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Mangaction 网易 Offshoring ... benefits the consumer' 'Offshoring ... benefits the consumer' Many CEOs believe philosophically in offshoring — the practice of outsourcing jobs to foreign countries where labor costs are cheaper — but few have been brave enough to publicly say it. Being in favor of exporting jobs is radioactive. Enter Uwe Doerken, 45, who stepped down last year as DHL's executive chairman after leading its globalization efforts for 13 years. DHL is a package delivery company known for its yellow planes, trucks and envelopes. It acquired Airborne in 2003 to launch an invasion of the USA and challenge UPS and FedEx in one of the world's hottest industries. Doerken agreed to answer the offshoring questions of USA TODAY corporate management reporter Del Jones after about a dozen CEOs of large corporations turned down the offer. Q: Offshoring is a polarizing issue. A: Offshoring first of all benefits the consumer. Q: To many, it doesn't seem to be working. A: Skilled and unskilled are not absolute. A: Yes. A: I don't think so.

Site de blague drole C'est une nana qui rentre dans un sex shop et mate les godes. Elle dit au vendeur : - "Bon je vais prendre le bleu... le jaune... et puis aussi le rouge." Le vendeur : - "Pas de problème pour les deux premiers par contre, pour l'extincteur faut voir avec le patron..." Un couple est marié depuis 20 ans.... Depuis 20 ans, chaque fois qu'ils font l'amour, le mari insiste pour qu'ils le fassent dans le noir total. Elle regarde vers le bas et voit que son mari tient à la main un vibro, doux, merveilleux et plus long qu'un vrai sexe. - Espèce de salaud ! Son mari la regarde droit dans les yeux et lui répond : - OK, je t'explique pour le jouet et tu m'expliques pour les enfants. Le Petit Pierre revient de l'école et demande à son père : - Papa, j'aurais besoin de tes lumières. Dans la nuit, le Petit Pierre est réveillé par les cris de son frère. Le matin suivant, au petit déjeuner, il dit à son père : - Papa, je crois que cette nuit, j'ai tout compris à la politique

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Flattener #5: Outsourcing Globalization has been brutal to midwestern manufacturers like the Paper Converting Machine Co. For decades, PCMC's Green Bay (Wis.) factory, its oiled wooden factory floors worn smooth by work boots, thrived by making ever-more-complex equipment to weave, fold, and print packaging for everything from potato chips to baby wipes. But PCMC has fallen on hard times. First came the 2001 recession. Then, two years ago, one of the company's biggest customers told it to slash its machinery prices by 40% and urged it to move production to China. Last year, a St. Slide Show >> But now, Compton says, he is "probably the most optimistic I've been in five years." Come again? Workers' fears have some grounding in fact. The changes can be harsh and deep. Thus entrepreneurs such as Chapman see a chance to turn around dying businesses, speed up their pace of innovation, or fund development projects that otherwise would have been unaffordable. Few big companies have tried all these options yet.

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