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Shanahan on Literacy

Shanahan on Literacy
Related:  Reading and Writing in College

Reading, Writing, Marking, & Difficulty: Re-Reading Salvatori in Light of Digital Writing Practices At tomorrow’s pedagogy workshop here on campus (2.17.10), we’ll be reading and discussing Mariolina Salvatori’s College English article “Conversations with Texts: Reading in the Teaching of Composition” (1996). While acknowledging that I’m oversimplifying, I want to mention four important points in the article, and think through them (now, 14 years later) in terms of pedagogy inflected by digital writing tools. Salvatori herself describes the project of her article as “an argument on behalf of the theoretical and practical appropriateness of using ‘reading’ as a means of teaching ‘writing’” (441). Within this frame, she works through several related ideas; I’d like to think though the following four: 1. 2. 3. 4. I want to think through some of these ideas in terms of a variety of contemporary digital writing practices. 1a. 2a. 3a and 4a. Bibliography:

Two Entry Notebooks he following are samples of group writing activities offered by the Center for Instruction Development and Research at University of Washington at Seattle. A. Ask students to work together revising a document that has already been written. This is a useful activity for work on focus, organization, support, and use of jargon. You might have them rewrite something for a different purpose or audience. You have the option of having them sit down together cold or work individually on the document beforehand and then pool their suggested changes. B. Ann Berthoff, The Making of Meaning nlike the customary journal or notebook, dialectical/double entry notebooks are named for the vertical line drawn down the page. dividing the functions. Such a notebook is frequently used to help students understand the course content, particularly when the material is difficult. Example #1 Still another use is as an in-class activity. Example #2: Passage from text: student to student

E. D. Hirsch, Jr. Eric Donald Hirsch, Jr. (born March 22, 1928) is an American educator and academic literary critic. Now retired, he was until recently the University Professor of Education and Humanities and the Linden Kent Memorial Professor Emeritus of English at the University of Virginia. He is best known for his writings about cultural literacy. Life and works[edit] Education and early life[edit] Hirsch was born and raised in Memphis, Tennessee, the son of a prosperous Jewish cotton merchant. The Romantics[edit] Hirsch began his academic career as a Yale English professor and a scholar of the Romantic poets. Hermeneutics[edit] The next phase of Hirsch's career centered on questions of literary interpretation and hermeneutics. Hirsch also took issue with Gadamer's Heideggerian hermeneutics, Barthes' concept of "the death of the author," and Derrida's deconstruction. Composition[edit] From Composition to Cultural Literacy[edit] Hirsch's work on composition led to a major shift in his career. Works[edit]

Writing and Reading Writing and reading are closely related and, some would say, inseparable. Better writers tend to be better readers, and better readers produce better writing. It makes sense that the strategies children use to read are the same ones they use to write. Parents and teachers can take advantage of the connection between reading and writing by showing their students how enjoyable reading is. For a more comprehensive discussion of motivational tips below, please read "An Offer They Cannot Refuse." Show students what reading has to offer. Other Web Resources Reading Is Fundamental The Reading Is Fundamental website offers educators and parents a variety of resources to promote literacy, including tips on motivating children to read. National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE): Parents and Students This page from the National Council of Teachers of English website encourages parent and caregiver involvement in children's reading and writing. ReadWriteThink: Web Resources Gallery Articles

Writing and Reading Connections Between Language by Hand and Language by Eye Todd Richards Abstract Four approaches to the investigation of connections between language by hand and language by eye are described and illustrated with studies from a decade-long research program. In the first approach, multigroup structural equation modeling is applied to reading and writing measures given to typically developing writers to examine unidirectional and bidirectional relationships between specific components of the reading and writing systems. In the second approach, structural equation modeling is applied to a multivariate set of language measures given to children and adults with reading and writing disabilities to examine how the same set of language processes is orchestrated differently to accomplish specific reading or writing goals, and correlations between factors are evaluated to examine the level at which the language-by-hand system and the language-by-eye system communicate most easily.

Reading Get Started | Writing.Com 101 | News | Need Help? With thousands of authors, items, and topics, there is plenty to read on Writing.Com. Start with our Sponsored Items and Shameless Plugs or choose an item type or genre. If you know what you want to read, use the search box provided below. Sponsored Items Works promoted by members of the community. Shameless Plugs Always updating, always interesting. Please Review Authors looking for reviews for their items. Site Links: Resources: Need help? Copyright 2000 - 201421 x 20 Media All rights reserved.This site is property of 21 x 20 Media Writing.Com is proud to be hosted by INetU Managed Hosting since 2000. Places of Interest: Unique Wedding Invitations for wedding needs. All Writing.Com images are copyrighted and may not be copied / modified in any way.All other brand names & trademarks are owned by their respective companies.

Teaching Basic Writing Online At the San Francisco State campus of the California State University (CSU) where I teach, nearly half the entering class of first year students place into developmental level English courses based on their score on a systemwide English Placement Test. We know, from data accumulated from over 20 years of EPT administrations, that it is their performance on the reading section the test that disproportionately accounts for their placement in developmental level English classes. At virtually all CSU campuses, this means students enroll in a writing course to address their difficulties with reading. On my campus, we have, up until 5 years ago, tried to address this problem by offering a one-unit reading course concurrent with a 3-unit BW course. Meanwhile, the “perpetual crisis” (Shor) that basic writing seems to find itself in has most recently manifested in legislative acts (e.g., California and New York) that strictly curtail BW instruction or eliminate it altogether. Sources

Three Ways to Read and Discuss Texts How we discuss a text is directly related to how we read that text. More to the point here, how we read a text is shaped by how we expect to discuss it. While you may not be asked to write about texts at school, and probably will not be asked to write about texts in your job, you must learn how to talk about texts to discover what makes them work. Reading and Discussion The follow excerpt (from the sample text ) serves as an example to define three forms of reading and discussion. In his social history of venereal disease, No Magic Bullet , Allan M. You have read this passage, and someone asks you "to write about it." What you write will vary, of course, with how you read. Unlike the New Zealand soldiers in WWI, who received condoms, American soldiers received after-the-fact and ineffective medicine that resulted in the loss of seven million days of active duty over close to a three year period. The major difference in the discussions above is in what is being discussed.

Developmental English - Insightful Writing: A Process Rhetoric with Readings, 1st Edition-9780618870264 - David Sabrio Table of Contents Introduction: Learning to LearnReading: David Sabrio, "Learning Styles"What's Your Learning Style?Reading: David Sabrio and Mitchel Burchfield, "Multiple Intelligences"Student Essay: Richie Saavedra, "Not a Perfect Person"I. Looking Inside the Writing Process1. Writing and LearningThe Writing ProcessReading EffectivelyOrganizing, Drafting, and ShapingStudent Essay: Melissa Anne Scott, "Tips for a New Preschool Teacher"Student Essay: Ricky Varela, "My Hobby"2: Discovering IdeasRevisionReading: Dianne Hales, "Getting Yourself Back on Track"Reading: Ben Fong-Torres, "He Wails for the World"Student Essay: Michael Verderber, "An Alienated Asian"3.: Revision and StyleRevising for Some Common Sentence-Level ProblemsAchieving Clarity and Eliminating AwkwardnessII. Looking Outside for Insights4. Supplements Instructor Supplements All supplements have been updated in coordination with the main title. PDF eBook (ISBN-10: 0547193785 | ISBN-13: 9780547193786) Student Supplements

Writing in College - 1. Some crucial differences between high school and college writing From high school to college Some students make very smooth transitions from writing in high school to writing in college, and we heartily wish all of you an easy passage. But other students are puzzled and frustrated by their experiences in writing for college classes. We should note here that a college is a big place and that you'll be asked to use writing to fulfill different tasks. Argument: a key feature of college writing Now by "argument" we do not mean a dispute over a loud stereo. • They expect to see a claim that would encourage them to say, "That's interesting. • They expect to see evidence, reasons for your claim, evidence that would encourage them to agree with your claim, or at least to think it plausible. • They expect to see that you've thought about limits and objections to your claim. At this point, some students ask why they should be required to convince anyone of anything. It is true that we are all entitled to our opinions and that we have no duty to defend them.

79.04.01: Writing Through Reading Insofar as the students I teach are generally unskilled in the fundamentals of correct usage, it comes as no surprise that there exists a severe deficiency in the area of writing. This unit, designed to improve basic writing skills, is to be used to supplement other kinds of writing as well as the study of grammar and sentence structure. The study of basic English skills is of little value to students in itself, but the application of the students knowledge of grammar through the process Im about to discuss will enable them to improve their own writing and speaking. This writing unit is based on a method of writing presented by Robert Gay in his book Writing Through Reading. Writing through reading is simply a unit of methods and exercises in different kinds of rewriting or retelling another persons thoughts. Practice in the use of the forms of reproduction mentioned above provides many benefits for students. The intent of this unit is not necessarily to produce great writers. Scope.

Integrating Reading and Writing | Institute for Writing and Rhetoric Though the connection between reading and writing seems to be a "given," reading was not always a dominant force in writing classrooms. In the nineteenth century, students did not typically write analyses of what they read, but instead wrote themes on prescribed topics, such as Vanity, Democracy, Ethics, and so on. Reading and writing became curricularly linked at the turn of the century, when Harvard and other universities decided that reading literature was essential to learning to write. The reasons for this curricular link are the same today as they were one hundred years ago. Still, professors who teach writing often find themselves questioning the role of reading in the first-year writing classrooms. But we needn't think of reading and writing as disparate course activities.
