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for the love of type 10 best typeface design of 2008 - Typographie Le mois de décembre offre un prétexte pour revenir sur toutes les créations réalisées durant l'année passée. De belles créations à vrai dire, dans tout les domaines et notamment dans celui de la création typographique. Des travaux riches et variés, ayant chacun leurs spécificités, leurs fonctions et leurs styles. Découvrez dans la suite, 10 créations typographiques qui ont retenu mon attention cette année 2008. PF Centro Pro Le projet du caractère Centro a débuté en 2005 par le Centro Serif puis s'est étoffé pour finalement aboutir à trois familles de caractères : le Centro, le Centro Serif et le Centro Slab. Un article sur le making of du projet est disponible sur le blog de la fonderie Parachute qui a créé cette police. FF Netto Créé par Daniel Utz pour la fonderie Font Font, la police FF Netto se veut minimaliste : supprimer tout détail historique pour ne conserver que les éléments essentiels. SOHO Gothic Gloriola Skolar Benton Modern Display Archer Katarine Leitura

Konstruktive Font Design & Typography Download Free Fonts - The Sky Was Pink | Subcultura y cultura underground a go-gó The Ministry of Type The Logos of Web 2.0 The Logos of Web 2.0 There is no official standard for what makes something “Web 2.0”, but there certainly are a few tell-tale signs. These new sites usually feature modern web technologies like Ajax and often have something to do with building online communities. You can see some of these striking commonalities in Ludwig Gatzke’s compilation of nearly 400 Web 2.0 logos. The Softies A clear trend in new identities is the use of soft, rounded sans serifs dominated by VAG Rounded (AKA Rundschrift), but also including Helvetica Rounded, Arial Rounded, Bryant, and FF Cocon. Oct. 2008 Update — New and underused fonts in this category: Foco, Tondo, FF Netto, Estilo Text, and FF Unit Rounded. The Futurists Some sites are reflecting the technological breakthroughs of Web 2.0 with a look that says “tomorrow’s techno”. The Classics Safe standbys like Trade and News Gothic, Frutiger, Avenir, Interstate, FF Meta, FF DIN, and the always ubiquitous Helvetica continue to see use in new web logos.

La Petite Claudine 3.0 Type Theory 30 Fonts You Want to Have Everyone has their own personal preferences when it comes to deciding what fonts to you one their designs. Depending on the project type and what the design is for, certain fonts make more sense in certain situations than in others. There are millions of fonts out there – not one list could ever list them all. We’ve compiled our own list of 30 fonts we think you should have if you don’t already have them. The List 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Your Thoughts? What fonts would you like to see on the list? Recommended for you 30 Fonts You Want to Have Everyone has their own personal preferences when it comes to deciding what fonts to you one their designs. Recommended for you across the web

Design and branding news: idsgn (a design blog)
