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Turning Your Students Into Web Detectives

Our students use the web every day—shouldn’t we expect them to do better at interpreting what they read there? Perhaps, but not necessarily. Often, stereotypes about kids and technology can get in the way of what’s at stake in today’s complex media landscape. Sure, our students probably joined Snapchat faster than we could say “Face Swap,” but that doesn’t mean they’re any better at interpreting what they see in the news and online. As teachers, we’ve probably seen students use questionable sources in our classrooms, and a recent study from the Stanford History Education Group confirms that students today are generally pretty bad at evaluating the news and other information they see online. Now more than ever, our students need our help. In a lot of ways, the web is a fountain of misinformation. Here’s a list of fact-checking resources you and your students can use in becoming better web detectives. Download a student-friendly version here. PolitiFact Snopes

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Fake News: Recommendations - Media Literacy Clearinghouse If you read any news story about “fake news” in the past 18 months, you no doubt came across the phrase “media literacy.” From the various news stories and blog posts, I have compiled the following recommendations and advice. (NOTE: lesson plans, handouts and related videos are posted near the bottom of this list) Newest materials are posted last. Do you have suggestions for content that could be added here?

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News and media teaching ideas for secondary teachers, students and families All links and information in this article are current as of 16 April 2020 How a newspaper is created Find out about how the Guardian newspaper is produced from start to finish: From first word to final edition is an article explaining all the processes. To Test Your Fake News Judgment, Play This Game : NPR Ed Fake news has been on Maggie Farley's mind further back than 2016 when President Trump brought the term into the vernacular. Farley, a veteran journalist, says we've had fake news forever and that "people have always been trying to manipulate information for their own ends," but she calls what we're seeing now "Fake news with a capital F." In other words, extreme in its ambition for financial gain or political power. "Before, the biggest concern was, 'Are people being confused by opinion; are people being tricked by spin?'

How to Use Apostrophes (Infographic) – The Visual Communication Guy: Design, Writing, and Teaching Resources All in One Place! As I passed a billboard this week, telling me the “do’s and dont’s” of something or other–I can’t even recall what the billboard was about because I was so distracted by the error–I was reminded how frequently we see apostrophe errors in all kinds of professional settings. (By the way, the billboard should have read, “dos and don’ts.”) Last December, I posted about how apostrophes are misused on Christmas cards all the time. But I also see apostrophe problems on fruit stand signs, window paintings, and even engraved wayfinding signs in buildings. In professional settings, punctuation errors can be a cause for embarrassment. And, it seems, apostrophes are one of the more frequently misused marks.

Wikipedia:Wikipedia is not a reliable source Wikipedia is not a reliable source. Wikipedia can be edited by anyone at any time. This means that any information it contains at any particular time could be vandalism, a work in progress, or just plain wrong. Biographies of living persons, subjects that happen to be in the news, and politically or culturally contentious topics are especially vulnerable to these issues. Edits on Wikipedia that are in error may eventually be fixed. However, because Wikipedia is a volunteer-run project, it cannot monitor every contribution all the time.

'Fiction is outperforming reality': how YouTube's algorithm distorts truth It was one of January’s most viral videos. Logan Paul, a YouTube celebrity, stumbles across a dead man hanging from a tree. The 22-year-old, who is in a Japanese forest famous as a suicide spot, is visibly shocked, then amused. “Dude, his hands are purple,” he says, before turning to his friends and giggling.

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