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Survival Gardening: Part 2

Survival Gardening: Part 2
Survival Cache The answer to everyone’s question is “No”, we are not too late to get started on our Survival Garden for this year, not for most of the population living in the United States and Canada. It keeps snowing on me here in Utah, so I’m still waiting. This is the 2nd post in a series on Survival Gardening Read Part 1: Survival Gardening I just moved into a new place and so I haven’t been able to do my fall preparation like I normally would, but that’s just the way it is sometimes, so don’t sweat the small stuff. Just like survival in the woods, we start wherever we are and go from there, we do the very best we can under the circumstances. Many times people are frustrated because they hear the radio shows, read the books, view the Emergency Foodvideos, and find their situation doesn’t match up to what they are hearing from the experts. So with that aside, you can start your garden with me, and we’ll do the best we can, and we WILL have a nice garden. Read the rest of the article

Top Tips For Reducing Inflammation In The Body Most health experts now agree that inflammation is the root cause behind most all chronic illnesses and disease. While there are a variety of causes for chronic inflammation in the body, the outcome is always the same. Over time and left unchecked it leads to premature aging and diminished health. Quite frequently when individuals set out to lose weight the last thing they’re thinking about is inflammation. The focus is all on calories and exercise. This is a big mistake. Survival Garden: Part 1 Growing A Survival Garden May Soon Become A Necessity! Have you considered that... survival gardening may soon be a true matter of survival and not just a choice? With the rapid decline of our financial system and food supply, grocery store produce and other products, may soon be at a crisis level shortage like we have never seen. At that point, gardening would no longer be a "choice" for a more self sufficient lifestyle, it would be a matter of survival for everyone!

Survival Seeds Vault Seeds may become more valuable than GOLD in an economic collapse... **Notice** If using Internet Explorer and the "Add to Cart" button does not work, click inside the quantity field and push the "Enter" key on your keyboard. Why should you buy the Survival Seed Vault™ from Heirloom Organics Non-Hybrid Seeds? Survival Gardening And a Way to Relax and De-Stress Survival gardening can be fun, relaxing and actually quite simple… Many people seem to think they don’t have enough space for a garden but the areas where you can learn how to grow a basic vegetable garden are endless. Yep, I am talking about those spaces we try to fill in with all kinds of flowers, shrubs, and even in some cases, gravel, so that it looks nice…. :)

wellnessmama I’ve been meaning to write this post for a long time and finally had the time while the kids are napping and I am (ironically) sipping a Chia Seed Energy Drink (recipe below). If you don’t already use chia seeds, you are missing out! Not only are they gluten/grain free naturally, but one tablespoon of Chia Seeds has more calcium than a glass of milk, more Omega-3s than Salmon, and more antioxidants than blueberries. Perfect?

Finger Lime - Happy Earth Microcitrus australasicaMYRTACEAE Growth Habit: The finger lime is a thorny deciduous shrub/small tree native to rainforests of south east Queensland and northern New South Wales. It grows slowly to a maximum height of around five to six metres. Foliage/Flowers: Green oval leaves of 1-3cm long grow on spindly looking, thorny branches. Small fragrant, white flowers typical of the citrus family appear in autumn. Fruit: The small fruits are cylindrical and finger like, growing up to 12cm long.

6,000 lbs of food on 1/10th acre Off-grid Urban Homestead – Urban Permaculture Over 6,000 pounds of food per year, on 1/10 acre located just 15 minutes from downtown Los Angeles. Everything from there electricity, biodiesel, and 90% of the food they eat is produced on this 1/10 acre of property. There electric bill is usually $12.00 a month. To follow Urban Homesteading, you can find them at Comments comments 7 Top Health Benefits of Maca Maca, a root that belongs to the radish family, is most commonly available in powder form. Grown in the mountains of Peru, it has been called “Peruvian ginseng.” Maca’s benefits have been long valued, and has recently been popularized as a supplement and food ingredient. There are no serious known side effects of maca, but like any other supplement it should not be taken in large amounts.

Micro Forest Garden – installation Following on from designing a microforest garden recently, it was time to realise the design! Harris led the charge, helped by forest garden interns Minoru and Kelly, as well as all the students of the forest garden design course. This micro forest garden was to be established on a very compacted piece of ground that had formerly been a road. Pallet Gardening 101: Creating a Pallet Garden This year I will be planting a large salad garden and I thought it would be fun to grow my lettuce and other greens in wood pallets to change things up a bit in the backyard. All you really need to do a little pallet gardening is a wood pallet, some good soil, and a few seeds. Using a wood pallet to start a garden can be a great space saver, plus as a bonus, there is no soil to til or weed. This is exactly the kind of project young children would love, especially if they could have their own wood pallet to work with.
