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FitzBlog : Web Parts ⊃ Portlets

SharePoint Online | Business Productivity Online Standard Suite SharePoint Online delivers the powerful features of SharePoint without the associated overhead of managing the infrastructure on your own. Flexible management options ensure that you still retain the control you need to meet the compliance requirements of your organization. You can purchase SharePoint in the cloud as a standalone offering or as part of an Office 365 suite where you could also get access to Exchange, Lync, the Office clients and web apps. Cross device availability Easily access and interact with your SharePoint newsfeed, wherever you go using the SharePoint mobile apps available across various devices Easy to manage You can get setup in virtually no time! Enterprise grade reliability and standardsSafeguard your data by hosting it in geographically distributed datacenters with continuous data backup, premier disaster recovery capabilities and a team of experts monitoring the servers around the clock

Joy of Setup - When VBScript and JScript custom actions are even As everyone knows, script custom actions are inherently evil. A security addition to Windows Installer 4.0 in Windows Vista means that script CAs are even more likely to fail; see Heath’s blog entry on the issue and Aaron’s follow-up. But did you know that script CAs, evil that they are, nonetheless ship in Orca, MsiVal2, and even the WiX toolset? Shocking but true. The Internal Consistency Evaluators (ICEs) are implemented as custom actions in .cub files that are MSI databases with a vastly different schema you’re used to seeing. Of 98 ICEs in the version of Darice.cub in the Windows Vista SDK, only four are written in VBScript — yet that’s all it takes to fail your build. If you run into the problem, check out the workaround Aaron offers before you take the drastic step of disabling validation.

How to: Enable Client-Side Script Debugging The Visual Studio debugger provides you with a comprehensive debugging environment for testing and correcting errors in your Web document scripts. You can use the Visual Studio debugger to test scripts written in Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) and Microsoft JScript. You can use the Visual Studio debugger to debug client-side scripts in an ASP.NET page. Client-side scripts consist of statements that appear on the HTML page. Microsoft Internet Explorer executes the script when the document is loaded, or in response to an event such as a button click. If you want to set a breakpoint in client-side script, you cannot just set the breakpoint in the project's .aspx file. To set a breakpoint in client-side script Script debugging is disabled in Internet Explorer by default. To enable script debugging in Internet Explorer 5.5 or later On the Tools menu, click Internet Options. To manually set ASPCLIENTDEBUG cookie To manually attach

Pondering Actor Design Trades There's been a lot of discussion of the Scala actors library lately, much of it critical, and a recent flurry of alternate implementations. The alternate implementations (except my languishing state-based one ;-) all have one thing in common: They are several orders of magnitude simpler. Writing a basic actor implementation is actually pretty trivial, especially given java.util.concurrent classes that provide a decent chunk of the functionality in Scala actors, all for free on JDK5+. Why is the standard Scala actor implementation so complex when others have done it in a such simpler fashion? Is it better to have one, big actor library that supports a wide variety of use cases, or a bunch of smaller ones targeted at specific niches and programming styles? If there are to be a bunch, should they just be conceptually similar (e.g. all based on the actor model), or should there be interoperability among them? I'm not going to answer these questions now. Guarantees Expressivity Extensibility

about:cmlenz - CouchDB "Joins" 25 October 2007 00:34 I've been playing more and more with CouchDB lately. After putting together a Python library, I worked on a brand new included HTML/AJAX interface. Now I'm starting to dive into the Erlang code, which is my first serious encounter with Erlang. In particular, I started a branch that aims to replace the HTTP server underpinnings with Bob Ippolito´s MochiWeb library. Despite all that activity (and past experience with the conceptually similar Lotus Notes), the correct approach to designing applications “the CouchDB way” isn't always obvious to me at this point. But what would the “obvious” approach in CouchDB look like? Note: I've updated this post to clarify the role of view collation, and to stress that all three approaches are equally valid for different kinds of applications. Approach #1: Comments Inlined A simple approach would be to have one document per blog post, and store the comments inside that document: Approach #2: Comments Separate ? Epilogue

SP Rosas <div class='noindex'>Vous tentez peut-être d’accéder à ce site à partir d’un navigateur sécurisé sur le serveur. Activez les scripts et rechargez la page.</div> Activer le mode plus accessible Ignorer les commandes du ruban Passer au contenu principal Désactiver les animations SharePoint Connexion Appuyez sur Maj+Entrée pour ouvrir le menu (nouvelle fenêtre) Pour parcourir le ruban, utilisez les touches de navigation standard du navigateur. Parcourir Onglet 1 sur 2. Page Onglet 2 sur 2. Suivre Xavier VANNESTE Actuellement sélectionné Documents Projet Codeplex Pivot Viewer for SharePoint Thumbnail Extender for SharePoint Recherche Désolé... <div id="ctl00_PlaceHolderSearchArea_SmallSearchInputBox1_noscript">JavaScript ne semble pas être activé dans votre navigateur. Bibliothèques PVDocuments Pages du site Images Photos Listes Liens Billets Commentaires Catégories Tâches Sites SharePoint Metro UI Themes Discussions Enquêtes Contenu du site Désolé...

when setup isn't just xcopy : VBScript (and Jscript) MSI CustomA Today was one of those days where you finally get around to looking at the time and wonder where the heck the hours went. It wasn't even like I really got a lot done. I think my context switch costs have been really high lately. It feels good to finally be home chilling out to the Perfecto Chills albums. Today, I realized it was 15:39 when a fellow developer, we'll call him Joe, called me at work. "Rob, have you been tracking the email thread about the CustomAction of mine that is failing?" That was it. Interestingly enough, a Windows Installer developer attached one of the many emails that I send to people when they are having problems using VBScript for CustomActions. My answer was simple, "Joe, there is a reason I recommend never using VBScript for CustomActions. What I don't understand is why people completely disregard dire warnings that certain technologies should not be used in certain circumstances. 1. 2. 3.

Tips &amp; Tricks for ASP.NET, IIS, and Visual Web Developer : T Visual Studio makes it very easy to create item and project templates with the Export Template Wizard. Open the wizard by selecting Export Template... from the file menu. Note: For this tip I am using the Jobs Site Starter Kit. After selecting Export Template... the Export Template Wizard will appear. For this tip we are creating a website so choose Project template and then click Next. Choose a template name and description and automatically import the template into Visual Studio. Note that if you want your template to appear for all users, you should first uncheck Automatically import the template into Visual Studio and then copy the template alongside the other project or item templates. Then navigate to Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\ and run VWDExpress /setup. Now when you create a new website you can select your newly created site and begin working. Hope this helps you be more productive with your own project and item templates!

The busy Java developer&#039;s guide to Scala: Dive deeper into In the last article, I talked about the importance of building concurrent code (whether it's in Scala or not) and some of the problems and issues facing developers in doing so, including not locking too much, not locking too little, avoiding deadlocks, avoiding spinning up too many threads, and so on. Quite a depressing list. Not being one to leave things in such a heavy state of despair, I then began to explore with you some of Scala's concurrency constructs, beginning with the basic use of the Java language's concurrency libraries directly from within Scala, then moving on to the MailBox type from the Scala API. And while both approaches are certainly viable, that's not where the real "hotness" of Scala and concurrency comes from. Enter Scala actors ... stage left. What's an "actor"? In and of itself, simply passing messages around doesn't avoid all the problems of concurrency-incorrect code. The Scala actors Listing 1. A couple of things are happening here simultaneously. Listing 2.

DataVision Home SharePoint et la sécurité en développement : SPRoleAssignment, S SharePoint et la sécurité en développement : SPRoleAssignment, SPBasePermissions et leurs amis J'ai souvent cette question qui revient par mail, par twitter, par MSN et même dans le train (véridique, ne sortait jamais un bouquin MOSS dans le train, on ne sait jamais si on ne tombe pas sur un codeur en face de soi) : Comment personnaliser la sécurité sous SharePoint ? Bon, la question n'est point inintéressante mais un poil complexe : c'est un vaaaaste sujet vu la dimension de SharePoint Soit : les comptes de services les méthodes d'accés les ACL Les méthodes de connexion la sécurité aux objets L'impersonnation ... ... Difficile de tout couvrir mais pas de soucis ... Pour les retardataires, j'avais fait une session couvrant TOUS ces sujets lors des Techdays 2008, donc, premier conseil, jetez un oeil au WebCast [Microsoft TechDays 2008] - Manipulation et customisation de la sécurité dans Sharepoint MSDN : Authorization Object Relations Il faut bien discerner 4 choses : Soit en détail :
