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LetterCult ? Custom Letter Culture

LetterCult ? Custom Letter Culture
NOW THAT 2011 IS OVER, IT’S TIME to crawl out of hibernation, and begin sorting through the best and brighest Custom Letters of the year! Our Best of 2010—Day 1 and Day 2—featured more than 900 images, our Top 10 lists, and our Person of the Year. Last year, we scoured hundreds of personal sites, yet took in a relatively small number of submissions. We hope to get more subs this year, so if you or anyone you know create Custom Letters, please pass on the link! We don’t want to miss anyone. The Custom Letters category includes calligraphy, sign painting, graffiti, stone carving, digital lettering, hand lettering, paper sculpture, and original type design.

Comment utiliser une fonte «non-standard» sur un site Web ? - Alsacréations Il est de notoriété publique que l'usage des fontes sur le Web est limité à une poignée de fontes non pas standardisées, mais suffisamment répandues pour pouvoir être utilisées sans trop de risques. Et cela pour une raison très simple: la police de caractères que l'on souhaite utiliser doit être présente sur le système de l'utilisateur pour être utilisée par le navigateur. Quand @font-face tombe à l'eau CSS 2 (publié en 1998) comprenait un mécanisme qui autorisait les auteurs de pages web à proposer une fonte au téléchargement, fonte qui serait ensuite utilisée dans la page. So you want to learn hand lettering? In 5 Years, Searches for “Hand Lettering” Increased Over 1000%! Hey, Friend! Sean McCabe here.

Good typography goodtypography: Typography by Australian designer/illustrator/muralist Chris Nixon. The Colossal Bundle: A massive amount of templates for $49. For only a limited time of one week Inkydeals have a crazy promo: The Colossal Bundle. And by Colossal means exactly that: a huge, almost infinite amounts of resources worth $10,063 for only $49. What is the colossal stuff?

Let’s Make a Playful Yet Robust 3D Letter Design A few times a each month we revisit some of our reader’s favorite posts from throughout the history of Vectortuts+. This tutorial by Jonathan was first published on February 24th 2009. This tutorial is perfect for the advanced beginner who wants to take her skills to the next level. We'll explore how to create 3D text and use depth-of-field to enhance a design. Want access to the full Vector Source files and downloadable copies of every tutorial, including this one?

20 Useful Typography Tools Typography is a crucial component of a design. When used effectively, it sets the mood and solicits emotion about the design. Working with typography can be challenging, but fortunately, there is a plethora of free tools on the web that can help you work with type. In this article, you’ll find 20 tools for working with typography. Type Porn – 20 websites for font, letter and symbol enthusiasts All the typography lovers in the house say FOOOOONT! That’s right guys – we got 25 URLs for your bookmarking thirst! Keep it up! Typographica I Love Typography We Love Typography 100 Greatest Free Fonts Collection for 2012 Today we'd like to delight you with an extensive list of The Best Free Fonts for 2012. We've made a collection in which you can find Sans Serif, Slab Serif, Rounded, Modern, Display , Art Deco, Geometric, Urban, Futuristic and even abstract style types. An important part of typography is selecting the right typeface for a project. This is one these things that you might want to keep handy for your next designs. Enjoy!

30 Inspirational Chalk Lettering Designs & Wall Murals In this age of digital design I find the old analogue techniques of hand lettering and sign painting extraordinarily impressive. The use of traditional mediums such as chalk require real talent, which is why professional typographers are still being hired to create stunning murals in trendy cafes and restaurants. In today’s design showcase I present 30 inspirational examples of chalk lettering designs by admirable artists who use traditional techniques to create fantastic typography.
