [--version] [--] df indique les quantités d'espaces disques utilisées et disponibles sur les systèmes de fichiers. Sans argument, df indiquera les quantités correspondant à tous les systèmes de fichiers montés, quels que soient leurs types. Les valeurs sont indiquées en unités de 512 octets par défaut, mais si l'option -k est utilisée, l'unité est 1024 octets. Les valeurs sont fournies en unités de 1024 octets par défaut, sauf si la variable d'environnement POSIXLY_CORRECT existe, auquel cas le comportement POSIX est adopté. Si un fichier indiqué en argument est un périphérique disque contenant un système de fichiers monté, df affichera l'espace disponible sur ce système de fichiers plutôt que sur celui contenant le noeud du périphérique. -k -a, --all --block-size=nb

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tee MAN Page Redirect output to multiple files, copies standard input to standard output and also to any files given as arguments. This is useful when you want not only to send some data down a pipe, but also to save a copy. Syntax tee [options]... [file]... If a file being written to does not already exist, it is created. Related: echo - Display message on screen head - Output the first part of file(s) less - Display output one screen at a time more - Display output one screen at a time pg - Display one page at a time Equivalents in NT Batch/Perl Script - TEE Scripts

Top 15 Open Source/Free Security/Hacking Tools 1. Nmap Nmap (“Network Mapper”) is a free and open source (license) utility for network discovery and security auditing. Nmap uses raw IP packets in novel ways to determine what hosts are available on the network, what services (application name and version) those hosts are offering, what operating systems (and OS versions) they are running, what type of packet filters/firewalls are in use, and dozens of other characteristics. 2. Wireshark is a network protocol analyzer. 3. Metasploit Community Edition simplifies network discovery and vulnerability verification for specific exploits, increasing the effectiveness of vulnerability scanners. 4. Nikto is an Open Source (GPL) web server scanner which performs comprehensive tests against web servers for multiple items, including over 6400 potentially dangerous files/CGIs, checks for outdated versions of over 1200 servers, and version specific problems on over 270 servers. 5. 6. ettercap 7. 8. 9. 10. w3af 11. hping 12. burpsuite 13. 14. sqlmap

Manpage of TUNE2FS Ajuste le nombre maximal de montages entre deux vérifications du système de fichiers. Si max-mount-counts vaut 0 ou -1, le nombre de fois que le système de fichiers a été monté sera ignoré par e2fsck(8) et par le noyau. Varier le compteur de montages au bout duquel les systèmes de fichiers seront obligatoirement vérifiés permet d'éviter que les systèmes de fichiers ne soient tous vérifiés en même temps lors de l'utilisation de systèmes de fichiers journalisés. Vous devez être conscient des conséquences si vous désactivez entièrement la vérification dépendante du compteur de montage. Des disques, câbles, mémoires défectueux ou des bogues du noyau peuvent corrompre un système de fichiers sans que celui-ci ne soit marqué comme « sale » ou « erroné ». Voir aussi l'option -i pour les vérifications fonction du temps écoulé.

OpenLDAP This section provides a quick overview for installing and configuring an OpenLDAP directory. For more details, refer to the following URLs: 24.6.1. Editing /etc/openldap/slapd.conf To use the slapd LDAP server, modify its configuration file, /etc/openldap/slapd.conf, to specify the correct domain and server. The suffix line names the domain for which the LDAP server provides information and should be changed from: suffix "dc=your-domain,dc=com" Edit it accordingly so that it reflects a fully qualified domain name. suffix "dc=example,dc=com" The rootdn entry is the Distinguished Name (DN) for a user who is unrestricted by access controls or administrative limit parameters set for operations on the LDAP directory. rootdn "cn=root,dc=example,dc=com" When populating an LDAP directory over a network, change the rootpw line — replacing the default value with an encrypted password string. slappasswd When prompted, type and then re-type a password. rootpw {SSHA}vv2y+i6V6esazrIv70xSSnNAJE18bb2u Warning
