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50 Alternatives To Lecturing

50 Alternatives To Lecturing
by TeachThought Staff As teachers, when we lecture, we have the best of intentions. We have a concept we want the class to understand, so we stand and explain it to them. We give them background. Offer details. Anticipate and pre-empt common misconceptions. So explaining things isn’t ‘bad,’ so how about beginning with some clarification. Everyone loves a story, and unless you’re awful, your students probably like you and want to hear from you. Or in a ‘flipped classroom’ setting where the ‘lecture’ is designed to be consumed at the student’s own pace (using viewing strategies, for example). Or when students have mastered a core set of understandings, and are ready–in unison–to hear something from an honest-to-goodness expert who only has an hour to unload what he/she knows. All students are similarly motivated All students have mastered certain ‘listening strategies’ All students have a similar background knowledge The List of Alternatives To Lectures For Teachers So then, the list. 1. 2. Related:  Articles for TeachersProfessional DevelopmentPedagogy Resources

What to know about mental health and back to school How is summer already over? It seems that it’s only just begun. The reality is the kids will be back to middle and high school before the last sip of summer is had. And with the new year, there are often new challenges. According to the Department of Health and Human Services the most common mental health disorders for our teens and tweens are anxiety (32% of 13 to18-year-olds), depression (13% of 12-17-year-olds), Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (AHHD; 9% of 13- to 18-year-olds), and eating disorders (3% of 13-18-year-olds). Your happy elementary-aged kid will face new issues as they get older. I was just talking with my friend's rising 9th grader, and she is already worrying about whether to take advanced placement classes, how to make new friends, how to stay connected to those who are going to different schools, and how to navigate a new school. Instead, I sensed her worry and made a conscious decision to just sit and listen at first, and then ask questions. What to do:

Professional Development Activities for Teachers: Jigsaw Technique and Alternatives Many principals use professional journal articles and books to help build their teachers’ shared knowledge about best practices and site-specific improvement initiatives. Perhaps the most common method for doing this is the jigsaw — dividing up the reading among the members of the staff, taking time for individual reading, then inviting each person to share out to the full group. A second common strategy is to assign specific chapters or sections to departments or grade levels, asking each group to read the selection on their own before the meeting and make a formal presentation on their section when their turn comes up. Both methods can work well if used sparingly and done well, but they also have drawbacks. Here are some ideas for getting the most out of a jigsaw. How to maximize a traditional jigsaw The extra step in a full jigsaw — one that makes the strategy much more powerful, but is often skipped in the interest of time — is to create an “expert group.”

Teaching History: The Five-Minute Lecture Rule A MiddleWeb Blog This year is already shaping up to be at least as exciting as it will be exhausting. I have overhauled my unit structure, streamlined my annotation scaffolds, and added some new projects that align with Common Core and my own notion of the ideal social studies classroom. As I thought about my first post here for the 2014-15 school year, I was overwhelmed with the number of things about which I could write and the amount I could say about any one subject. Brevity is great. More specifically, I have been trying to keep myself to a very stringent five-minute rule when talking to (at) my class as a whole. Why five minutes? I settled on five minutes for the same reason I tell my students they have three minutes to work on something I will actually give them 10 minutes to complete. While I really do intend to keep myself to five minutes, I also know that going over still puts me under 10 minutes. My students didn’t “get it,” can I lecture now? Rules were made to be broken

5 Strategies to Demystify the Learning Process for Struggling Students Oakley recognizes that “many educators are not at all comfortable with or trained in neuroscience,” so she breaks down a few key principles that teachers can use in the classroom and share with students to help them demystify the learning process. 1. The Hiker Brain vs. The Race Car Brain Start by teaching students the difference between focused and diffused thinking, says Oakley. When the brain is in focused mode, you can get started on the task at hand. Diffused thinking occurs when you allow your mind to wander, to imagine and to daydream. Because toggling is essential to learning, teachers and students need to build downtime into their day -- time when learning can “happen on background” as you play a game, go on a walk or color a picture. Since students tend to equate speed with smarts, Oakley suggests sharing this metaphor: “There’s a race car brain and a hiker brain. 2. Learning is all about developing strong chains. 3. 4. 5.

10 Fun Alternatives to Think-Pair-Share All learners need time to process new ideas and information. They especially need time to verbally make sense of and articulate their learning with a community of learners who are also engaged in the same experience and journey. In other words, kids need to talk!! These five discussion techniques (and a little purposeful planning) go beyond the traditional Turn and Talk/Think-Pair-Share to give students an opportunity to deepen their understanding while practicing their verbal skills. 1. This technique is great for collaborating and generating many ideas on a topic. Arrange students into pairs (teacher or student choice).Pose a question that has many possible answers. 2. A great activity to get kids up and moving and encourage them to interact with all of their classmates . Students mix around the room silently as music plays in the background.When the music stops, each student finds a partner closest to them (no running across the room to find your best friend!) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Lead, Don't Lecture: A New Approach to Teaching His teacher, Lisa Suarez-Caraballo, watches him, beaming. "I have a rule about paper airplanes," she explains. "You can only throw them at the appropriate place and the appropriate time." Here, that means at the airstrip at the back of the room -- a tape measure fastened to the floor -- and during an experiment. The student walks to where the plane landed, and he stoops low to see how far it flew. The students have all flown and measured several flights of their planes, and now they'll analyze the data, plot it on graphs, and use scientific calculators to find arithmetic means, ranges, and various quartiles.They do much of this at their desks, in groups. For many teachers, the learning process involves much more than requiring students to rapidly digest and then regurgitate facts and figures. You learn best when you make sense and make your own meaning. I try to give them experiences to draw on so when I'm not there, they'll do the same thing. Credit: Veer This works. Nínive C.

The Emotional Labor of Teaching and the Need for Systemic Change Early in my teaching career, I made my second-grade class cry. I didn’t mean to. I was teaching a lesson on writing with detail. My students—7- and 8-year-olds living in a big city, many of them in poverty—were sitting around me in a circle, notebooks and pencils in their laps. We were at the beginning of the unit, and I was modeling the process of coming up with an idea. “As writers, sometimes it helps to think of a time when we had a big feeling, like being happy, or angry, or sad.” My students were looking at me with total attention—something that didn’t happen often. Suddenly, a little voice piped up: “My uncle died.” Silence. And then I saw that there was a tear running down his cheek. After a moment, I said, “I’m so sorry to hear that.” Another voice—a little girl’s—chimed in. I nodded. And, then, suddenly, all of my students were talking at once. “My auntie died.” “My auntie died, too!” “My cousin’s baby died before it even got borned!” And then all of my students were crying at once.

Öğretmenlerin değişimine yol açan mesleki gelişim eğitimleri : Beşi Bir Yerde Yaz dönemi öncesi, sırası ve sonrasında, öğretmenlere yönelik seminerler, hizmet içi eğitimler ya da mesleki gelişim programları hazırlanır. Öğretmen olarak bazısına katılmanız zorunludur. Bazısına para ödeyerek katılırsınız. Bazısının havalı isminden ya da eğitimcinin karizmasından etkilenirsiniz. Peki katıldığınız eğitimler gerçekten etkili mi? Etkiliyse neye etkili? Kuramsal modeller, mesleki gelişim programlarının etkili olduğunu, öğretmene kattığıyla ölçer. Bu çıktılardan birinde ya da birkaçında değişime yol açan mesleki gelişim eğitimleri, etkili mesleki gelişim eğitimleridir. Seminer dönemleri, mesleki gelişim için fırsatlardır. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Son 20 senedir bu özellikler üzerine araştırmalar yapılıp, hangisinin en önemli olduğu incelenmiştir. Evet, eğitimlerin alan bilgisine odaklanması en etkili özelliktir. Tabii ki mesleki gelişim eğitimlerinde “beşi bir yerde” bulmak zor! Mesleki gelişimin bu beş özelliği öğretmenlere ne anlatıyor? Kaynakça 1.

Full article: Implications for educational practice of the science of learning and development Introduction As knowledge regarding human development and learning has grown at a rapid pace, the opportunity to shape more effective educational practices has also increased. Taking advantage of these advances, however, requires integrating insights across multiple fields—from the biological and neurosciences to psychology, sociology, developmental and learning sciences—and connecting them to knowledge of successful approaches that is emerging in education. This article seeks to contribute to this process by drawing out the implications for school and classroom practices of an emerging consensus about the science of learning and development (SoLD), outlined in a recent synthesis of the research (Cantor, Osher, Berg, Steyer, & Rose, 2018Cantor, P., Osher, D., Berg, J., Steyer, L., & Rose, T. (2018). This work is situated in a relational developmental systems framework that looks at the “mutually influential relations between individuals and contexts” (Lerner & Callina, 2013Lerner, R.

What Is the Purpose of High School? To prepare students for adulthood, not necessarily for college It is dawning on more and more people that we need to rethink our approach to higher education. For decades, both the government and the culture have sought to steer young people toward college as the path to both their individual and our national success. That strategy appears to have hit a point of diminishing returns. In the model we have held out, young people will finish high school, enroll in college, receive a degree, and then begin careers that require college diplomas. But a significant percentage of Americans fail to make it from one step to the next, and public concern has really focused only on raising the percentage of people who take the first two steps. It’s chiefly people who study the issue who are even aware of just how high college-dropout rates are. In a paper for the Manhattan Institute, Oren Cass estimates that only around one-sixth of young people are following the path our system lays out for them.

Education & Training Conferences, Educational Seminars, Summits & Popular Forums & Meetings in 2018/2019 32 Research-Based Instructional Strategies - 32 Research-Based Instructional Strategies by TeachThought Staff You want to teach with what’s been proven to work. In the ‘data era’ of education that’s mean research-based instructional strategies to drive data-based teaching, and while there’s a lot to consider here we’d love to explore more deeply, for now we’re just going to take a look at the instructional strategies themselves. A post is not the best way to share this kind of information, honestly. But upside to sharing this information as a post is that it can act a starting point to research the above, which is why we’ve tried to include links, related content, and suggested reading for many of the strategies, and are trying to add citations for all of them that reference the original study that demonstrated that strategy’s effectiveness. How should you use a list like this? “In lieu of any problems, this much data has to be useful. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.
